Tuesday, December 28, 2004
How I spent the first day of being thirty-two
Lots of things happenned today. The breakfast birthday cake, GGGD check-up (and vaccinations) for Lindri, Burger King with Dhanu, visits to Lambiek and Henk comic stores with Arnhem guys, late lunch at New King, then dinner from the Szechuan Kitchen and chat with our guests. I'll elaborate this entry much later - too tired to do anything else but sleep now. See you!
That's what I wrote on the D-Day itself. Actually, I didn't feel like writing about it too much - I was still overwhelmed by what happenned in Aceh on Dec 26th. I still am. Therefore I'll just cut-n-paste whatever I wrote to my family about that day (and the next) - plus [additional texts], as follows:
On my birthday, in the morning we had breakfast with my birthday cake (with vanilla mousse filling). My present from Sybrand and the kids is a book "Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang" (or "Door Duisternis tot licht" - a compilation of letters written by R.A. Kartini, a Javanese woman who fought for the equal rights for education for women in Indonesia). This one book is a second edition, published in 1949 - a real antique. I like this a lot.
Another present was from my cousin Chica, a book called "A Child's Eye". This book contains a compilation of photograph taken by street children of Indonesia who were given a camera and were encouraged to make their own photographs. A very unique collection.
Later in the morning, I and Dhanu went out to meet my friends (Indonesian students in Arnhem) in Leidseplein. [My friends were late, so I and Dhanu had to get away from the rain and the cold weather, therefore we went to Burger King. I ordered Kid's Meal that gave Dhanu a LEGO Bionicle toy. He kept playing with his Bionicle until the guys showed up] Then we went to Lambiek (my usual comic store) - where they sang a "Lang zal ze leven" for me and then gave a 2005 Tintin (Kuifje) agenda as my present - and then to Henk (another comic store, in Nieuwmarkt) and then had a late lunch at New King (at Zeedijk). [We ordered tofu & mixed meat hot pot, beef & kangkung hotplate, crsipy-fried duck fillet and lamb fillet in mandarine sauce. Everything was delicious, and was finished in no time] Dhanu enjoyed his new friends very much (there were five friends of mine from Arnhem, all boys).
When we got home, our guests were also already home from Volendam. And Lindri smiling all the time, despite the vaccination effects that might come. We ordered food from The Szechuan Kitchen for my birthday dinner. I also got many birthday wishes and e-cards from my family and friends (including Birgit), some even called (my cousin Chica and Edith, later in the evening). That was a great day.
The next day, I, Dhanu, Lindri and my guests went to the Tropenmuseum and then to the Bloemenmarkt in the daytime (Sybrand had to work). Then in the afternoon I and Dhanu took my friends to the station (they left for Schiphol and then to UK). Then we went up to meet Ayu at Platform 2, to go to Beverwijk. Ayu was going to treat me a dinner as my birthday present.
In the train to Beverwijk Ayu gave a belated birthday present for Dhanu (a 100-pieces puzzle, with Mr. Incredible on it, trying to tighten his belt around his waist). The restaurant in Beverwijk is called "Sea Heaven" and it's a chinese-thai food restaurant. We had a hotplate of stuffed fish (gevulde forrel) and a seafood hotpot (the 'pot' was really flaming). Before dessert, we had a plateful of complimentary sweets and then we had our ice cream (sorbet-parfait and vanilla ice cake + fruits). Everything was delicious! Before we went home, the restaurant owner gave us a Chinese 2005 calendar and a new year present (a compact mirror). So many presents for a day!
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Natalan, dulu
Saben natalan, tahun kapanpun dan di manapun, yang teringat pasti acara natalan di Salatiga, di rumah (alm) Eyang Kakung dan Eyang Putri. Sejak kecil dulu, tiap akhir tahun pasti kami mudik ke sana, ngumpul bareng2 para sepupu, tidur rame2 di kamar tidur atau ruang tengah rumah Eyang. Atau juga, ada yg tidur di kamar2 kos (rumah Eyang juga sedia kos2an) yg kosong ditinggal liburan para mahasiswanya.
Pagi2 ngantri mandi sambil ngobrol di ruang makan, juga sambil cemal cemil. Jajanan bubur cendil dan macam2, per pincuk masih 25 Rupiah. Seingatku, dulu selalu ada satu hari pesta duren. Kadang2, malam2 bersama sepupu2 kami pergi nonton ke bioskop. Bukan karena film nya bagus, tapi karena unik. Naik delman. Piknik ke Kopeng. Atau sekedar jalan2 ke pasar, paling pol untuk beli kado utk acara tukar kado. Pas di seberang rumah eyang, ada sekolah TK "Dana Warih", yg bisa kami lihat selagi ngobrol2 di teras depan.
Kadang2, kami juga pergi ke kota2 tetangga seperti Semarang dan Solo, bahkan sampai Yogyakarta, untuk mengunjungi saudara yg tinggal di sana atau sekedar belanja batik - dan njajan tentunya. Oh iya, juga nyekar ke sarean para eyang yut.
Rumah Eyang memang biasanya jadi pusat perayaan Natal sebab Eyang termasuk yg tertua. Saudara2 jauh datang, lalu biasanya ada kebaktian sebentar. Saudara2 yg bukan Kristen juga datang, ikut meramaikan. Masakan andalan Eyang: bakmoy dan sate babi, nggak ada duanya (sejak Eyang Putri sakit2an dan akhirnya meninggal, sudah nggak pernah ngicipi lagi yg kualitasnya serupa).
Menunggu saat2 pergantian taun, kami bergerombol nonton TV. Tengah malam, biasanya dapat kunjungan saudara2 lain. Salatiga kala itu sejuk dan aman, enak ke mana2 jam berapapun. Dan di mana2 pasti ada rumah saudara.
Pernah, pagi2 kami pergi jalan2 (tadinya niat jogging tapi kok capek.. hehe.. kekenyangan mungkin). Terus ada yang kebelet pengen ke WC, selalu bisa mampir ke rumah saudara dekat2 'lokasi kebelet'.
Jajanan, yg paling berkesan adalah warung baso-bakwan di pasar. Sampai sekarang masih ada, tapi nggak tau deh rasanya sudah berubah atau belum. Ada lagi tempat tahu gimbal tapi kok 2 th lalu pas ke sana, sudah tutup. Ada tempat sekoteng (enak, pake moci!) di klenteng, nyaris seberang2an dengan toko oleh2 "Toko Idjo" dan sebangsanya. Kadang2 kami makan di Rawa Pening, lesehan, dulu masih benar2 rawa tapi sekarang kabarnya sudah mulai kering..
Kami berhenti berkunjung ke Salatiga setelah Eyang Kakung meninggal, lebih dari 10 th yang lalu. Lalu Eyang Putri pindah ke Yogyakarta sampai akhirnya menyusul Eyang Kakung.
Natal2ku sekarang sudah berbeda, tapi belum ada yg ngalah2in memori Natalan di Salatiga..
De Waag
Rating: | ★★★★ |
Category: | Restaurants |
Cuisine: | European |
Location: | Delft |
De Waag berdiri sejak th 1200, dan awalnya berfungsi sebagai "rumah tempat menimbang" (waag = timbangan). Sejak 1999 gedung ini diubah restoran; direnovasi dengan tetap mempertahankan elemen2 aslinya.
