Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Weekend of No Significance

What happened yesterday and the day before was a blur. Fragments of my recollection include going to church and to a wedding on Sunday afternoon; the rest include pieces of views of my bedroom ceiling, juvenile television series and ordinary cartoons - which were about all I could handle. Why, you ask? I had the runs. I couldn't stay far from the loo, but that's not the point. There are things I supposed to do and could have done had I felt not so fatigued.

- A slight nausea bothered my appetite, so I couldn't eat although I felt hungry sometimes. "It's alright", husband said, "It's about time your body uses its reserves", while nodding at my chunky limbs.   

- My plan to go to Toko Setiabudi to get tubs of mascarpone cheese had to be aborted (no lemon tiramisu for now, people!). I offered to make tuna dip instead for a friend's birthday snack at the office on Monday. "Oh great", his wife said, "So we have something sweet and savory for that day", reminding that she'll bring a cheese cake for that occasion.

- I was trying to make myself useful (a.k.a. producing something other than that nasty toilet business), by carrying along my sketchbook-diary and gelpen wherever I went around the house. But I ended up only crashing horizontally wherever I parked myself, half-conscious and detached from my surroundings.
Dhanu (climbing up to the armrest of a rattan coach): Lindri, lay next to ibu so I can jump over both of you from this coach.
Lindri (taking her position as instructed): Oh, okay Dhanu.
Tita (totally oblivious to kids' stunts): ...

Never. Ever. Give in to such degrading disease. Again.


  1. nggak keren ya ta..
    hari ini giliran aku yang kena nih..

  2. nggak keren bangettt.. aku masih belom tuntas nih, tp harus ke kampus :P
    ayo ngeteh pait anget bareng-bareng...

  3. haaaa cepat sembuh ya :D... itu dhanu sama lindri... hihihihihihihihi

  4. hehehe... aku baca sampe terkekeh2, pdhal harusnya kan simpati yaaaa...Syb, Dhanu & Lindri - duuuh, mereka itu tega benerrr :)) Mudah2an sekarang sdh mendingan. (PS. could it be food poisoning... from the wedding?)

  5. Get well soon Tita!

    Your kids are priceless! :D

  6. memang begitu kelakuannya :)) terima kasiiih
    food posoning, mungkin.. tapi pasti bukan dari acara kawinan itu, sebab ketika kawinan juga udah 'kasus'. curiganya gara2 makan lotek katineung di riau junction...

  7. thank you tita!
    yeah, kids.. never a dull moment... :D

  8. iya nih,, kmr badan uda hampir tumbeng, tapi ga mungkin istirahat,, untung ada suplemen juwara!! ester C!! dan semuanya selamat,, hihihihihi

  9. kupikir penyakit gak mau nempel ke badanmu jeung...
    Dhanu n Lindri.. they know how to entertain themselves..hehehhe
    dah sembuh jeng?

  10. oooh..... food poisoning..... real dreadful!!! poor you...
    hope you're feeling better now.

  11. heuheueheueheueheu....

    cepet sembuh ya ta... *hug*

  12. Ouch, been there done that!
    Cepet sembuh ya Ta.

  13. Huaahahhahah! Tega. Cepat sembuh yah Ta!

  14. you do really have cute and adorable kids :)

    get well soon ;)

  15. Imodium sepil dua pil sehari atau norit 10 biji sekali tegak... works for me dear. Cepat sembuh ya... tapi emang ta, kadang gua suka seneng kalo udah melebihi batas normal berat badan gua dapet nii penyakit... hahaha

  16. anakmu tuuuuuuuhhhhh hihihihi.....
    tapi bagus kan? :D
