Sunday, October 29, 2006

Inside my Nomad (an old story)

I hope the backpack at the background is visible

This album is connected to this journal. I finally got all the films in my old pocket camera used, had them processed, printed and scanned.

Spaghetti - Boursin - Spek

Syb said this dish used to be his staple food during his university days: cheap, quick and easy. He doesn't remember where he got the recipe from, moreover what its name is, but he knows how to do it perfectly. Again, no measurement for the ingredients.

- Spaghetti (or any other pasta)
- 1 pack Boursin (cream cheese with garlic & herbs)
- Spekreepjes or bacon bits, about 150 gr
- Onion, if desired
- Parsley, finely chopped

1. Cook spaghetti.

2. Heat a bit of butter in a pan, pour bacon bits and cook until coloured. Add finely chopped onion if desired.

3. Mix Boursin into the pan, keep stirring quickly until it blends evenly.

4. Pour the already-drained spaghetti into the pan, stir until everything is mixed. Spread the finely chopped parsley before serving.

Green salad is a perfect companion for this dish. Bacon bits can be substituted with sliced mushrooms.

The photo is actually a portion of spaghetti carbonara (which has a similar appearance), taken from this site.

Saturday, October 28, 2006


Urusan bikin kentang tumbuk ini biasanya kuserahkan ke Syb, sebab emang dia jagonya. Saudara2 yg pernah nginep sini pasti pernah ngerasain stamppot Syb dan selalu ingin lagi dan lagi..
Sekarang ini saya coba tulis resepnya, tapi takarannya dikira2 sendiri ya (sebab dia bikinnya jg nggak pernah pake takaran). Untuk Chica dan TeNiek, selamat mencoba! :)

- Kentang, sekitar 1 kg bisa utk 3-4 orang. Di sini kita bisa pilih yg jenisnya creamy (jangan tanya spesiesnya), atau yg memang disediakan utk ditumbuk.
- Butter - biasanya pakai roomboter
- Susu - susu sapi segar, half-fat, kemasan kotak
- Garam

1. Masukkan kentang yg sudah dipotong jadi 2 atau 4 (tergantung besarnya) ke dalam panci berair (nggak usah banyak2, cukup sampai seluruh kentang terendam), taruh di atas kompor, api besar.

2. Begitu air mendidih, kecilkan api, rebus selama ±15 menit. O iya, tambahkan garam ke dalam panci.

3. Setelah kentang matang, empuk ditusuk garpu, tiriskan. Segera hancurkan (dengan alat penumbuk kentang, kalau nggak ada bisa pakai garpu) sambil masukkan butter, sedikit demi sedikit. Ada juga yg biasanya suka mencampurkan olive oil sebagai ganti butter, lalu dicampuri sedikit bawang putih.

4. Tuang susu, juga sedikit demi sedikit. Hanya sampai membuat tekstur kentang tumbuk lembut. Selain susu murni, bisa juga pakai coffee creamer atau cooking cream.

Selesai! :D

Ada variasi lain, spt mencampurkan dengan irisan wortel dan bw bombay (dimasukkan bareng rebusan kentang di 10-5 menit terakhir), irisan buncis, andijvie, brusselsprouts, dll. Biasanya ditemani rookworst (susis asap), spek (bacon), meatball (bola daging cincang), dan berbagai jenis daging lain, beserta jus-nya.

Foto dari Delia Online

Friday, October 27, 2006

Andy Taylor has left Duran Duran (again)

The last couple of weeks, speculations about why Andy not joining the Duran Duran East European and American mini tour at message board have been very varied
. Firstly it was heard that he was ill.. later it was rumoured that he was actually quitting the band. A poster at the board even provided this 'ad' as a joke:
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During that time, this issue has been endlessly discussed at the board, including reactions of any kind, not to mention drama and stuff. I admit I like to drop by the board since I am, more often than not, amused by these posts, especially the snarky - but witty - ones. Finally, an official announcement at confirmed the 'news':

To Our Fans

We know that there has been a tremendous amount of speculation over
the past few weeks regarding Andy Taylor's continued involvement with
the band and we are sorry that we've been unable to provide you with
more information until now. The past five years have been an incredible
journey for us all - and having the original five back together was
something that we had wanted to see happen for some time. As of last
weekend, however, the four of us have dissolved our partnership and
will be continuing as Duran Duran without Andy, as we have reached a
point in our relationship with him where there is an unworkable gulf
between us and we can no longer effectively function
together. Although obviously disappointed and saddened about this, we
are excited about the next chapter of the Duran Duran story and look
forward to seeing you all soon.

Simon, John, Nick and Roger
[posted 10/25/2006 U.S.A.]

There it goes; 1985 repeated all over again. More reactions came in and the board gets busier than ever. Some demand to know exactly what the problem is. Andy disagreeing the music direction of Timbaland, Duran Duran's current producer, and Andy not getting along with the colaboration with Justin Timberlake are the most popular speculations. Well, it has always been evident that Andy is more a hard rocker than the rest of the band. The bolder sound of Power Station seems like where he really belonged (while, in the same era, Arcadia seems to be the 'alternative' soul of DD).