Café dan bar di De Waag, yang permukaannya lantainya sedikit lebih rendah dari pintu masuk, bersuasana nyaman. Dinding2nya masih berupa susunan bata, dengan elemen2 besi struktur asli yang masih dapat dilihat jelas, dan juga balok2 kayu penyangga langit2 masih dipertahankan aslinya. Perabot meja dan kursi makan juga terbuat dari kayu dan terlihat antik.
Tepat 18.30, waktu yang dijanjikan, saya menuju ruang yang kami pesan, di lantai atas. Tangga melingkar menuju ruangan tersebut terdapat di sisi kiri pintu masuk utama, dan tiba di atas, sebuah ruangan kecil di sebelah kiri telah tersusun rapih untuk 19 orang (jumlah kami malam itu). Di lantai ini terdapat juga beberapa meja yg dibuka sebagai restoran. Lilin menyala yg tersebar di mana-mana mendukung suasana romantis, temaram dan nyaman.
Di ruangan tempat kami makan terdapat sebuah perapian, yg sudah tak terpakai lagi, jendela2 besar, dan beberapa perabot kuno. Meja makan yang diatur berderet panjang terbuat dari kayu, dan di tengah2 meja terdapat beberapa lilin yg menyala.
Sebagai penyambut, terdapat sepiring irisan roti, di tengah2 piring terdapat semangkuk paté. Disediakan pula sepiring butter bagi para vegetarian. Roti yg disajikan terasa gurih, teksturnya agak padat dan masih tercium bau segar. Rasa paté yang agak 'mendaging' (seperti corned beef) diimbangi dengan herbs campurannya.
Kartu2 menu dibagikan. Terdapat 3 courses, di mana masing2 dapat memilih satu dari 2 macam hidangan yg ditawarkan pada tiap course.
Untuk hidangan pembuka, saya pilih salad salmon asap (pilihan lain: carpaccio), hidangan utama veal dengan hutspot (pilihan lain: steak tuna), dan hidangan penutup: "sweet surprise" (pilihan lain: sepiring keju Perancis).
Sebelum santapan dihidangkan, seorang teman yg duduk di sebelah saya berkata, siap2 kecewa dengan porsinya. Mereka menghidangkan dengan piring yg besar sekali, namun makanannya sangat sedikit. Teman ini, yg pernah ke sini sebelumnya, berkata bahwa ia makan roti sedikit sebelum datang kemari, supaya tidak pulang dalam keadaan lapar. Ternyata dia benar.
Hidangan pembuka datang dalam piring ceper yg sangat lebar, di permukaannya terdapat 3 iris salmon asap, di sisi2nya beberapa helai daun salad berbagai macam, dan terlihat beberapa tetes dressing di sisi2nya. Dari segi rasa, semuanya sangat enak. Salmon yang bertekstur lembut berasa sangat segar, kombinasi dressing dan sla sangat seimbang.
Hidangan pembuka datang dalam piring yang lebih besar lagi, namun porsi makanan tetap kecil. Di dasar piring terdapat selapis tipis kentang tumbuk yg sudah dicampur irisan wortel dan bawang bombay (= hutspot), di atasnya terletak dua iris daging veal, di sekelilingnya terdapat saus champignon-truffel. Dagingnya sangat empuk, dan rasanya cukup gurih. Somehow (menurut saya) rasanya kok mirip empal/ gepuk, versi mild. Kentang tumbuknya juga enak, namun tidak istimewa, dan sayangnya sangat sedikit. Saus champignon-truffel ini yg spesial. Teksturnya kental tapi tak terlalu padat, dan terdapat irisan2 jamur dan truffel di antaranya.
Hidangan utama ini disertai sepiring irisan kentang goreng dengan saus mustard-mayonaisse untuk dimakan bersama-sama. Mungkin, just in case hidangan utamanya tidak cukup memuaskan secara volume - dan memang benar. Maka kentang goreng ini cepat pula habis dari piringnya. Padahal, menurut saya, tidak enak: irisan kentang memanjang ini permukaannya coklat tua, karena (sengaja) dimasak sampai gosong, jadi rasanya pun agak2 pahit.
Hidangan penutup "sweet surprise" ternyata berupa sebongkah besar(!) cake dengan bulatan sorbet di atasnya, ditemani saus forest-berries yg terserak di permukaan piring. Bulatan sorbet rasa citroen (rasanya persis minuman Bitter Lemon-nya Schweppes) ditemani setangkai daun mint segar. Lapisan atas dan bawah cake terbuat dari cake ('bolu') biasa, namun tengah2nya agak luar biasa. Bertekstur seperti mousse padat, berisi irisan pistacchio dan rasanya 'nutty' manis-sedang. Porsi kali ini cukup memuaskan.
Makan malam ditutup dengan sajian kopi (atau teh) yg ditemani sepiring speculaas. Seorang pelayan berkeliling menawarkan 'parfum utk kopi' bagi yang tertarik. Berupa cairan bening dalam botol kaca persegi, yang disemprotan ke permukaan cangkir kopi. Saya coba 'parfum' ini di dalam kopi - bedanya hanya terasa saat hirupan pertama, kala uap cairan masih keras mengambang di permukaan cangkir. Hirupan berikutnya, berasa kopi seperti biasa.
All in all, setiap hidangan malam ini rasanya rata-rata enak dan tataan pada piring pun terlihat artistik. Namun penyajian porsi yang sedikit membuat saya menyimpulkan bahwa makan di De Waag ini adalah "not to eat, but to dine".
De Waag
Markt 11
2611 GP Delft Holland
tel: 015- 213 03 93
fax: 015- 213 43 46
Thursday, December 23, 2004
The Nikopol Trilogy
Rating: | ★★★★ |
Category: | Books |
Genre: | Comics & Graphic Novels |
Author: | Enki Bilal |
Alcide Nikopol mengalami semua itu ketika terbangun di th 2023, di tengah kekacauan pemerintahan dunia. Ia terlibat dengan salah satu dewa Mesir yang sengaja merasuki tubuhnya. Kejutan bagi Nikopol datang dari satu saat ke saat berikutnya, dalam perjuangannya untuk bertahan hidup di masa yang sama sekali asing baginya.
Imajinasi Bilal merambahi dunia2 yang tak terduga, melalui pencitraan yg mengejutkan pada karakter2nya, dalam plot cerita yang kuat. Bilal menggambarkan sedemikian rupa bumi saat itu, di kala khatulistiwa sudah membeku, dalam trilogi yang unik, sangat menarik, dan seru sampai akhir.
The Nikopol Trilogy
by Enki Bilal
(C) 2004 Humanoids / DC Comics
ISBN# 1-4012-0384-1
Friday, December 10, 2004
Shopping Behavior
The Little Endless Storybook
Rating: | ★★★★ |
Category: | Books |
Genre: | Comics & Graphic Novels |
Author: | Jill Thompson |
Di buku ini, para Endless digambarkan masih bocah, dengan gaya Manga. Kisahnya berawal dengan terpisahnya Delirium, si bungsu dari The Endless, dari anjing pengawalnya, Barnabas, yg juga masih seekor 'puppy'. Berlanjut dengan misi Barnabas mencari Delirium dengan mengunjungi kakak2 Del, satu persatu (Destruction, Destiny, Despair, Desire, Dream dan Death).
