Saturday, March 29, 2008


Friday, March 28th, 2008

14.00 Leaving Bandung with Rony and the Curhat Anak Bangsa (CAB) team.

16.00 Arriving in Jakarta, entering Fatmawati area from Cipulir Highway.

18.00 Finally entering Kemang area; arriving at ak.’sa.ra bookstore. We walked deep into the shop, to where talk shows are usually held. It turned out that a new location was being prepared: right at the front entrance, a square space walled by glasses on its three sides – covered with white curtains – the fourth side directly faces the shop. Passersby can surely peek what’s going on inside this semi-transparent cube, as well as people who destine both the bookstore and Casa Café upstairs, whose staircase is adjacent to the cube.
The shop personnel were still working on some details of the cube: lighting, curtains, space lay out and all. The CAB team proceeded with its task: folding up 'goodie bags', filling them each with four postcards, a T-shirt, a book and a pin, and arranging posters and merchandise on tables. After making sure that my MacBook and the provided projector work, I and Rony went up to Casa to check our reserved space.

18.45 Lulu and her mother came, along with Akademi Samali team. They, too, just found out about this new space. Olin – our moderator for the night – and her son Amor arrived. Things started to get in shape: a screen on its place, seats in place, merchandise table at the ‘entrance’. Stocks and stuff were stored underneath the red tablecloth, guest lists spread, posters stuck on columns and walls.

19.00 The room started to fill in. A cousin, her parents and her daughters came, what joy! Met Sheila again, this time in her first-trimester pregnancy state. Got interviewed by a reporter who turned out to be a fellow FSRD alumnus. Met more people during the talk, then got cut by Rony who asked me to go upstairs for more interviews.

19.30-ish The cube was getting full of people, the program was about to start. We took our seat at the front part of the cube: a side that might as well be a part of the sidewalk at the other side of the glass wall.
Olin introduced me and Motulz to the audience. Afterwards, things seemed to go so fast for me. Let’s run things down:
-    I presented a slide show about my motivations and reasons to draw daily stories
-    I sat down again, and it was Motulz’ turn to talk about what he knows about me and my drawings
-    A session for questions and answers
-    I presented another slide show, about ‘graphic diary’ done by other people, that are also published, abroad. Only a few among similar innumerable graphic diaries that exist in this world, I’m sure.
-    Another Q&A session
-    Closing of the book launch and starting of signing session

(losing my track of time)

My father was there, also my sister, my brother and his wife. Lots of friends come. People I know were visible from afar and near. All of whom I would love to approach and have a chat with.

(maybe) 21.30?
The line started to subside and it diminished at a point. I was asked to immediately go upstairs again for more interviews. Back to our reserved sofas, I began to realize that I haven’t had the chance to drink at all, while talking too much.
A waiter brought a glass of lemon squash to our table so I told him I want one of that, too. “Oh, this is for you”, he said. Miracle happens, after all.

22.00 (again, it might be well after 22.00)
All task done for the night, I thought. I moved from the CAB table to another: one that was still occupied by my sister, her best buddies, and a cousin who took pictures of the whole evening. (Photos of this entry are her shots). We proceeded with our chat, gossip, laugh and many other things until it was time to leave.

(approaching) 24.00 Dropped off home, entered the house, washed up a bit and didn’t remember too many things afterwards.

All in all, that was an extraordinary evening – at least for me. I can never cease feeling grateful to everyone who has been involved in the event, and more! Thank you, all! 

Links to photo albums of that event:


  1. tita....kurang banyak halamannya huhuhuhuhu...btw selamat yah mbake...

  2. What an exciting evening! Wish I were there :(

    PS: bagian depan aksara itu yg dulunya showroom furniture yah?

  3. oh, fascinating!.... wish i were there..
    hey, we should create one event like this....while i am there this summer...
    so selfish of me, i want to attend at least one of your events, then ask for your signature, and take a pic together.... before i die...
    (do i sound like one of those groupies?)

  4. anggep aja teaser dulu :P thanks puuutt

  5. now all you have to do is making a personal parcel for me and send it to my clubhouse address ;))

    you're going to be here again! yipeeee!

  6. nah ini gue nggatau. malah gue ngira2 dulunya tempat parkir.. hahaha..

  7. oh nggapapa, kan emang udah bilang nggabisa dateng :)
    ..nyusul yg di bdg aja nanti, kalo waktunya cocok :D

  8. tapi alasannya laen, bukan soal PSM.
    tapi aku sakit.
    next near meeting point ... backstage DD , okeh DUR !

  9. woohooooo! gue udah punya tiketnya ("festival depan"), bareng ama sepupu gue (yg motretin acara curhat ini)

    (e.t.a.) RFM bisa sakit juga? smoga cepet pulih..

  10. come early, bawain aku 2 curhat tita , signed.
    kita exchange komik dulu, baru bertemu rhodes cs.

  11. Selamat ya Tita... sama seperti Rieza, saya juga berhalangan datang.
    Tapi saya harus dapat tandatanganmu juga..

  12. Titaa..
    sorry ya cabut duluan sm Deedee, krn udah laper :D
    congrats yaa

  13. benaar itu tadinya tempat jualannya si prodak

  14. congrats :) sampai ketemu di UPH tanggal 28 april beserta pesanan bukunya :)

  15. aduuh maaf mbak kita nggak bisa dateng. malem banget euy... kasian ziya ^^;; ntar2 lagi kalo ada acara direncanakan dengan mateng dah ^_^

  16. padahal komiknya mau buat rhodes cs.

    di tanda tangannya mau ditulisin enggak, bukunya buat siapa aja?

