
Just now, after dinner, I opened and read my incoming e-mails. I already saw that e-mail from Erwin before, and I know it consists of the arrangements of our land in Bandung. But after I'm done scrolling down, there's a shocking news: "ps. Baron died the day before yesterday. Perhaps of old age. He's been burried... " and so on. I wasn't done reading the rest of the message, but I couldn't concentrate anymore. I told Syb, who was on his way out to a parent-teacher meeting at Dhanu's school. Now the kids are painting so I can write this bit about Baron..
What year was that when I bought Baron? Perhaps around 1994? I forgot how it started, but I was asked if I was interested to get a male dog, while a friend gets the female. I've already lived in Bandung, then, in a house with a backyard, all us university students and no parents. I agreed. So one day I, Jenggo (who drove his car), Beni and Bowo (who was going to buy a female dog) went together to the dogs seller (the location is far from central Bandung but I can't remember the name of the district right now).
I was told that this place we went to was an illegal breeding farm for fighter dogs. The way they do it was like this: they put four of five dogs in a room, along with a wild boar. Then these beasts would fight, and people who watched around the ring put bets (I don't know exactly how the bets are). Wounded dogs that heal will be put back into a fighting ring. In order to get dogs who are fierce, aggresive, eager to fight and most likely built to win, people over there cross-breed big & muscular kinds of dogs. Sometimes they get a 'nice' result when the pups look good, but quite often they get weird-looking pups. These puppies were put in small cages, and were treated harshly, so they grow up upset and angry, and most importantly (for them), aggresive and fierce. These puppies were made to learn to fight their own sibblings in those small cages, for food and comfort. Cruel humans.
Anyway, we went there to 'save' a couple of puppies. We looked into the shabby sheds where the puppies were kept. There wasn't too many then, and we were offered some puppies of 2 months old, they are a mix of a Pitbull and a Boxer. Bowo chose a female whom he named PolPot, I chose the most friendly-looking and calmly-behaving male pup whose coat was black and white. That was our Baron (I think my sister came up with that name right after she saw him). Polpot was priced 200.000 IDR and Baron 300.000 IDR (that's less than 30 Euro, but it's quite expensive, especially considering all dogs I've had were mostly given, for free).
When I was at that breeding ground, I felt like I want to buy all the puppies there to save them from their gruesome destiny. But it's just impossible. And it wouldn't stop these crazy people from breeding another ones for the sake of betting. How evil. I remember there was a very good-looking 7 months old pup, looked like a German Sheperd but not quite, who seemed smart and very friendly. I asked for him but they said he already got an owner: a police officer, who would train him to be a K-9 (so the police knows about this *ahum* illegal breeding ground after all).
I left that place with baron clinging on to my body, as if he knew how to hug. In the car, I kept looking back at the place where we left the other puppies. Still not knowing what kind of human beings like to bet money over the lives of their fellow living beings.
We dropped by a pet store on the way back, buying necessities for our dogs (anti-flea powders, brushes, collars, biting toys, biscuits..), then we went to my place where we could let both Baron and PolPot run around freely in the backyard. Much later, they mate once and PolPot bore Baron's puppies for the first and the last time. I've never heard of PolPot again since Baron's pups were born.
Baron grew up to be a very strong dog. Not all of my friends dare to get near him, moreover play with him, because he never realized his strength. Oh, and like pitbulls, his bite was really strong. Our housekeeper once made Baron a house, made of triplex, but he easily tore all the walls and roof to bits with his teeth. When Baron got bigger and wanting to explore more of the world, he used to try to jump over the elevated ground - out to the parking lot and, if the gate was opened, to the street! To prevent that, a bamboo fence was put accross the path between the elevated grounds, and added to that, a 'roof' to block the passage. All these barricades were useless.
Baron has never been fierce. He only wanted to play, with anyone. He always wanted company, but we couldn't be there all the time, of course. I used to groom him (bathe and all), and when I graduated in 1997, my sister who also studied in Bandung took over. Nobody else would groom him, really, but us.