Cerita yg sederhana ini cocok dengan gaya ilustrasi Jill, yg dibuat seperti untuk buku cerita anak2 ("Recommended for mature readers" tercantum di cover belakang buku). Dari keseluruhan, yang paling menonjol adalah kualitas garis dan warna yang cemerlang, hidup, dan sangat bermain.
Di satu sisi, gaya yg sangat berbeda, yg ditawarkan buku ini, mungkin disambut dengan sangat baik oleh penggemar seri Sandman yg sekaligus juga penggemar Manga. Di sisi lain, para penggemar Sandman yg kurang suka dengan gaya Manga, mungkin kurang berminat terhadap buku ini.
The Little Endless Storybook
by Jill Thompson
(C) 2001, DC Comics
ISBN# 1-4012-0428-7
Thursday, December 9, 2004
The Books of Magic
Rating: | ★★★★★ |
Category: | Books |
Genre: | Comics & Graphic Novels |
Author: | Neil Gaiman |
Tunggu dulu. Harry Potter jilid pertama keluar sekitar th 1998(?), sedangkan seri pertama dari The Books of Magic ini terbit th 1990. Jadi, normal bila ada dugaan keras bahwa penulis Harry Potter pasti telah membaca buku ini.
Anak laki2 di cover The Books of Magic bernama Tim Hunter. Seorang anak laki2 biasa, di usianya yg 12 th, tinggal bersama ayahnya di sebuah kota kecil di Inggris. Ia mempunyai kekuatan magis yg mendarah daging, namun sama sekali tidak mengetahuinya. Hingga.. suatu hari sekelompok pria misterius menghampirinya dan membuka mata Tim untuk melihat kemampuannya. Mereka hendak memberi pilihan pada Tim, apakah ia berniat menggunakan kekuatan magisnya tersebut, atau tidak. Satu persatu, para pria tersebut membawa Tim melalui berbagai perjalanan yg aneh, mencekam, misterius. Melalui berbagai petualangan unik, dunia lain, dan penuh kejutan.
Karya Neil Gaiman yg lagi2 patut memperoleh dua acungan jempol. Tidak kalah juga, ilustrasi dahsyat oleh John Bolton, Scot Hampton, Charles Vess dan Paul Johnson yang menyertainya, turut membentuk jalan cerita. Penulisan teks oleh Todd Klein juga tak dapat diabaikan sebagai penentu kejelasan plot cerita.
The Books of Magic
by Neil Gaiman
(C) 1990, 1991 DC Comics
ISBN# 1-56389-082-8
Thursday, December 2, 2004
Makan Siang di Daerah De Pijp, Amsterdam - 2
[as posted at Jalansutra mailing list, 14 August 2004, msg #21170 - a continuation from part-1/msg# 21084]
Setelah kenyang sup dan teman2nya, masih ditambah taart pula, kami
memutuskan untuk duduk2 saja di sebuah taman. Sarphatipark, yang
terdekat, adalah taman kota yang tidak terlalu luas (apalagi
dibandingkan Vondelpark), namun cukup nyaman. Di kedua jalan masuk
utama taman terdapat fountain kecil, setinggi pinggang orang dewasa,
yang airnya bisa diminum. Di Sarphatipark terdapat danau buatan yang
bentuknya memanjang, membelah taman menjadi dua bagian. Danau ini
jadi tempat tinggal beberapa angsa dan bebek, yang seperti burung2
lain di dalam taman ini, tubuhnya gemuk2 akibat makanan yang
diberikan para pengunjung taman. Belahan taman di sisi Utara danau
ditetapkan menjadi daerah bebas anjing. Di bagian ini terdapat
playground, area dengan meja-bangku piknik (biasanya dipakai utk
acara barbeque), dan jalan setapak yang melintasi lahan berumput.
Belahan di sisi Selatan danau merupakan tempat para pemilik anjing
melepas hewan peliharannya tsb, membiarkan mereka berlari2 dan
bermain dengan sesamanya. Di bagian ini terdapat beberapa fasilitas
rekreasi seperti lapangan basket dan meja ping pong.
Saya dan Christine tentu memilih bagian taman yang bebas anjing, yang
adalah berarti juga bebas 'ranjau'. Sudah banyak orang bergelimpangan
di sana, tidur2an di rumput, baik untuk berjemur maupun berteduh dari
teriknya matahari sore. Kami pilih sebuah bangku kosong yang
menghadap danau, dengan semak tinggi di belakangnya. Setelah puas
beristirahat sambil ngobrol2 sambil memandangi orang lewat, kita
berangkat ke sasaran berikutnya: 'warung' es krim Peppino!
Peppino ini hanya buka di musim panas. Di musim dingin, sang pemilik
(Sylvano Tofani) dan keluarganya mudik ke Italia. Sayang sebenarnya,
sebab para pelanggannya pasti rela datang dan makan es krim buatan
Peppino ini throughout the year, di musim apapun (contohnya: saya!
hehehe). Es krim di sini memang benar2 freshly-made, harganya 0.75
Euro per scoop (dengan waffel corong). Kalau pakai mangkuk kertas,
1.50 Euro boleh dapat 3 scoop.
Warung Peppino ini juga mungil, begitu masuk, di sebelah kiri
langsung terlihat counter panjang tempat memesan. Dari sini para
pelanggan dapat melihat Pak Sylvano sibuk membuat es krim-nya di
belakang counter, sibuk mengaduk adonan es krim di mesin tuanya,
menuangkan susu dan bahan2 lain, atau membersihkan tepian wadah
adonan dengan kertas dapur dan olive oil. Di sebelah kanan terdapat
bangku panjang untuk duduk, menempel dinding yang penuh dengan foto
dan klipping mengenai Peppino. Peppino Ijssalon ini memang termasuk
yang tertua di Amsterdam, dan kualitas es krimnya masih yang terbaik
hingga sekarang, menurut saya.
Saya memilih es krim rasa hazelnut dan pistacchio, Christine mencoba
yang rhum-raisin dan melon. Meskipun di belakang Peppino terdapat
juga meja dan bangku2, kami memilih untuk duduk di luar. Hari masih
cerah, tapi panasnya sudah tak terlalu menggigit. Angin yang sesekali
lewat, menyejukkan dan benar2 membuat ngantuk. Bagi yang mengerti
bahasa Belanda, dapat membaca2 pendapat publik mengenai Peppino di
atau sebuah artikel mengenai Peppino dari NRC Handelsblad di
Tekstur es krimnya benar2 lembut, diselingi serpihan bahan aslinya,
baik buah2an atau kacang2an sehingga flavor aslinya masih sangat
terasa, dan rasa keseluruhannya tidak semanis atau se-greasy es krim
buatan pabrik. Setelah es krim kami habis, saya antar Christine
berjalan ke halte tram terdekat, lalu kami berpisah.
Daerah De Pijp memang sangat 'berwarna-warni' perihal tempat makan,
terutama karena di daerah ini banyak tinggal imigran. Jangankan
makanan Cina/Suriname, Thai atau Turki, makanan Uzbekistan, Balkan
dan Ethiopean pun ada. De Volkskrant (surat kabar nasional Belanda)
sampai pernah memuat khusus mengenai tempat2 makan di daerah sekitar pasar Albert Cuyp ini di edisi akhir pekannya (berupa majalah
suplemen koran).