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Then there was the question of who will replace him as the guitarist. Bring Warren back! No more Warren! - these cries have been heard a lot lately. I personally don't mind who will take Andy's place as long as the band is still intact and is making more music. But of course some posters at the board have also speculated that it won't be long until DD fall apart completely, again. One more album and then gone. The board doesn't lack nasty posts and threads (trolls, attention whores and drama queens are everywhere, mind you) - however, I never take this kind of posts seriously.

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I regret that Andy fell out of the band again, of course, because for
me 'the Fab Five' is the line up of Simon, Nick, John, Roger and Andy.
But what happens happens; they're a band who will develop their works,
not a static entity. More importantly, it's up to them how to go about
their business (i.e. making profit), so who am I to agree or disagree about the kind of music they will produce? If I don't like it, I won't buy it; it's as simple as that. True, I'm not as attached to DD now as I was in my teenage years, but I still diligently update myself
with whatever is going on there. Can't fight my schoolgirl
sentiment, apparently.

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Anyway, regretable as it may be, I fare Andy well to pursue his own musical notion and I just hope to hear the new DD album soon (they've been postponing it long enough!). Thanks to Andy for all the music, the fun memories and the rocking performance! I'm glad my first and only DD concert (May 31st, 2005, at Heineken Music Hall, Amsterdam) was performed by 'my' version of the original line-up! Cheers, all!

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Images are horked from message board
(Teajay is one of my favourite photographers there)

Monday, October 23, 2006

Kenangan Lebaran

Ini adalah kesekian kalinya saya kehilangan momentum ber-Lebaran bersama dengan keluarga besar di tanah air. Saya bahkan sampai lupa tahun berapa terakhir kali ikutan sungkeman saat Lebaran. Sekarang2 ini pastilah saat yg tepat utk mengenang sedikit mengenai perayaan hari besar ini di keluarga saya.

Separuh dari keluarga besar kami adalah Muslim, sisanya Protestan dan Katolik. Lingkungan tempat tinggal kami pun sama beragamnya. Ketika kecil dulu, saya biasa ikut dengan teman2 tetangga yg belajar mengaji dan membaca Al Qur’an di kompleks. Sebaliknya, sepupu dan teman yg Muslim pun pernah ikut saya ke Sekolah Minggu atau datang ke Sekolah Injil Liburan. Saya dulu belajar di sekolah Katolik yg mewajibkan setiap muridnya turut menghadiri misa saat sekolah, apa pun agamanya; namun tentu saja kami yg bukan Katolik dibebaskan dari ritual mengambil hosti dan mengaku dosa. Salah satu kenangan menyenangkan adalah ketika SMP, saya masuk tim kolintang utk mengiringi misa gereja tsb, bersama2 dengan teman2 yg beragam agamanya. Kenangan lain, adalah meningkatnya order kartu ucapan! Saya dan kakak adik dulu tidak pernah dapat uang jajan, jadi mulai SMP saya sering membuat kartu ucapan utk dijual, saking inginnya punya 'uang pegangan' sendiri. Menjelang hari raya apa pun, biasanya teman2 sudah memesan kartu. Hasil penjualan biasanya saya tabung utk beli pernik2 favorit yg nggak bakal tersubsidi oleh orang tua (contohnya, poster Duran Duran dari emperan Blok M.. haha)

Dengan kebiasaan demikian, adalah jamak bila kami saling berkunjung dan turut bergembira di hari2 raya penting, seperti halnya Idul Fitri. Saat masih kecil dulu saya pernah ikut berkeliling kompleks dengan teman2 utk Takbiran. Di hari Lebaran pertama, kami sekeluarga pasti mengunjungi rumah Pakde-Bude di mana Eyang kami tinggal, mengenakan baju bagus dan rapih. Begitu kami tiba (sekitar pk. 09:00), biasanya Pakde sekeluarga baru kembali dari shalat Ied dan sedang sibuk mempersiapkan semuanya. Ibu langsung ‘turun’ ke dapur utk membantu seorang Bude lain memotong2 ketupat, memanaskan lauk, dan menata hidangan di meja. Kami anak2 yg besar pasti juga kebagian tugas mengatur meja, membuat minuman, atau membereskan makanan kecil dan suguhan2 lain. Anak2 yg lebih kecil dibebaskan bermain atau nonton TV. Orang2 yg seumuran dengan saya pasti ingat, dulu itu acara wajib tonton di televisi adalah operet Papiko, lawak Srimulat atau Jayakarta Grup, film Warkop (..apa lagi ya?).