Our house there was a favorite meeting place (for homeworks or parties), and most of the time, when we had our events outdoor, Baron has to be tied to a tree (tying him to a water pipe only came to the destruction of the PVC pipe). He didn't like it, of course, but he enjoyed the crowds.
Some people in our neighborhood didn't like Baron. Well, they (mostly were adolesence boys or young men) didn't like dogs in general, so they always tried to tease Baron (and us). By throwing rocks to our metal gate, shouting obscenities, crowding and hanging at one side of our gate. Getting angry or talking to them in a civilized manner was no use (I've tried that). But well..
All's done now. Perhaps I haven't been paying too much attention to him, especially after starting my study in Holland. My sister too, when she graduated and moved to Jakarta to work, she only have limited time to visit Bandung and take care of Baron. Poor dog, he must felt neglected. Sorry, pal. I know Bandung and that house won't feel the same without you.
Years ago, I said "All dogs go to heaven" to console Cooper, a bar owner in Eindhoven (whom I used to work for as a student), when his Great Dane died. Now I say that sentence to myself. Baron is free, once again, from our backyard to the whole Eden. And Baron, listen, I know you're happy seeing Benji again, but keep your big paws off her fluffy tail!
tita, gue turut berduka cita atas wafatnya baron... anjing paling ajaib yang pernah gue ketemu (dan pernah gue ajak main).
ReplyDeleteI also believe all dogs go to heaven.
If there's no dogs in heaven.... it's not heaven.
huee trims :) iya nih, elu satu dari segelintir orang yg berani main ama baron!
ReplyDeleteTurut berduka cita Mbak...Rasanya dia meniggal karena tua (udah 11 tahun? dikali 7 kalo mau dibandingin sama umur manusia?) Ini Mas Bowo yg kayak David Copperfield Jawa itu ya?
ReplyDeletethanks ber :D david copperfield jawa?! hahah baru denger padanan ke sana! (tapi iya juga ya..) iya ini bowo patung '92, makanya panggil2an ama gue dulu "besan".
ReplyDeleteturut sedih. gue setuju, semua anjing berakhir di surga. mudah2an baron nanti ketemu ama Jack, buldog Laura Ingalls yang setia dan penuh kasih sayang.... (cuma satu cacatnya: memusuhi orang Indian :)).
ReplyDeleteUh, so sad to hear that.
ReplyDeleteI don't play with dogs, but I believe Baron was a good one.
Jadi inget dia menggonggong tepat di muka gue, tapi gue cuekin.
My condolences.
ReplyDeleteOnce in Kompas Minggu, there's a short fictional story about an Indonesian Arab descent family who keep a family dog. They're being criticized by the neighboorhood because of this dog is not "holy" to their belief. Anyway they keep this dog, that in their opinion is more trustful, honest and loyal than most of the people they know. One day this aging dog died in theirTV room, among all family member who love him. All family wept and cried....and they said, he's going to heaven.
I have a dog myself, also in Bandung. He survived one accident (run over by some crazy neighbor's car) and two critical sickness. He's about 8 years old now. Dogs are truly men's best friend and sure they got to go to heaven.
Story of Fluffy http://www.usnews.com/usnews/news/articles/030526/26spotlight.htm
salam, Rendy
Hiks...turut berduka cita ya Ta...gue jadi kagen anjing gue Millo di bogor...
ReplyDelete:(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :((. hik..
ReplyDeleteTa .... nderek belasungkawa yaaaaa........ yen manusia umure wis pira ya?
ReplyDeleteKalau mereka bermadhab Maliki, satu dari empat madhab dalam Sunni Islam, maka anjing dan liur anjing dan bagian-bagian yang lembap dari anjing sama sekali bukan najasa/najis, dan tidak menyebabkan wudhu batal. Tiga madhab yang lain beranggapan jika bagian yang lembab dari tubuh anjing (liur etc, atau anjingnya abis mandi) bersentuhan dengan tubuh manusia, maka untuk bersuci harus dibersihkan dengan air dan tanah (dirt).