Jadi siang itu saya sangat senang dapat teman makan2 di sini, apalagi
sesama JS yang jelas sama2 senang memanjakan lidah. Siapa lagi yang hendak mampir dekat2 sini, dengan senang hati saya temani jalan2 dan makan2 juga!
Makan Siang Daerah De Pijp, Amsterdam - 1
[as posted in Jalansutra mailing list on 12 August 2004, msg #21084]
Senin, 9 Agustus 2004, saya dan Christine Tanod (juga anggota JS, yang sedang berada di Amsterdam) janjian untuk bertemu di Leidseplein sekitar pk.12.00 siang. Saya yang tiba terlebih dahulu di Leidseplein duduk di salah satu bangku kosong, menunggu Christine sambil membaca2 buku.
Tak lama kemudian Christine, yang baru turun dari tram, datang menghampiri. Kami sama2 memberitahu bahwa (kebetulan) masing2 sedang mengenakan baju biru, jadi 'tebak2an' kami langsung tepat.
Dari Leidseplein, saya ajak Christine berjalan kaki ke arah De Pijp melewati Max Euweplein (di mana terdapat Hard Rock Cafe dan Holland Casino).
Dari sana, jalan berantakan dan agak kacau, karena sedang ada proyek perpanjangan jalur Metro, jadi saya sempat agak bingung, sehingga kami harus dua kali menyeberang ke dan dari gerbang Vondelpark hanya untuk mencari jalur pejalan kaki. Kemudian kami melewati Museumplein, area luas yang dikelilingi oleh Rijksmuseum,
Museum Van Gogh dan Stedelijkmuseum. Dari Museumplein ini kami langsung berjalan ke arah Heinekenplein (yang terletak di belakang Museum Heineken), sudah dekat ke pasar Albert Cuyp, tempat kami berencana makan siang.
Sasaran pertama kami adalah De Soepwinkel. Restoran De Soepwinkel ini termasuk mungil, elemen interiornya sederhana namun cukup elegan. Citra ruangnya yang ramah dan terbuka memberi
rasa nyaman pada pengunjung. Orang yang hendak makan sendiri juga tak perlu canggung; di sana disediakan berbagai majalah dan koran yang bisa dipinjam selagi menikmati hidangan. Orang yang
datang membawa anak2 kecil juga tak perlu sungkan; De Soepwinkel menyediakan bangku tinggi untuk anak, juga buku mewarna lengkap dengan pensil warna.
De Soepwinkel ini termasuk tempat makan baru di daerah sekitar pasar Albert Cuyp, yang sudah dipenuhi berbagai macam tempat makan, namun ia berhasil bertahan, bahkan mengembangkan restorannya. Pada awalnya, De Soepwinkel hanya menawarkan berbagai jenis sup, sesuai nama dan spesialisasi restorannya. Belakangan, ia juga menawarkan berbagai quiche dan cake, hingga
toast, roti isi, dan salad.
Kebetulan hari sedang cerah, malah sedang panas-panasnya, jadi kami memilih untuk duduk di luar. Di salah satu meja yang sejuk terlindung payung besar. Meja2 di luar memang ditempatkan di sidewalk, jadi selama kami duduk di situ, para pejalan kaki dapat berseliweran di sekitar kami.
Saya dan Christine masing2 memesan "Beginner's Menu" yang terdiri dari semangkuk 'kecil' sup, roti tawar, seiris quiche atau cake (pilih salah satu), dan satu jenis minuman. Saya memesan sup berjudul "Asian vegetable soup with shrimp", quiche "courgette & cream cheese" dan fresh orange juice. Pesanan Christine sama, bedanya hanya di quiche yang dia pesan: "smoked salmon &
Di sini tersedia 4 jenis soup of the month, plus dua atau tiga jenis soup of the day, dan sebenarnya pelanggan boleh mengicip jenis2 sup
tsb sebelum memesan. Agak menyesal saya karena kali ini memesan sebelum mengicip, karena sup yg datang ternyata rasanya seperti lodeh. 'Lodeh' versi bule (isi utamanya buncis & courgette),
ditambah udang. Quiche yang dipesan Christine sukses. Quiche di sini bukan seperti cake tebal-padat, tapi lebih mirip pizza tipis yg
base-nya terbuat dari 'bladerdeeg' dan bahan dasar topping-nya cream & telur. Quiche saya sepertinya salah, karena topping-nya 'prei'
(leeks) dan kacang mede. Memang tetap enak, tapi lidah yang sudah di'set' untuk makan rasa courgette terpaksa harus menerima rasa prei.
Fresh orange juice yang kami pesan benar2 baru diperas, dan manis-manis asam rasanya.
Paket Beginner's Menu ini harganya 6.65 Euro untuk vegetarian soup; untuk yang non-vegetarian harga satu paketnya 7.15 Euro. Paket satu lagi adalah "Advanced Menu", yang isinya sama dengan Beginner's Menu, hanya saja mangkuk sopnya berukuran medium, ditambah butter (untuk olesan roti tawar) plus secangkir teh atau kopi.
Setelah puas duduk2 di De Soupwinkel, kami berjalan menelusuri pasar Albert Cuyp. Pasar ini sebentar lagi akan merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke-100, dan adalah salah satu dari tiga pasar terbuka di Amsterdam, di samping Dappermarkt dan Noordemarkt, di mana kios2 dipasang pada pagi hari di sekujur jalan, dibongkar pada sore hari, dan pada malam hari dan hari Minggu menjadi tempat parkir mobil. Albert Cuyp, yang buka setiap hari kecuali Minggu, termasuk pasar yang kini makin makin banyak dikunjungi wisatawan. Di pasar ini terdapat berbagai barang, dari bahan makanan (buah, sayuran, ikan, poultry, keju, telur, kacang2an, coklat, dll) hingga pakaian (sepatu, baju, arloji, kacamata, dll), berjenis2 sabun & parfum dan berbagai tas & koper. Ada juga kios2 makanan kecil seperti kios kentang goreng, haring, lumpia vietnam, stroopwaffel, dll. Selain 'kios2 kaget' tersebut, sekujur jalan Albert Cuyp juga dipenuhi berbagai restoran dan toko, bakery dan kantor pos, hingga wartel/warnet. Pasar ini juga sudah menjadi sasaran banyak pengamen (dan pencopet!) dalam melancarkan pekerjaan masing-masing.
Formasi kios pasar selalu berubah. Pada hari Senin, biasanya kios2 yang ada tidak terisi penuh. Banyak pedagang yang memilih untuk berlibur pada hari Senin, dan spot-nya diisi oleh pedagang lain, atau bahkan dibiarkan kosong.
Sehingga Senin2 biasanya pasar tidak terlalu penuh. Tapi tidak pada hari Senin ini, hampir semua kios terisi, terutama oleh penjual pakaian. Hari yang terik ternyata tidak menghalangi orang berjalan2 memenuhi pasar siang itu.
Setiba di ujung pasar, kami berjalan belok ke kanan menelusuri Jalan Ferdinand Bol (yang juga sedang berantakan akibat pembangunan terusan jalur Metro), kembali menuju Heinekenplein, di mana di seberangnya terdapat cafe "De Taart van Mijn Tante". De Taart ini tadinya adalah sebuah bakery kecil, yang menerima pesanan kue taart
dalam berbagai bentuk, terletak di 1e Jacob van Campenstraat (jalan kecil yg berpotongan dengan Jalan Ferdinand Bol). Namun sepertinya
mereka menjadi makin sukses sehingga dapat membuka cafe di perpotongan jalan tersebut, di tempat yang sangat strategis. Salah satu koki dari De Taart malah sudah menjadi bintang televisi, pada program anak2, di mana ia melayani permintaan anak2 (para bintang tamu) untuk membuat taart dalam bentuk apapun.