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Hari Raya Idul Fitri, yg merupakan kesempatan bermaaf-maafan dan memulai dengan diri yg lebih bersih, kami laksanakan dengan ritual sungkeman. Yang pertama perlu disungkemi tentulah Eyang Putri (Eyang Kakung sudah lama sekali wafat; sebelum saya lahir). Mulai dari keluarga tertua: dari ayah hingga anak termuda. Lalu keluarga tertua berikutnya, dan seterusnya, hingga keluarga bungsu bersama anak2nya. Eyang selalu menempatkan salah satu tangannya di kepala kami ketika mendoakan kami dan menerima permintaan maaf kami. Saat2 yg mengharukan dapat terjadi saat sungkeman ini, ketika seorang saudara memang sedang dalam situasi yg sulit. Namun lebih sering saat2 ini juga sambil dibuat guyonan: ketika seorang saudara sungkem, celetukan2 dari kanan-kiri, yg menyebut kelakuan2 ybs, selalu terdengar. Setelah Eyang, giliran Pakde dan Bude tertua yg mendapat sungkeman dari anak2 dan para keponakan. Oh iya, setiap kali sungkem, pasti diabadikan dengan foto! Terutama oleh Bapak yg hobinya memotret (sampai2 dijuluki Sukamoto-san oleh saudara2). Belakangan, peristiwa ini tentu saja diabadikan juga dengan video dan kamera dijital. Namun canda dan tawa yg mengiringi tidak pernah pupus; pasti selalu ada.

Setelah acara sungkeman, tibalah saat yg paling ditunggu2 oleh para ‘krucils’: ang pau! Jaman kami masih kecil dulu, tentu saja kami yg paling senang sebagai pihak yg selalu mendapat ang pau – biasanya berupa lembaran2 uang kertas yg nilainya ribuan rupiah – dari para Pakde dan Bude. Belakangan, sepupu2 yg sudah dewasa dan bekerja juga membagi2 ang pau bagi saudara2 yg masih sekolah atau kuliah. Sekarang ini, telah bertambah satu generasi ‘krucils’ yg paling berhak mendapat ang pau, namun kami2 yg juga sudah jadi orang tua kadang2 masih mendapat hadiah istimewa ini. Serasa jadi anak kecil lagi! Hehe..

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Makan siang bisa dimulai setelah itu. Pastinya ada ketupat, yg telah dipotong2 kotak2 rapih oleh Ibu dan Bude, opor ayam, sambel goreng ati, rendang daging, kerupuk udang. Biasanya ada juga puding, coctail buah dan fruit punch. Anak2 jadi sedikit tenang ketika sudah mendapat makanan masing2 dalam piring; semuanya duduk di lantai menghadap meja2 rendah, sambil makan. Acara ini diisi ngobrol2, nonton televisi, atau mondar-mandir ke meja makan utk mengambil tambahan. Setelah makan biasanya kami ikut beberes, apalagi biasanya tidak ada staf rumah tangga yg membantu karena sedang pulang ke kampungnya.

Pakde dan Bude tuan/nyonya rumah seringkali harus segera pergi lagi setelah makan siang, utk melakukan halal bi halal di tempat rekan2 mereka. Kami biasanya tetap tinggal utk masih beberes sambil main dan mengobrol dengan sepupu2, bila para orang tua tidak ada keperluan lain. Tahun demi tahun berganti, namun ritual sungkeman ini tetap kami laksanakan hingga sekarang. Hanya saja sayang tidak semuanya bisa hadir dengan keluarga lengkap karena anggotanya sudah berpencaran (contohnya saya) atau sudah dipanggil Yang Maha Kuasa.

Besok, Selasa 24 Oktober ini, keluarga besar saya akan kembali berkumpul utk merayakan Idul Fitri. Meskipun dilaksanakan hanya pada saat ber-Lebaran, ritual sungkeman ini dilaksanakan oleh seluruh anggota keluarga, apapun agamanya. Tradisi yg nJawani? Mungkin saja. Namun saya memaknai tradisi ini benar2 sebagai kesempatan utk menunjukkan hormat dan terima kasih saya pada para orang tua yg telah bersabar dan tanpa pamrih mengasuh, membesarkan dan menghadapi kelakuan anak2nya yg juga seringkali membuat mereka cemas dan kecewa.

Katur Eyang, Pakde, Bude, kepada saudara2 dan teman2 yg merayakan, bersama ini saya mengucapkan selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1427H; mohon maaf atas kata2 dan kelakuan saya yg selama ini kurang berkenan. Mudah2an utk selanjutnya kita semua bisa menjadi manusia2 yg lebih baik bagi sesama.

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Kecuali foto ketupat di paling atas, foto2 dari album Lebaran 2006-nya Chica (makasih ya Mbakyuuu)

Friday, October 20, 2006

The Making Of Nobody Knows (Nick Wood & Simon Le Bon)

Simon Le Bon of Duran Duran contributed his voice for a Japanese animation (an 'interactive manga', to be exact), with a song titled "Nobody Knows". An audio version of the song is available here:

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Varkenshaasjes met Champignons

One of the recipes in Keurslager magazine (monthly free magazine from a chain butcher) that I have prepared a lot of times since I found it years ago. I don't know the English word for vaarkenshaas but it's a slab of lean pork meat, and kastanjechampignons are brownish (not chalk-white) button mushrooms.
Sometimes I substitute the varkenshaas with veal and use mixed (seasonal) mushrooms. I usually serve it with mashed potatoes and sugarsnaps. A dish that is always loved by my family! :D