ReplyDeleteKalau gue, ya sentuh-sentuh aja, peluk-peluk aja, cium-cium aja tu anjing.... abis itu, bersihin diri dengan air dan tanah. Beres kan? Yang orang2 suka males itu, membersihkan dirinya..... Akhirnya lari ke "ngeri" dan "jijik" ama anjing.
trims ya KK (duh, inget aja sama Jack :D)
ReplyDeletehehe iya jay, elu emang lempeng kalo ama si maskot cihaur itu. thanks euy (si erwin nggak tega ngasih tau tiyas.. tapi tega ngasih tau ke gue sebagai "nb" di e-mail.. hueee).
ReplyDeleteThanks for the sympathy and for the stories, which are truly a pleasant reading material in remembering Baron.
Febee & Bookshop.. makasiiih >:D< (iya feb tengok sana - atau nitip si acel yg deketan utk nengokin bentar, sekalian bawa bravo-nya buat main bareng :D)
ReplyDeleteSuwun Ten :) Yen menungso, berhubung umure kira2 11 th, nek dikali pitu jadi 77 th. 'Sepuh' tapi rumangsane jik bocah terus si Baron kuwi, habis gawene lunjak-lunjak terus.
ReplyDeletesepupuuu...ikut berdukacita ya...
ReplyDeleteaku malah taunya dari venny, pas lagi chatting di room...
hiks...baron selamat jalan ya, walaupun kamu suka norak (dalam arti gak sadar badan dan tenaga), tapi kamu anjing yang baik...salam buat alessandro ya
iya sepupuuu makasih *muah* (sekarang baron lagi lunjak2 bareng alessandro kali ya..)
ReplyDeleteSebagai sesama pencinta binatang. Aku turut berduka cita.
ReplyDeleteMakasih yaa *kelihatan dari fotonya bahwa penyayang binatang juga* :D (itu beagle kan ya?)
ReplyDeleteBaron has had a good life, thanks to you and your sister. It is impossible to help all beings that are suffering, and I know how you must have felt when seeing all those poor puppies ..people can be so cruel towards animals, thinking they are ' just animals' ..at least Baron has escaped a terrible fate..You have done all you could do for him.
ReplyDeleteKekou, thanks, I feel much better after reading your touching words.
ReplyDeleteThose people! *grrr* If I have my way, I'll have them all reincarnated into mutts when they die.
ReplyDeleteSaya salah satu orang yang sangat super ultra takut dengan anjing (soalnya ada peristiwa memalukan yang pernah terjadi saat saya smp : dikejar anjing di depan sebuah toko baju yang sedang ramai-ramainya ketika saya baru saja pulang karate. Anak karate, masih pakai celana karate lagi, tpi jerit-jerit karena dikejar anjing, ya, jelas malu, dong...)
Tapi saya mengerti rasa kehilangan itu, soalnya seringkali apa pun yang coba saya pelihara (ayam, burung nuri, burung gereja, dst) cepat atau lambat akan mati (kalau ayam sebenarnya tahan lama, tapi pas lebaran dia disembelih untuk hidangan lebaran...hiks...). Yang paling lama bertahan adalah seekor kucing warna putih yang sekarang sudah sangat tua. Dia selalu ada di depan pintu dapur untuk minta makan. Tapi belakangan ini dia tidak terlihat lagi....entah di mana...entah keadaannya bagaimana...
Jadi, saya juga ingin mengatakan turut berduka cita.
ReplyDeletemy condolence Ta. Aku bisa nangis gerung2 kalau bertha ku mengalami nasib yang sama seperti Baron.
Trims ya. Anjing yg nggak behave memang nyebelin, dan di Indonesia memang banyak yg liar gitu. Di sini sih, si pemilik anjing bisa kita omelin.
ReplyDeleteMakasih Juuuu..
ReplyDeleteAku udah beberapa kali "kepaten asu", tapi kali ini emang rasanya yg paling keilangan. Savor your moments with Bertha *muah*
Itu jenis Basset Hound (yang jadi maskotnya produk Hush Puppies). Kalau beagle ngak begitu pendek dan kupingnyapun tidak sepanjang basset, walaupun sama2 dari jenis hound dog.