Hidangan unggulan café ini tentunya berbagai jenis cake dari De Taart (yang bakery-nya masih tetap menerima pesanan taart). Cafe De Taart, seperti juga kue2 taart produksinya, bernuansa sangat berwarna-warni dan bergaya 'kitsch'. Dalam cafe ini, tak ada meja dan kursi yang serupa, baik ukuran maupun desainnya. Taplak mejanya
berbahan plastik dengan print/motif warna2 menor, persis pengalas meja di warung2 pinggir jalan di Indonesia. Di etalase dan di masing2 meja terdapat model dari kue taart yang pernah mereka buat, semuanya berwarna terang (aslinya berlapis marzipan), dengan elemen dan desain yang unik.
Dekor2 lain pada café ini adalah bermacam2 vas bunga dengan bunga2 plastik di dalamnya, terletak di lantai maupun di atas meja, dan pada dindingnya terdapat bermacam2 bingkai berisi berbagai foto.
Begitu masuk, kami langsung menghampiri etalase kue untuk memilih2 kue yang akan kami pesan.
Sambil memilih2 itu, kami ditawari mengicip sepotong kecil kue "Pengantin", yang rasanya manis lembut. Saya pesan carrot cake, Christine pesan poppyseed cake, dan kami berdua minum teh
dari satu poci besar.
Pesanan kami datang, dalam rupa yang sangat menggoda. Masing2 cake kami ditata di atas piring kecil, ditemani setangkai bosbessen (red currant?), irisan anggur dan strawberry, yang bergelimang saus berry. Bentuk carrot cake-nya berbeda dari carrot cake yang biasa saya makan.
Carrot cake yang ini bertopping marzipan berwarna putih pucat bertekstur garis2 tipis, dihiasi dengan sebuah walnut yang separuhnya dicelup coklat. Cake-nya berlapis tiga: paling atas dan paling bawah adalah carrot cake itu sendiri, yang teksturnya lembut dan tidak terlalu padat, dan rasanya cukup enak. Lapisan tengah sepertinya cream cheese, rasanya tidak terlalu manis, tapi cukup segar untuk mengimbangi kombinasi rasa carrot cake dan marzipan.
Poppy seed cake yang dipesan Christine juga tak kalah 'sangar'. Di daftar menu, bahkan dicantumkan bahwa cake ini 'illegal', mungkin
karena poppy seed juga dikenal sebagai bahan dasar pembuat opium. Poppy seed cake ini juga terlihat berlapis2. Lapisan yang terbuat dari
poppy seed bertekstur padat, berwarna gelap nyaris hitam, dan rasanya unik (sedikit berasa wijen). Lapisan lain teksturnya lebih lembut, seperti umumnya kue tart. Toppingnya, saya lupa tepatnya seperti apa, tapi sepertinya icing yang terbuat dari cream cheese yang bertekstur lembut tapi berasa renyah.
Poci teh kami terbuat dari porselen putih, bermotif bunga2 mawar merah kecil. Cangkir2 kami bentuk dan motifnya sesuai dengan si poci. Kami masing2 memilih berbagai teh yang disediakan, tapi kami sepakat untuk mencoba yang berjudul "Afrikan Cream" (kalau nggak salah) - yang sebenarnya terbuat dari campuran African redbush,
lemon peel, dan bumbu2 lain. Di sebelah masing2 cangkir teh disediakan seiris kecil 'botterkoek', atau kue mentega khas Belanda, yang teksturnya sangat padat dan benar2 berasa mentega + gula.
Dua jenis cake + satu poci besar teh (untuk 5 cangkir) berharga 12.50 Euro. Bila berminat, silakan melihat2 website mereka di http://www.detaart.nl
[Bersambung - acara makan siang kami belum berakhir di sini :) ]
The Day I Met Gaiman
Today is Thursday afternoon (15:30), I'm in Delft now. Waiting for the 17:00 appointment with my associate professor, someplace else (still in Delft). So here I am, spending the time filling in my Journal.
I read Neil's journal everyday
Okay, that's my blabber for today. I better prepare myself for the meeting, soon..
[BTW, more pictures at the Photos section - look for "Gaiman"] --> here
From Neil's Journal about that evening:
in Rotterdam for a couple of hundred very nice people. After the
signing the store gave me a present -- a bottle of green ink, an
inkwell, and a glass-nibbed pen. Today the sun has stopped shining --
it looks grey and chilly out -- and I am off to the Elf Festival for
most of the day, with a signing in Utrecht this afternoon. Am still
standing, walking, smiling and signing. Actually, it being early
morning, I'm still blinking sleepily and looking slightly rumpled. But
you know what I mean.
Wagamama Amsterdam
Rating: | ★★★ |
Category: | Restaurants |
Cuisine: | Japanese / Sushi |
Location: | Max Euweplein 10, Amsterdam |
Karena ada yg menyebut2 Wagamama Amsterdam, saya jadi ingat, pernah mampir ke sana tahun lalu. Untuk yg pertama dan terakhir kalinya. Seorang teman merekomendasikan tempat ini, jadi saya penasaran juga ingin mencoba.
Lokasi Wagamama cukup strategis, terletak di antara Leidseplein dan Max Euweplein, yang selalu dipenuhi orang. Beberapa kali saya lalu-lalang di depan restoran ini tanpa tertarik untuk masuk, karena, pertama, kesannya yg terlalu 'steril'. Dari luar, etalasenya memang elegan sekali, minim dekor, dengan warna tenang. Kedua, karena saya pernah sekilas membaca review ttg restoran ini di suatu majalah
mingguan (suplemen dari surat kabar De Volkskrant), di mana si penulis tidak terlalu terkesan. Tapi, demi meredam rasa penasaran, sekali2 harus saya coba sendiri.
Tibalah hari itu, saya kebetulan punya waktu untuk mampir. Karena memang bukan jam makan, tempat itu tidak terlihat ramai. Begitu masuk, tak ada sambutan apa2. Saya berjalan melalui bar, langsung saja menghampiri meja2 panjang dan duduk di salah satu bangku. Saya lihat sekeliling, hanya ada sekitar 3 - 4 orang yg sedang makan sendiri-sendiri, masing2 sambil membaca buku, menulis2 sesuatu, atau
Ketika saya sedang menduga2, di mana kiranya daftar menu restoran tersebut, seorang pelayan berkulit hitam menghampiri dan bertanya apakah saya siap memesan. Saya tanya, di mana menunya. Ia bilang, seharusnya saya ambil sendiri begitu masuk tadi, ada setumpuk menu di atas meja bar. Nah, mana saya tahu? Setelah ia ambil satu menu untuk saya, saya baca2 dan pilihan jatuh pada Chicken Ramen dan Ebi Katsu, dengan Chi sebagai minumannya. Si pelayan mencatat pada buku elektroniknya, lalu pergi menuju dapur.