  17. sip, gpp. thanks for the support :)
    komiknya mau dikirim aja atau gimana? (tolong tinggalin alamat, kalo iya)

  18. heuu iyaa aku liat dirimu hilir mudik di belakang sana..
    dim sum ya? *pengen*

  19. wah iyaaa.. padahal aku pengen ketemuan sama dia nih :D
    oke yot, lain kali yaa

  20. selamat yaa Mbak..mau pesen aah bukunya dua...masih ready stock kan?? ;-)

  21. Tita, sekali lagi, Congrats ya! Levina, anak saya, senang dpt komik dgn ttd langsung dari Tita, juga kaos kuning dgn tulisan 'Launching Curhat Tita.....'. salam

  22. Titaaaaa .... gua HALUSINASI
    Setelah 2 malem tidur jam 4 pagi, jumat kerja, ke kampus trus langsung pulaaaaang :((
    Tolooooooollll .... lupa sama sekali kalo launchingnyaa hari ituuuuu .... :((

    Maapkaaan akuuuuuu taaaaa ... hiks

  23. nggak usah dikirimin.. ntar aku beli sendiri, trus kalau kita ketemuan, tita tandatanganin..

  24. whahaha gue kira elu kerja kelompok lagiii... abis si bence juga nggabisa dateng (tanpa tentatif!).. hahaha
    nggapapa, kan udah ada buku yg gue gambarin ceret buat elu.. hehehe..
    dan kali2 elu bisa dateng yg versi bandung nanti! :D

  25. terima kasih! turut senang, levina bisa menikmati gambar-gambarnya :)

  26. selamat ya taa! ditunggu terbitan selanjutnya :)

  27. pengennya sih sebelum 2008 ini abis! thanks ya G nan kecehhh...

  28. sama2, btw, itu yang bulet2 apa yaa ??? pin yaa ?? masih ada sisa gak ? *ngarepppp ....

  29. iya itu pin. coba ya gue tanya produsernya, mau/bisa bikin lagi atau enggak. kalo bisa, gue bawain sekalian nanti..

  30. huahahahahahaha...
    lu sih ciiiin...kebanyakan makan bebek, jadi halusinasi siah :))

  31. taaa...loncing versi bandungnya kapaaan ?

  32. blom tau chic, mau konfirmasi availability venue-nya sama nyocokin waktu para narasumber dulu nih.. tp pastinya abis konser DD ..ihik.. :)

  33. kalo weekend lucu juga nih :D
    udah lama banget nggak ke bandung euy..kangen juga sama engkoh andir *lhooo*

  34. whahaha.. sama dong.. *haiyahh*
    trus mampir ke warung laos yuk chic, pizza pisang-blueberry-nya lumayan lho..

  35. ahhhh....semoga beneran weekeeeend !!

  36. aku sih maunya jumat sore gitu.. smoga dapet tanggal yg enakeun buat semuanya :)
    btw, aku baru donlot foto2 high-res yg dari yousendit.. makasih yaaaa *muah*

  37. titaaaaaaa!
    congrats yaaaaaa!

    *sori telat, itu pun sudah ngacir duluan dari acara launching majalah..*
    *tapi akhirnya ketemu kan... thanks utk tanda tangannya ya!*

  38. Selamet Plooon!!!! *hugs kussi kanan kussi kiri*
    Akhirnya kartunmu dibukukan juga! Senangnyaaa! Kalo ada TCFC (Tita Comic Fans Club) gue ikutaaan! ;)

  39. Ah, serunya... jadi pengin ke Jkt (lho?). Selamat ya mbaaak, masih capek...? :)

  40. tapi gue nggak dapet pinnya! hiks!

  41. iya, elu udah keabisan. kan utk 100 buku pertama aja :)

  42. hihi tau aja.. tadi sepulang gereja udah tidur ekstra sih :P
    makasih yiiik..

  43. awww makasih makplooonn!! *bales peluk cium sampe becek*

  44. makasih neefff! iya yg penting sempet ketemuan, meskipun sekejap!

  45. whehehe gue baru dari sana, minta ijin nge-link :P thanks!

  46. sekali lagi selamat Ta, pengalaman di PN itu akhirnya masuk di buku ini ya :))

  47. itu baru secupliknya, LiTa.. belom seluruhnya :P
    makasih yaaa *muah*

  48. Tita, selamat yah! :)
    Ikut senang! :)

  49. Selamat ya Tita...............semoga bisa terus berkarya!!!! Mamih siap dipanggil jadi cheerleaders nih kalau Tita butuh tambahan semangat, hehehehe........

  50. Selamat dari aku dan mas gondooo
    Semoga berseri sampai anak cucu ^-^
    (dan kalo aku beli boleh minta tanda tangan sama foto bareng,hehehehe)
    maaf kami tidak datang karena aku sedang menci2

  51. menci2 itu apa sih =))

    trims ya bertie & ganda! mau dikirimin aja, atau kita kencan aja di bandung, kapan-kapan? :)

  52. hiks..... sorry, tenik gak bisa dateng ... hiks ....

  53. awww tidak apa2 teennn.. hiks.. lain kali yooo...

  54. hiks... terlewatkan lagi, apa karena jakartasentris?

  55. waaaa..selamat buat launching komiknya yahh mbak tita :D
    sukses selalu!

  56. woro2nya sih lewat milis2. jakartasentris? entah ya.. praktisnya sementara ini begitu dulu, tapi 'roadshow' ke kota2 lain sedang direncanakan.

  57. lain kali kalau *adiiiikkk* yang mendesain boleh nggak? :D

  58. Mbak Tita, selamat ya... Enggak bisa datang, karena deadline sampai jam 9 malam.. hiks..

  59. Congratulations again for the realisation of one of your dreams. :)
    Looks like a successful launch, with the presence of loved ones and great friends.