- 2 varkenshaasjes (total about 500 gram)
- 60 gram butter for frying
- salt and freshly-milled pepper
- 250 gram kastanjechampignons
- 1 small onion
- 1 dl cooking cream
- 1/2 block of chicken bouillon, solved in a bit of hot water
- if desired, 1/2 teaspoon curry powder and a splash of lemon juice

1. Leave the meat within room temperature. Heat half of the butter in a frying pan and brown the meat all over on high heat. Season with salt and pepper.
2. Lower the heat, leave the meat in the pan with the lid on for about 20 minutes until thoroughly cooked. Turn the meat once during the cooking time.
3. Clean the champignons and slice the onion. Take the meat out of the pan and cover with aluminium foil to keep warm. Heat the rest of the butter in the pan and stir fry the onion and the champignon on a middle heat until the champignon begins to colour.
4. Pour in the cream and the bouillon in the pan and let the sauce boil shortly. If necessary, season the sauce with salt and pepper and, if desired, with the curry and the lemon juice.
5. Put the meat back in the sauce and leave about 5 minutes until it is warmed through.
6. Slice the meat about 1,5 cm thick and serve with the champignon sauce.
7. Potato 'kroket' or mashed potatoes, and green veggies such as string beans, broccoli and peas are classic accompaniments.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

In My Life (The Beatles)

One of the most touching songs from The Beatles.

Careless Memories animation (Duran Duran)

When I went to see Duran Duran concert in May 2005, they performed Careless Memories with this animation as the background. Well, who watches the big screen when you can actually see the performers in person?
It's only much later that I got my hands at this video so I could finally watch the whole animation. It's Japanese style and a bit.. urm.. no, quite bloody.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Good-Bye, Chunky Rice

Genre: Comics & Graphic Novels
Author:Craig Thompson
Apakah arti perpisahan? Apakah arti kesepian, dan arti persahabatan? Semua pertanyaan ini mendapat berbagai jawaban dalam Good-bye Chunky Rice. Kisah dalam buku ini dituturkan dalam bentuk gambar hitam-putih dan dialog2nya dikemas dalam gaya yg sangat bermain, yang ternyata malah menunjang keseriusan tema tsb. Tokoh2 utama, Chunky Rice dan Dandel, bahkan berwujud seperti kura-kura dan tikus, sementara tokoh2 lain berbentuk manusia biasa (tokoh2 berbentuk hewan yg lain - Merle dan Stomper - benar2 'berperan' sebagai hewan).

Chunky Rice suatu hari memutuskan utk pergi meninggalkan kampungnya di tepi laut, tempat ia tinggal selama ini. Ini berarti pula bahwa ia terpaksa berpisah dengan sobat karibnya, Dandel. Diantar oleh Solomon, tetangga se-apartemen, ia berangkat ke dermaga utk menjumpai kakak Solomon, Charles, seorang kapten kapal yg akan ditumpanginya. Awak kapal Charles saat itu hanyalah Eleanor (shipmate & housekeeper), Chunky, dan sepasang kakak-beradik kembar dempet, Livonia dan Ruth. Kapal pun berangkat meninggalkan pelabuhan, menjauh dari kampung di tepi laut, menuju samudera lepas.

Sangat mengagumkan bahwa plot sederhana tersebut ternyata mampu menampilkan banyak kejadian yang menguras emosi. Masing2 tokoh di sini memiliki seorang lain yang ia kasihi, dan (hampir) tak dapat terpisahkan. Solomon punya Merle, seekor burung yg ia piara sejak sayapnya rusak, yang disayanginya seperti ia menyayangi Stomper, anjing betina piaraannya semasa kecil. Livonia dan Ruth, si kembar dempet, tentu saja saling memiliki: menurut dokter yg menangani kelahiran mereka, terlalu banyak organ vital yg mereka pakai bersama, sehingga pemisahan secara fisik dapat mengakibatkan kematian keduanya. Charles memiliki kapal yg dibuatnya sendiri, dan tak terpisahkan dengan laut. Namun di balik ketangguhannya sebagai kapten kapal, Charles sebenarnya memiliki rasa kehilangan yg sangat mendalam terhadap Glenda, mendiang istrinya. Hubungan Chunky dan Dandel pun terlihat sangat lekat. Namun bagaimana ketika mereka akhirnya terpaksa juga menghadapi perpisahan?

Sejak ditinggal Chunky, Dandel setiap hari pergi ke pesisir pantai utk menatap lautan luas yg membawa pergi Chunky. Ia selalu melemparkan botol berisi surat (berupa goresan krayon warna-warni, tanpa kata2) ke arah laut, hari demi hari. Ketika terpisah dari Merle, ekspresi kesedihan Solomon (yg masih merasa bersalah atas nasib Stomper dan anak2nya) nyaris membawa mautnya. Perpisahan dapat berakibat fatal, bagaikan yg dapat terjadi pada ikan bila dipisahkan dari air. Perumpamaan tersebut digambarkan dengan sangat indah oleh Thompson menjelang berakhirnya kisah ini.