Sambil menunggu, saya lihat ke sekeliling. Ruangan ini berbentuk persegi empat, dipenuhi jajaran meja dan bangku panjang. Di muka dan belakang saya adalah dinding solid; di sisi kanan terdapat dapur yg tidak berdinding penuh, sehingga saya bisa melihat para koki (semuanya berkulit hitam, tak ada koki Jepang) menyiapkan makanan.
Komentar si reviewer di majalah yg saya baca tersebut, bahwa di restoran yg bernuansa Jepang (baik dekor maupun menunya) hampir semua pegawainya berkulit hitam, ternyata memang benar. Di sisi kiri terdapat dinding kaca, yg memperlihatkan ruang terbuka Max Euweplein, di mana terdapat permainan catur raksasa dan monumen air mancur.
Sebagian dari dinding kaca ini adalah pintu, yang dibuka bila hari hangat dan cerah, sehingga pengunjung Wagamama dapat pula menikmati makanan di ruang terbuka.
Teh Jepang pesanan saya adalah yg pertama kali dihidangkan, dalam satu cawan kecil. Tak ada poci teh yg menemani, sehingga hanya sebanyak itu lah jatah minum saya sore itu. Ramen datang berbarengan dengan Katsu.
Udang goreng ini memang enak, tepung pelapisnya renyah dan 'tasty' sementara kematangan dan tekstur udangnya pas empuk-kenyal. Saus yg menemaninya, semacam mayonaise, juga gurih dan sangat cocok jadi teman udang ini. Namun porsi tersebut (lima ekor udang) dihargai sekitar 5 Euro (BYKS), yang termasuk sangat mahal.
Ramennya datang dalam mangkuk yg sangat besar - perkiraan saya, volumenya 2x mangkuk bergambar ayam spt punya tukang2 baso kampung. Sendok yg disediakan unik, bukan dari logam namun terbuat dari batok kelapa yg diikatkan ke bambu. Di salah satu sisi di dalam mangkuk terdapat setumpuk sayuran (jamur dan semacam sawi), dan di sisi lain terjajar irisan daging ayam. Kuah ramen ini berasa lembut, cenderung hambar (di meja tersedia kecap Jepang, juga garam dan merica, bagi yg
ingin rasa lebih kuat). Ramennya sendiri juga enak, namun porsinya banyak sekali. Too much of the same thing - hingga rasanya cenderung 'membosankan' setelah sekian lahapan sumpit. Daging ayamnya berasa aneh - sayang sudah setahun lebih berlalu, jadi saya tidak bisa mengira2 sekarang, bumbu apa yg dipakai utk memasak ayam itu. Saya juga lupa harga ramen ini, tapi (BYKS) seporsinya berkisar antara 8 - 10 Euro. Juga termasuk sangat mahal.
Selesai makan, saya panggil pelayan untuk langsung membayar dan meninggalkan Wagamama, tanpa berniat kembali lagi. Sebab, selain mahal sekali, makanannya juga berasa biasa2 saja. Mungkin ini juga masalah selera, namun saya tahu sekarang bahwa Wagamama itu bukan untuk saya. Kalau ingin sup, lain kali saya ke De Soepwinkel saja, atau ke kantin HEMA untuk ewrtensoep-nya yg murmer itu.. hehe..
Pengalaman saya hari itu, termasuk ketika makan di Wagamama, terekam di bagian "Photos": Wagamama Amsterdam.
Wagamama Amsterdam
Max Euweplein 10
1017 MB Amsterdam
Friday, November 26, 2004
Misty Morning
Yesterday morning, the air was white, everywhere you look. I left home at about 08.30 as usual, walking to the tram stop. Then took the tram to the central station, still couldn't see anything farther than 200 meters ahead. Same thing in the train, from the window, there's nothing to see but the white mist. It was very cold, too, about 4 C. At Delft station, I picked up my bike and started pedalling to TU.
Weird, very weird. I was on the bicycle lane; road on my leftside and a big river on my right. The water surface was barely visible! Totally wiped out by the white air.
After the Hambrug, the bicycle lane was between a river and a graveyard, fenced by a row of bald trees that reached their branches towards the sky. This, again, looked like a scene in horror movies - only there's no background sound that makes it creepy.
The air was heavy, I pedalled and breathed and tried to get as much lighter air as possible. Reaching the Civil Engineering building, I parked my bike and locked it with difficulties (the lock almost froze!). From the big window of my office, I could hardly see the Electronic Engineering building across. How weird, this mist. It really fits the syllable of mist-erious, since it brings up that exact feeling.
The next day (today), the most was no more. Hm, if it ever comes again, I hope I get the chance to be enveloped in it, just once more..
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Trip to Brugge, summer 2003
Trip to Finland, 1998
Train in Holland..
Here's a page of my sketchbook/diary. Hmm.. I wonder where can I upload more pages that can be displayed nicely (definitely NOT this Journal entry). I tried Photos but it didn't work properly.. well, I also think it won't present an appropriate format, either. Let's try something else, some other time.
Now here's a short story from today. This morning, a man came aboard my usual train to Delft (from Amsterdam central station). He was using a stick to find his way, to make one step after another. He is obviously not able to see with his own eyes (which appeared opened wide, revealing bright blue retinas).
He probed his way through the seats and tried to sense an empty spot. He found one and asked a person nearby if it was available, and it was, so he seated himself. Then the train departed from the station.
Usually, there are announcement of what the next station is, but not this time. I wonder how this man knows when to get off, since he can not read the name of the stations we're passing by. He must be fully informed about the trainstops, for he knew when the train entered Haarlem (the train was slowing down) and came to a halt, he stood up and sensed his way out with his walking stick.
I heard him utterred one word to a fellow passanger at the train door, "Haarlem?", and got a confirmation. So there he went, out of the train into the platform. No problem and no troubling other people. Again, a very independent specially-abled person I see in this country.
Is this the impact of free access to information and 'universal design' that makes it possible for everyone to (physically) use all public facilities? Is it the impact of an individual and independent society that conducts itself properly? Well, whatever the cause might be, I think the impacts give everyone his/her dignitiy and pride as a free, fully-functional human being.
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Launched: Rampokan Celebes!
Last Friday was the launching of Rampokan Celebes at "Serieuze Zaken", Amsterdam. Rampokan Celebes is the continuation of Rampokan Java, a graphic novel by Peter van Dongen. The story takes Indonesia in the 1940s as the background, the drawing style is clean, detailed and clear ("Tintin-ish" - a really elaborate artwork, I'd say), and it comes in two colors. It took Peter seven years to finally finish this saga, about Yohan Knevel going back to Indonesia to look for his Indonesian nanny who took care of him when he was a toddler. More about Peter and his work at http://www.lambiek.net/dongen_van.htm
I went to the gallery with Awan, Tanti and Bulan, after leaving the kids with Syb (who regrets that he couldn't come along). Getting there, it was already full. I went looking for Peter rightaway to congratulate him, and I could only do that since he was surrounded by people (no time to chat).
Then I looked around the gallery, where Peter's original works and/or prints are being exhibited and sold. I spotted his mother and his brothers. Arnold his older brother apparently didn't recognize me, and he left before I had the chance to talk to him.
