Monday, March 5, 2007

Weekend Happenings

I went to Jakarta with Lindri Friday afternoon, and came back to Bandung Monday morning. In between, our days were filled with many events. I'm noting them down here mainly for my own archive..

Friday 2 March

Picked up Lindri at Cendekia at about 13:00, went to CitiTrans to catch the 14:00 departure to Jakarta. Arrived at ClubStore (behind BEJ) at around 16:30; Chica and Pak Praya were already waiting. We took a spot inside ClubStore where we could sit and discuss the details concerning the arrival of our container at Tanjung Priok harbour. At about 17:30 we were done arranging stuff; I headed home and left Lindri there under the care of Eyang Ibu.

19:00 met Tiyas at Kinokuniya, Plaza Senayan. There was a launching for V for Vendetta, the Indonesian version, presenting speakers and such. It was an opportunity for me to meet, in person, some of my contacts from Komik Alternatif and Komik Indonesia mailing lists. So, that night I got to meet Beng, Anto and Alfi and many others. I and Tiyas started walking homewards at about 22:00, after successfully finding presents for Bapak and Mas Chico.

Saturday 3 March

My father's birthday. We celebrated it at his studio, inviting his staffs and colleagues as well: a birthday lunch with tumpeng, cakes and ice cream. At about 17:00 all the guests were gone and we were getting ready again to go someplace else.

18:00 I, Lindri and my parents picked up Tiyas from her ballet class, then we proceeded to Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM): there would be an opening of an exhibition called Komik DI:Y (Daerah Istimewa : Yourself). I participate in this exhibition, which goes on until March 17th, along with Athonk, Ary Pras, Bambang Toko, Beng Rahadian, Didoth, Eko Nugroho, Iwank, Ma'il, Oyas & Iput. In this event, I got to meet some old friends, too, surprisingly. Lindri couldn't be contained, she ran to every direction, charming everybody around.

If any of you finds news or publications about this exhibition, please let me know! :)

Sunday 4 March

We went to church in the morning, then waited for Tiyas (she donated her blood) after the service. Lindri was hungry so Eyang Ibu bought her a pack of 'cheese stick', which Lindri refused to share to anyone while she was munching. Just like a fierce, hungry little puppy with its snack.

Mas Chico's birthday was on the 2nd, but he held a birthday lunch this Sunday. Everything was yummy, of course, and we got to meet our families and relatives again. Fun! We got home again at about 16:00; Lindri still in a sleeping state and she kept it that way until another couple of hours. This gave us time to devour the durians that were sent to our house earlier that morning.

4 March is also Victor's birthday, which we usually attend year after year. But now that we live faraway from our Zijlstra family, we could only send him all the well-wishes through the Internet.

Monday 5 March

I and Lindri departed to Bandung with the 10:00 CitiTrans. Things went smooth and we arrived at home somewhere before 13:00. Lindri was happy to see her father again, of course, but I got a phone call from Cendekia - saying that Dhanu wanted to go home because he wanted to continue his Bionicle game that he did with Sybrand the day before. Excuses, excuses.

Well, that was our full weekend. I can hardly wait until our stuff really gets here so I can start scanning again; drawings are piling up here in my book. See you around!


  1. hehehhe Dhanu pinter ya, gue pernah ga ya excuse gitu untuk Main Lego, mungkin pernah hahahaha

  2. persis sama luna kalo lagi kumat pelitnya..duh !

  3. wah, seneng bisa baca jurnal weekend-nya.... ditunggu gambar2nya euy...

  4. wah...ternyata Tita contact gw yg di MP yg ikut pameran komik...
    hehehe...mau negor tapi lagi sibuk..
    slamat pameran yaaaa....

  5. heummmm, tita!
    gue di kosong-delapan-delapan...
    *nomormu berapa? gue pm, gimme an sms yaaaa!

  6. welcoma back, tita...! *sori, telat... :)
    senangnya mendengar suaramu lagi... hehehehe...

  7. Wah seru nya... kembali ke kota parahyangan!! Selamat datang dan selamat berkarya ya 'Ta. Entar kl, ambu mudik, kita kopdaran dong. Di bandung mah, kita pan tetanggaan, hehehe...
    Cium sayang untuk Lindri dan Dhanu... :)

  8. Weekend-nya penuh tapi seru ya Plon! ;)

  9. Tita, weekendnya seru yah, banyak yang ulang tahun lagi
    selamat ulang tahun buat semuanya =D

  10. Hihihihi, asik yah sekarang elo bisa ikutan live, gak cuma basah2in keyboard :D. Ditunggu postingan2 elo yg lain! Kiraiin barang2 udah nyampe di Bandung.

  11. eh venny basah ya keyboardnya.. pantesan ...;))

  12. Nulis dimana nih Tita? Di warnet atau lo bawa pc portable? :)

  13. Tita kapan ke Jakarta lagi? bilang2 dong ta, tau2 tinggal baca ceritanya gini? hehehe ... tp acara lo full gitu ya :D

  14. titaaaaa........enaknya dah di bandung lagi.....

  15. Sibuk tapi asik ya... Ditunggu crita2 selanjutnya :)

  16. Can't wait to see you and your two darlings!

  17. An eventful weekend indeed! And Durian! Yum, yum!

  18. Aku kok jadi berasa capek abis baca ini wiken report .. =).. salut Ta .. energy kamu kayaknya gak abis2 ya ..

  19. Dear all, thank you!
    That was indeed an eventful weekend - and I had my first fresh durian after so many years :D

  20. lhoo padahal tegur aja..
    ada kontakku di MP yg ternyata ikutan pameran juga, IDnya blackcatdead

  21. iya lita sorii.. waktu itu emang full banget..
    kapan ya gue bisa agak lamaan di jakarta, yg nyantai :P

  22. makasih ya! ayo kasih tau aja kalo mudik, kita cari hari ketemuan :)

  23. Salam kenal..
    Mpnya seru sekali :)
    Wish you great days and much postiv energy for your work and family :)

    Silahkan mampir di MP saya..