Thompson memang mampu dengan lihai menggunakan gambar utk bermain dengan waktu. Ambil contoh ketika Solomon mengambil gerobak kecil utk mengangkut barang2nya ke kapal: Chunky harus menunggu sebentar di beranda rumah. Halaman berikut menampilkan pemandangan yg dilihat Chunky: dalam keadaan berurutan, namun bagian2nya tetap bersambungan dalam bingkai utama. Atau ketika pertama kalinya Chunky berjumpa dengan si kembar dempet Livonia dan Ruth di atas kapal. Si kembar mengamati Chunky dengan intensitas yang sama dengan pengamatan Chunky pada kondisi istimewa mereka, bagian demi bagian tubuh. Banyaknya variasi permainan waktu ini membuat saya betah lagi-lagi membolak balik halaman2 buku ini. Teks dan gambar saling mendukung dengan kompak, yang satu menunjang yang lain dengan susunan yang nikmat ditelusuri. Mungkin juga kisah ini adalah refleksi emosi Thompson sendiri yg kala itu baru mengalami perpindahan tempat dan perpisahan, namun justru di situ lah letak kekuatan buku ini: sederhana, namun dapat bermakna mendalam, karena keluar dari hati pembuatnya.

(gambar2 lain akan menyusul)

Good-Bye, Chunky Rice
(c) Craig Thompson, 2006
Pantheon Books
ISBN: 0375714766

Revealing the contents of my Nomad

Thanks to Chica, I also get my turn to reveal the contents of my bag. I have no daily (hand)bag - everytime I go out I only bring my wallet (in my trousers' pocket) and an empty backpack (to be filled with, usually, groceries). So what I show you here is my Nomad backpack, which I bought in 1998 in Eindhoven and is still very much a reliable container for my stuff. Moreover, it has a 'rain hood' underneath, which I can unfold to cover the whole surface and save my books and papers.

As at the moment I have no access to a decent digicam, I poured out and drew all (honest!) my Nomad's contents. Here's the first compartment:

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- A bottle of water is essential; never leave home without it in this dry-aired country. That's a 50cl SPA blue bottle (the non-bubble variation, I just refill it with tap water everytime it's empty).
- A roll of rainpants. In this rainy weather, having no rainpants during cycling in the rain can lead to a great discomfort as your trousers will get soaked wet.
- A tupperware for my lunch yesterday, previously wrapped in a plastic bag. Food at school's canteen can be quite boring so I brought rice and beef in black pepper sauce from home.
- A note book, almost full.
- A guideline of Doctorate Graduation; I took care of the protocolaire stuff yesterday.
- An A5-sized Belgian comics magazine, PARCIFAL.
- A fold of DELTA, weekly newspaper published by TU Delft.
- A new comics magazine, MYX, which is a perfect read in a one-hour train ride.
- A milk-white transparant folder for my important papers.
- My A5-sized sketchbook diary, black hard cover.

The second compartment is unsurprisingly dirty of crumbs. After drawing the contents, I finally threw away the garbage.
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- Paper napkins and pieces of receipts (got thrown rightaway)
- A container of "Heinz barbeque sauce" and a sachet of "Heinz mayonnaise", a coupon for a free soft ice cream at Burger King (still valid until the end of this month) and an empty paper container of McDonald's fries (I keep it to use in my diary, later)
- Two unopened toys (from either McD or BK, which was forgotten by the kids who asked for them)
- A tube of Pritt glue
- Three permanent black markers
- A Nomad pencil case that originally came with the bag, so it has a velcro line at the back side, to be attached to the base of the compartment. Very handy.
- My wallet, bought in 1994 and is still very sturdy.

The third compartment, or the front pocket, is even worse than the second one.
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- Things that got thrown or put somewhere else rightaway: three sachets of sugar, one sachet of mustard, one small plastic spoon and an unopened pack of 'telescopic' chopsticks (they came with a sushi package from Albert Heijn supermarket).
- Two 'strippenkart' (still valid, for bus/tram/metro in the whole Netherlands), another voucher for soft ice cream at Burger King, and a discount voucher for Albert Heijn's wrap-to-go (expired: got thrown, too).
- Two gelpens and two gelpen refills.
- A pack of tissue
- A pack of Aquafresh pastilles
- Keys: my Delft bike keys, my Delft office keys and my Amsterdam (home & bicycle) keys.

So there. You'll have to wait (quite long) for the photos, but at least now you know how messy I am. Are we still friends? :)

Monday, October 9, 2006

Reminiscing the 24 Hours Marathon

So, last Saturday, Oct. 7th, was the 24 Hour Comics Day of 2006. In the morning I quickly did a grocery shopping, before I left to Lambiek at about 10:30. Getting there, I saw that all the provided tables were almost full already, so there was not much choice for me. I picked one at the far end of the whole group, which, honestly, was a bit of a relief because I hardly knew anyone in person. Next to me (there was only one other table at my side) sat Matt Baay, who is known for his bunbuns series. I settled myself at the table and wandered around the shop before the event began.

Approaching 11:00 there was a small opening speech from Klaas and Bas, caretakers of Lambiek, then the event started. We rightaway scribbled, bending our torsos towards the surface of our tables. I didn’t get the chance to notice the others for I was concentrating on finishing my pages (I was determined to finish several pages ahead of time, because I knew I would take a long break within this 24 hours). After some minutes of industrious silence, the air started to be filled with ‘conversations’ again (Anyone has a Typex? Anyone has a glue? Oh $#!*& eraser, the ink isn’t dry yet! Gimme back my Typex!).