I came to his mother and re-introduced myself, reminding her that I and my Madjoe! friends were invited to have dinner at her place, two years ago. She remembered. Marijn remembered. Eddie didn't eventhough I insisted.. haha.. Oh, and I was also introduced to Peter's twin brother Robbie. He, of course, was easy to spot among the audiences. I also greeted Ellen who must also be very relieved that Rampokan Celebes is actually finished. Wel, not so.. since this is just the beginning of Peter's busy life as a "comic celeb"..
The other guests I know were guys from Lambiek, Mr. Kees Kousemaker, Klaas and the new owner (Bart?) and his girlfriend. There were also Oom Lucas and his wife. And somebody who I thought is the 'Hang Tuah guy' and I was sure only after we lrft the gallery (his name is Fred Dijs, by the way).
Peter's Rampokan Celebes was also for sale that night, of course. I bought two packs of Peter's postcard and one Rampokan Celebes. The Rampokan costs 17 Eur! While I thought it would be less than 16 Eur (according to the publisher's website). I decide to get Peter's signature (and drawing) later, since that night he only signed his name in the book (no sketches).
Oh, there were food & drink, too, at the opening. The wine and juice bottles were quickly emptied - leaving only bottles of mineral water. There's a plate full of spekoek and pandan cake, which was also quickly emptied. Warm snacks emerged from the kitchen (mini lumpia, mini risoles and mini lemper), but they didn't get around too long.
So that's a short overview of the event. I'm happy to know Peter and I'm proud of his works, too. More on Peter, some other time..
Sunday, November 14, 2004
"Homesick" at De Schone Kunsten gallery, Haarlem
Yesterday evening was the opening of an exhibition at De Schone Kunsten gallery, Haarlem, titled "Should I stay or should I go?". The invitation said 21.00, so Sybrand and I left home at about eight in the evening. Leaving the kids with Oma Toos. We got on the tram, bought tickets to Haarlem, got on the train, all quite smoothly.
We walked from Haarlem train station to the gallery, not through the marketplace, but taking a short cut through houses and a small canal. There we were, exactly at 21.05, and the gallery was already full.
Now I haven't been there again since I submitted my work which was one week earlier. So the first thing I looked for was my work, where it is and how it is framed. Well, nice enough. Then I was trying to look at the rest when I suddenly was met up by lots of familiar faces.
There was Eddie Hara, carrying his youngest son Nestor (11 months old). Then there was Mimi Fadmi, and of course Mirjam herself. Not long afterwards I saw Oom Lucas Abedy and Peter van Dongen. What a nice reunion. Peter gave me an invitation to the launching of his Rampokan Celebes (since I haven't received any at home, but it came later that day). After a while, Awan, Budi Lee and more people from Arnhem came (all 9 of them). I got absorbed in chatting and talking here and there.
Then there was an introduction (opening?) of the exhibition by Ben Kruijswijk (Mirjam's husband). He mentioned the artists' name one by one, and whoever was present was to come forward and receive a sticker (of his/her name) to stick on his/her chest. All was called forward except me (thank goodness).
There were food and drink but each cost 1 Euro per serving. I watched a bit of Mimi's video ("Lunch") and tried to see other artpieces that were exhibited. Not easy, because the room was small and full. I found Tanto's drawings on the big table in the middle (nice).
We didn't stay long for our thoughts keep roaming to home, to where our kids might (not) be sleeping. After saying goodbye to everyone I know, we left and walked back to the station.
So that's how an opening feels like. It wasn't too impressive, I must say. But I'll be back to that gallery one day, with different friends, to show off my work (ha ha) and to go to that delicious eating place nearby the station (hahahahaha)
Farewell, Professor
Yesterday, about four in the afternoon, I picked up the ringing phone and said, "Tita" (the common way to start a phone conversation here is not "Hello", but a mention of the receiver's name). I rightaway recognized Simone's voice on the other line. Simone is a secretary at our research group at The Civil Engineering Faculty of TU Delft. She brought a very sad news: Prof. Charles Hendriks, my promotor, my dirrect supporter and tutor, passed away at about six o'clock in the morning, in Barcelona. No further news was exchanged, except that he actually had been ill for a while.
I put down the receiver, still in disbelief. Not only that I couldn't rightaway get the idea into my head that I won't ever see him again at school. Not only that I would miss his friendly words everytime he happenned to see me in the hallway, or around his office. But also because I wonder if I would have a substitute promotor who is as nice, as fair, as competence as he was for my research. Prof. Hendriks was one of very few people I would say, "Please don't die on me!" to, for real.
Tomorrow will be a gathering at school, and I will surely come and see what's going to happen. After all, it's directly connected to my future, too. Farewell, Professor, I remember each of our meetings, your suggestions and wishes, and I will fulfil them in my dissertation. Dedicated to you.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Arguing in Silence
The other day, in a tram, there were three teenage girls sitting next to me. They dressed like common teenagers here, not too flashy, but not out-of-date either. They must be friends, looking at the way they treated each other. I noticed that they moved their arms and hands a lot, while producing unclear noises from their throat. It didn't take long until I noticed that they are audibly-challenged. I can't read hand-language, but from their expressions, I could assume that they were disagreeing over something. And kept arguing, until they got off at one of the tram stops (which, apparently, was also one of their arguments since they had doubt wheter to get off now or later).
Once they were out of sight, I was pondering to myself. It's nice that these teenagers, in spite of their deafness, can get along with their lifes like other, 'normal', teenagers. They possess confidence. They feel equal. They are fully aware of themselves and their surroundings, without embarrassment of their lack of oral or audio capability.
I like that. And I would love to see more physically-challenged people who have the same independence.
'Play Artist'
There's sooo much I can write about but there's sooo little time to do it. It always happens like that, doesn't it. Let's see what I haven't done writing: our trip to The Ardens, where we (the whole 20-ish people) stayed in an old small castle. A summary of a lecture by Donald Norman, which I attendded last Monday (I'm getting on it, though). A short text for the BEOS T-shirt (Adep and Motulz are waaaiiiting). Oh, and I still have to scan many pictures, at least from the last 3 rolls of films.
What I have done was: submitting my work to Mirjam at De Schone Kunsten gallery in Haarlem. I went there after attending the lecture in Delft, so I arrived around two o'clock at the gallery, where Mirjam was already waiting. I showed her what I did, as follows: I selected some drawings from my whole comic diary which represent my home-sickness. Then I went to buy a pile of (recycled, greenish) papers and to a copy shop to make copies of the selected drawings, on the recycled, greenish papers.
I had to wait until the day that our kids were away to their day care, to be able to work on the next step. Which was: cutting the pieces of drawings out of the copied papers and sticking them on another (bigger) piece of (recycled, greenish) papers. Yes, right, I was making a 'colage' (spelling?).
The result is three pieces of A3-sized (recycled, greenish) papers with my colage and drawings and text on it, to accompany the fragments from my old diary. Homesick-ness of food, family & friends, dates, and so on. This work will be presented in that gallery, starting 13 November up to 19 December 2004. Along with the work of real artists (in the form of drawings, paintings, animation, etc.). So, see, I am going to 'play artist' for a while!
The thing is, I can't call myself a professional artist, of course. But now all of a sudden I'll have my work exhibited in a real gallery along with real artists. We even put a price on my 'artwork' just in case someone is interested to buy it. As an art piece. Wow.
So, if you'd excuse me, I'm going to have my stage-fever right now...
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Me - a Multiply-challenged person - has done something WRONG! Instead of posting a New Journal, it seems like I posted a New Post for EVERYONE!
What a mistake. An embarrasing mistake. Sorry, everyone, it won't happen again. *SIGH*
ps. would anyone be so kind to send me back my text? i'll put it on my journal, for real. thanks.
What a mistake. An embarrasing mistake. Sorry, everyone, it won't happen again. *SIGH*
ps. would anyone be so kind to send me back my text? i'll put it on my journal, for real. thanks.
Thursday, October 28, 2004
basically nothing
It's been a loooong time since I've posted anything here. In fact, it's been a long time since I even visited this account of mine. If I wonder why.. not because I don't have anything to write. No, in the contrary. Maybe because I don't have enough time. Yes, right, time! Now if I wonder again.. where have all the times gone? Is it to my study, for my kids and all the household works? Not really..
O-K. This one is a meaningless babble. Next time better. See you all some time (if there's any left)
O-K. This one is a meaningless babble. Next time better. See you all some time (if there's any left)
Sunday, October 10, 2004
The container is the message
It was yesterday that we came back from Aachen. Yet, everybody is still tired from the trip - and I haven't even done unpacking. The whole stories aren't worth telling here, but there are two things that might have impressed me the most. Both have to do with 'environmentally-friendly' materials.
The first thing is the cups they use (at the university) to serve during the coffee break. Unlike in Holland, here they use paper cups. Neat design, and just enough to serve their purpose. I like to think that the waste will be (fully?) degradable, but I don't like to think about the (raw) materials that are needed to produce these cups. It will become an endless dilema until someone makes a quantitative environmental calculations concerning all these.
The second thing is the small container they use in the Jugendg�sthaus' breakfast room. There are bowls full of two kinds of jam and chocolate paste. People who would like to have either of these for their bread can take a small container next to the bowls and fill it with whatever they chose. Now, these containers are made of waffers. Exactly like the one you have for your ice cream cone.
Hey, what a clever idea. Once you have finished smearing your jam or chocolate paste on your bread, and there's nothing left on the container, you can just eat it! No waste! I like this one (despite the fact that I DO like eating, anyway).
So, that's all for now. Hope I have more time to write more.
The first thing is the cups they use (at the university) to serve during the coffee break. Unlike in Holland, here they use paper cups. Neat design, and just enough to serve their purpose. I like to think that the waste will be (fully?) degradable, but I don't like to think about the (raw) materials that are needed to produce these cups. It will become an endless dilema until someone makes a quantitative environmental calculations concerning all these.
The second thing is the small container they use in the Jugendg�sthaus' breakfast room. There are bowls full of two kinds of jam and chocolate paste. People who would like to have either of these for their bread can take a small container next to the bowls and fill it with whatever they chose. Now, these containers are made of waffers. Exactly like the one you have for your ice cream cone.
Hey, what a clever idea. Once you have finished smearing your jam or chocolate paste on your bread, and there's nothing left on the container, you can just eat it! No waste! I like this one (despite the fact that I DO like eating, anyway).
So, that's all for now. Hope I have more time to write more.
Wednesday, October 6, 2004
Chat, Chatter, Chattest
Looong long time ago I installed Yahoo Messenger on my iMac. Then I forgot about it and never used it ever and finally removed it from my computer.
One day, more than a year after I joined Jalansutra mailing list, I installed that chatting program again. See if I have time for it. A few days after, there's an invitation to join a "conference" by userf5. I didn't get it at first.. conference? Where? Who? What?!
Then came a message from the same person: "Don't you want to join Jalansutra chatroom?". I would like to, but how? There supposed to be a window opening after I click "Join" but there wasn't. So we tried again and finally succeeded.
There. That was the first time. And it goes on, up to today. Everyday a Jalansutra chatroom opens, usually hosted by the same "userf5" and is getting more and more chatter (especially since it was announced at the mailing list).
I like to drop by the chatroom as much as I can. Seems like my day isn't complete without it. I'll have to tone my habit down a bit, so I can concentrate on my work: research and household stuff.
Here I am now, an addict to a chatroom.
One day, more than a year after I joined Jalansutra mailing list, I installed that chatting program again. See if I have time for it. A few days after, there's an invitation to join a "conference" by userf5. I didn't get it at first.. conference? Where? Who? What?!
Then came a message from the same person: "Don't you want to join Jalansutra chatroom?". I would like to, but how? There supposed to be a window opening after I click "Join" but there wasn't. So we tried again and finally succeeded.
There. That was the first time. And it goes on, up to today. Everyday a Jalansutra chatroom opens, usually hosted by the same "userf5" and is getting more and more chatter (especially since it was announced at the mailing list).
I like to drop by the chatroom as much as I can. Seems like my day isn't complete without it. I'll have to tone my habit down a bit, so I can concentrate on my work: research and household stuff.
Here I am now, an addict to a chatroom.
Sunday, October 3, 2004
"Garage Sale"
Yesterday we went to Raamgracht 58, where a "Garage Sale" took place. No, it's not a regular garage sale where you get 2nd-hand stuff for cheaper price. Instead, it's a showroom-kind-of-thing for Dutch (comic) artists. A friend of ours, Peter Giljam and his Buzzworks also had a space there (he's the one who notified us about this).
We parked our bikes right in front of the 'galery', where the gate was open wide. I bought 6 buttons from Buzzworks (1 Eur/button, 5 Eur/6 buttons) since now there's that Shamrock's "eye" button that Motul wants. Also the Shamrock's "Spoofy". We got another 'Blingies' from Peter and I took free postcards by Femke (for Motul).
Looking around, I saw that all T-shirt costs 25 Eur (expensive), except the ones by Shamrock, hanging on one side of the walls. Packaged shirts for 15 Eur, 20 Eur and 25 Eur plus 'troep'. I rightaway chose the 15 Eur one for Motul (again!).
Other stuff are pillows to sit on, in the shape of a square 'word baloon' with "Sit on it!" written on it. Gimmick such as pen holder, purse, fluffy key hanger and stuff. Cards and stickers. Prints. All unique, witty-crazy fun design. Some I would wear, some I won't even though I am given it for free.
Afterwards we dropped by a friend's place which is just around the corner. Then back again to the Garage Sale and then homeward. So that's how we spent our Saturday afternoon.
Thursday, September 23, 2004
My 'new', 'free' bike!
Got the keys to Omar's bike last Saturday (thanks, Ted!). Made the usual trip to Delft from Amsterdam, by the 09.10 train. Went rightaway to the "fietsstalling". Showed the bike card (26 August 2004) and keys.
Tried to find the bike with no result.. until the "fietsstalling guy" helped and succeeded in finding it, of course. Had the front wheel repaired (new inner tube). Paid all the fees (plus the monthly payment). The bike is mine! (thanks, Mar!)
Bye, silly-queues-at-the-bus-stop!
Bye, standing-forever-waiting-for-the-bus!
Bye, cramping-in-a-very-full-bus!
Helloooo... mobility!
Tried to find the bike with no result.. until the "fietsstalling guy" helped and succeeded in finding it, of course. Had the front wheel repaired (new inner tube). Paid all the fees (plus the monthly payment). The bike is mine! (thanks, Mar!)
Bye, silly-queues-at-the-bus-stop!
Bye, standing-forever-waiting-for-the-bus!
Bye, cramping-in-a-very-full-bus!
Helloooo... mobility!
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
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