I did the first pages for about half-an-hour each, so by lunchtime I’ve already finished 6 pages (I noted down the finishing time at each page, next to the page number). Lunch was two pieces of boterhamen which I ate while drawing, served by a nice girl who brought drinks and food around the room the whole day. Peter Giljam and Luc and Luc’s friend came in the afternoon. Maaike Hartjes dropped by as well, and we had a chat partly about her experience in the ASEF program in Singapore (interesting!).

Later, around 15:00, Syb and the kids came as well (too bad he just missed Peter). Dhanu was, as usual, browsing for stuff he likes (this time, a complete Simpsons family figurines), while Lindri didn’t want to go anywhere but staying with me. I quickly finished another page then carried Lindri, bringing her around the room, so I could also see how the others were doing.

In the office of Lambiek, three people were busy scanning and uploading updates (freshly-finished pages) to the Internet. I was assisted by Nick, who has been working for Lambiek for years, to whom I opened my Multiply access so he could add the drawings in my album. Syb and the kids left at about 16:00, Peter dropped by again later (so he just missed Syb), and I tried to finish the 11th page at around 17:00. I gave those pages to Nick to be scanned and started packing up to go home. I had to prepare dinner and (later) put the kids to bed with the hope that I could come again after they’re asleep. When I left, people at Lambiek were busy crating in warm dinner as well (from Food Fantasies), which smelled reeeaaally good (I’m sorry I missed it).

I took my bike and headed home, dropping by Dirk to buy Syb’s coffee (standing in line with Saturday shoppers is, believe me, hell on earth). I’ve told Syb to make rice so that’s ready, I only had to fry the Catalanseworst (spicy sausage) and the mix Mexican veggies (beans, sweet corn kernels, onions, and such) to accompany the dish. Dhanu was playing with his favourite Lego game on the Internet, Lindri was just done watching Wallace & Gromit on DVD. Dinner was ready on time, then, while waiting for the kids’ bedtime, I browsed the Internet to find out how my comrades in Indonesia were doing. I dropped a line in their pages before continuing with household works (dishes and stuff).

Bedtime for our kids. I brought Lindri to her rituals: brushing teeth, then reading her a story (she wants me to read Nelson nowadays; she finds it really funny) before turning the light off and leaving her alone. However, she seemed restless that night (our guess: it's her teething period again). She didn’t go to sleep rightaway but letting out occassional weeping.

I continued drawing in the front room, while Syb went to console Lindri once in a while.
I was planning to come back to Lambiek but I didn’t have the heart to leave the already-tired Syb minding the cranky-Lindri by himself; not to mention the coughing-Dhanu, too. So I stayed at home while drawing and scanning and uploading my drawings (I managed to make page 12 to 21). Syb of course couldn’t sleep with the noises I made, so he moved to the back room to accompany Lindri. I worked until about 04:00 (page 21 was marked 03:42), then went to bed.

04:00 – 07:00

Sunday Oct 8th. As usual, the kids were awake early (around 07:00 already). I woke up and prepared breakfast for everyone before continuing my drawings. I drew and scanned and uploaded again until I was ready with my whole 24 pages. In between, I opened up my chatting line and also checked updates from the 24 Hour Comics Day center. Finally, I’m done! The last page was marked 09:56. After uploading the last page, I got ready to go to Lambiek for the finale..

I arrived at about 10:30, some artists were still drawing, some went home already. I thanked Nick for his assistance in scanning and uploading the first half of my comics, then picked up my originals (page 11 has liquid stains on it!). I found out that a couple of television people were documenting the event last night and continued in the morning. I was also told that someone made drawings of all participants to be published at Cutie. He waited for me but I didn’t come back that night, so he had to proceed and left as soon as he’s done. Ah well, by now I realize I can’t get everything I want.

Everyone should stop drawing! We all made it! I hung around for awhile at Lambiek for breakfast: (hard balls of bread filled with either mozarella-tomat-pesto or creamy tuna salad, pretzels, olives, salami, ham, cheese, fruit shakes, juice, coffee – and also accompanied by champagne!) while browsing the pages of the participating artists. The television people made recordings of the results, spreading them on the table. I overheard that they will broadcast this 24 Hour Comics Day documentation this Thursday (Oct 12th). I’m looking forward to watching the program – not because I’m going to see me or my works being broadcasted (because there isn’t any) – but to see the atmosphere during the event, for I couldn’t observe it myself during the marathon.

I went back home and caught up with sleep in the afternoon (a bit too long that it caused a mild case of headache). Well, I guess I’ve had enough distraction from my work. But I’m glad I participated, not only because it’s fun, but I could finally free my mind from the thoughts about my transitions during my life in The Netherlands. I was, in short, relieved.

The photo was taken from Lambiek website.
I'm at the far back in checked (red & black) shirt.

At 24 Hour Comics Day central blog:
A Note from Jakarta
Closing Report from Jakarta
Report on Bandung Site, INDONESIA
Flash news from Surabaya Site, INDONESIA

Jakarta 24 Hour Comics Day
Surabaya 24 Hour Comics Day
Photos from Bandung
My 24 Hour Comics results and photos

A post at Komik Alternatif mailing list (from Suryo)
An article in Kompas (Friday 13 Oct)

In The Netherlands:
At 24 Hour Comics Day central blog:
Lambiek reports in
Amsterdam is Half-Way

24 Hour Comics site at Lambiek
At Het Nederlands Stripsmuseum Groningen

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Not a Claustrophobic

I’m glad I wasn’t a claustrophobic, because I got trapped in an elevator this afternoon. Perhaps I shouldn’t be writing about it because it’s down right embarrasing (it’s my fault not to notice how the elevator works), but what the hey, this should me my first – and hopefully last – experience of getting stuck inside an elevator.

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Here's Sadia!

It happened in an apartment in Oude Delft. I went to visit another Tita (no, really), a Malaysian whom I knew only from exchanging emails and blogs. Tita, her husband and their 7-months-old daughter Sadia arrived in the The Netherlands several weeks ago; due to her husband starting an MA program at TU Delft this semester. So we finally got to meet each other in person! The visit was pleasant, baby Sadia smiling a lot and being very friendly (seems like she springs and bounces everytime she gets the chance). Their apartment is on the 2nd floor (that’s counting the ground floor as “ground” floor, not 1st floor). I wonder if there’s an elevator in this old building, considering them having a buggy and suitcases and all. There is one, that I was shown (and tempted to use) when I was leaving their apartment. Then it happenned.

I didn’t notice that, in order to go to the ground floor, you have to push the “0” button and hold it down until you reached the ground floor. This manner is written in big, bold letters above the buttons (in Dutch, duh). Well, I didn’t notice that. Instead, I did what I am used to: push the button down for some seconds and then let go. The elevator got stuck rightaway, after descending for about 20-30 cm. The door couldn’t be opened, no button worked anymore, and even the telephone inside the elevator was dead.
It’s really helpful that there is a window at the elevator door, so we could communicate quite well (sounds travel without problem). Tita and her husband were trying to get help by calling the supervisor of the building, but there was no answer. I also get them the telephone number of the elevator company that was attached inside the elevator, next to the (currently dead) telephone. During the wait to get help, Tita stood outside the door, sometimes carrying Sadia who was smiling and bouncing all the time, making a conversation with me. Wanna know what we talked about? Unecessary stuff like Inul and Siti Nurhaliza!

I wasn’t panicking or anything, and I thought the air circulation was quite well inside that elevator box. It’s a small one; if I stretch my both arms I could touch two sides of opposing walls (from side to side), stretching one arm is from door to buttons. The only thing I was worried about was that this means my trip back to Amsterdam is delayed, which means that my family’s dinner will be delayed as well.

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Showing the buttons that didn't work..

Tita’s husband finally managed to get someone to come over to help, who's coming on his bike right after he got off the phone. I didn’t know how long I was in there before this elevator technician arrived (around half hour?). He peeked inside, waved at me, shouted “Don’t panic!” and dissapeared (I noticed later) into a small opening at the wall next to the elevator door. I could hear him fiddling nextdoor and shouting his instructions. We tried a couple of things until finally the elevator descended to the 1st floor. Tita went down through the stairs and was already there when the elevator arrived, then opened the door. I was out! We went up and found my rescuer talking about how to use the elevator, while checking the buttons and all inside the elevator box.
I smiled apologetically and said “Thank you” while going down the stairs along with him and Tita. He said, “What, you’re not using the elevator? Are you afraid?” – to which I replied, “I’ve spent enough time in there, for now”.

So that was the story of today. The moral? Put two Titas together and you'll experience something new!

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Trying to look as desparate as possible
(I'll fix this photo tomo.. er.. later today. First, sleep.
Thanks to Tita for sending me these photos :D)

Sunday, October 1, 2006

[cerita2 aja] kumpul2 kecil di delft dan amsterdam

Kamis pagi, 7 September lalu, saya ketemuan dengan Prof. Brezet, salah satu anggota Tim Penguji utk sidang terbuka nanti. Sebelumnya saya memang sudah kenal dengan beliau, berhubung awal2 mulai S-3 di Delft saya ikut di kelompok penelitian yg dikepalainya (Design for Sustainability). Tapi sejak saya pindah fakultas, yaitu th 2001, kami sudah nggak pernah ketemu lagi – sampai hari Kamis itu. Setelah saya memaparkan inti disertasi saya, termasuk ttg supplementary material yg akan menyertai disertasi tsb (yaitu sebuah illustrated booklet, yg berfungsi sbg alat pengambil keputusand dalam sebuah forum diskusi), beliau bertanya, apakah booklet ini sudah diuji? Sebab itu yg akan saya tanya nanti. Nah lo.. harus gerak cepat, sebab jadual sudah mepet!

Di hari yg sama, siangnya saya janjian makan siang dengan Mel, anak Produk yg baru mulai program Master di IO semester ini (Mel terpaksa mengorbankan sebuah acara kumpul2 dengan anak2 master baru utk kencan makan siang ini.. hehe..). Langsung saya tanya Mel, bisa nggak ngumpulin temen2, minimal 5 orang, utk menguji fungsi booklet saya. Kebetulan dia tinggal di apartemen yg disediakan utk mahasiswa asing. Acara anak2 master memang penuh, apalagi ini minggu2 pertama mereka di Delft – tapi akhirnya kita janjian, dan terkonfirmasi: Sabtu pagi, di apartemen Mel, sekalian sarapan (sebab Sabtu siangnya anak2 master itu ada acara lagi: sightseeing diteruskan dengan barbeque),

Jumat malemnya di rumah saya siapin sarapan yg ‘mantap’, padat berisi, tapi praktis dan gampang disiapin utk dibawa ke Delft besoknya. Sabtu 9 September, saya berangkat dari Amsterdam pukul setengah delapan pagi, lalu dari stasiun Delft naik tram ke Roland Holstlaan (sebenernya jalan juga bisa, tp ngejar waktu). Sebelum ngebel si Mel, saya mampir dulu di Albert Heijn seberang apartemen Roland, beli apple pie dan jus jeruk.

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Sampai atas memang belum jam sembilan, jadi sambil nunggu yg lain, saya siapin dulu sarapannya: chicken fajitas. Tinggal menghangatkan campuran daging (yg sudah disiapkan matang di Amsterdam), lalu meraciknya di dalam lembaran2 tortilla dengan salad, keju dan sour cream. Yang pertama kali datang adalah Edwin, adiknya Elisa, kepada siapa cerita ini dijanjikan (bisa diteruskan ke mamamu, El :D - tapi sori fotonya pada butut, habis hasil scan dari foto cetak). Edwin ketauan paling tertib dan rajin, sebab yg lain2 pada telat. Mungkin juga karena mereka malemnya baru pesta2 (lagi2 acara penyambutan master), jadi sulit bangun pagi. Setelah itu datanglah Sigit dan Andrew (yg merelakan waktunya utk diskusi ini, padahal sebenernya pengen main bola), disusul Santi dan, meskipun hanya mampir sebentar, Tigor (yg terus pamitan di pertengahan diskusi, krn mau main bola – dengan Andrew juga, yg udah siap2 berkostum bola).

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All in all, acara diskusinya berlangsung lumayan produktif. Ceritanya, anak2 ini berperan sebagai warga kampung-kota yg rumahnya akan mengalami perbaikan. Melalui booklet ini, mereka bisa memilih standar rumah yg mereka inginkan nanti. Sigit yg masternya di Urbanism ceritanya jadi si kepala kampung yg memimpin jalannya diskusi, sisanya terserah mau berperan jadi apa (ibu PKK, ketua karang taruna, carik, apa pun bebas). Dari sini banyak sekali masukan buat saya utk memperbaiki si booklet, baik gambar maupun isinya (guys, bentuk booklet-nya sekarang beda banget dengan yg pertama kali itu lho). Mel si nona rumah juga sangat aktif; tanpa dia sesi diskusinya nggak akan seseru ini. Edwin dan Santi yg berpengalaman menangani permukiman di Aceh pasca Tsunami juga memberi masukan yg sangat baik. Enak memang diskusi dengan anak2 kritis yg pemikirannya segar2, setelah otakku rada2 stagnasi karena melulu mikirin riset sendiri. TERIMA KASIH ya teman2 di Delft!

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Sore2 sekembalinya ke rumah, saya langsung bikin perbaikan dan melengkapi booklet itu, utk dipakai keesokan harinya. Iya, hari Minggunya ada diskusi serupa dengan anak2 di Amsterdam. Sayang pemberitahuanku mepet banget, jadi yg menyanggupi datang hanya tiga orang. Sinta baru ingat ternyata dia ada janji lain, sedangkan Laura sakit, jadi tinggal Dika, Bulan dan Tanti. Kali ini setting-nya makan siang, saya bikin martabak telur mini dan tortilla isi tuna dan keju leleh. Tanti dan Bulan datang berbarengan, sekitar jam satu siang. Dika agak terlambat sebab dia harus kerja dulu sampai jam dua-an, tapi nggak apa2 sebab diskusinya toh masih berlangsung.

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Berhubung acaranya dilakukan di rumah, jadi tentu saja ada penggembira: si Lindri yg jupen banget (Dhanu sih asik main game Lego di komputer). Jadi kita ngobrol sambil disodori mainan2 sama Lindri. Diskusi kali ini juga sangat2 membantu, terutama karena Tanti waktu magang di Jakarta kosnya di Kampung Banjarsari, salah satu permukiman yg saya jadikan contoh di dalam disertasi, Dika dan Bulan yg fasih akan fenomena2 permukiman di daerah asalnya. Lagi2 saya dapet masukan2 yg bagus dan bisa jadi bahan menyempurnakan booklet tsb. TERIMA KASIH ya! Acara diskusi ini bikin saya tambah pengen segera aktif ngajar lagi, sebab terasa banget serunya kumpul2 produktif begini :)

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