Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Closing of the Semester

Here's a story about Dhanu and Lindri's closing of the semester in their school, which happened last Saturday, June 23rd, 2007. We were to arrive at school at about eight o'clock already, because these kids had to be dressed up for their performances. The main programs for that day were performances (from Playgroup, Preschool and Elementary students) and distribution of awards for winners (of competitions that were held the whole week before). We came early so we could get front-row seats at the school front yard, across a low stage that was especially made for this event.

Dhanu wore a white T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans, just like his fellow elementary students. They were to perform a dance from Kalimantan, so all they needed were a head band (made of black carton with golden paper ornaments) and a pair of short sticks (for the girls) or a paper-tube spear (for the boys). It is known by the whole school that Dhanu never likes dancing. Everytime a dancing lesson starts, he always finds excuses to do other things, such as reading in the principal's room.
We saw him wearing his headband and bringing a spear, but when the dance started, he refused to go on stage and stood 'guarding' the steps to the stage. Later the dance teacher said that Dhanu hid his spear so he had a reason not to do the dance. According to Dhanu, he didn't hide it. Whatever happened, he successfully avoided to dance.

Lindri, in the contrary, has been enjoying the dance lesson. She was reluctant at first, but lately she's eager. Lindri wore a white long-sleeved shirt and (almost) white pants, like her girl classmates (Playgroup boys wore blacks). The girls were to become flowers and the boys bugs. The flowers' costumes were a 'flower crown' (a plastic ball cut in two and sticked with wires wrapped in red and yellow crepe-papers as the petals), a green belt shaped like leaves and a pair of green-red-yellow paper bracelets.
Going up the stage, Lindri smiled so happy and proud. But during the dance, she didn't dare moving too much for afraid that she might drop her 'flower crown'. So she moved only her arms but only a bit of her head. Also while kneeling, she so carefully keep her head straight to balance her crown. She enjoyed her performance, though, and was still grinning widely when getting off the stage.

Winners of the past-week's competitions were announced. Lindri won the third prize for the Playgroup level kemandirian competition. In this kemandirian (or self-help) competition, the children were supposed to change into pajamas with front buttons. Lindri being one of the winners surprised not only me but also her teachers, since we know that she always needs help in dressing up. But on the day of the competition, without anyone really noticing, she suddenly tugged her teacher's blouse, saying "Ready!". Lindri proudly went on to the stage again to receive her present, which she unwrapped rightaway. She happily found a wooden puzzle and played with it endlessly afterwards.
Dhanu won the first prize for a drawing competition. He drew Jurrasic Park, with dinosaurs and helicopters. He went up to the stage with a straight face and receiving his presents with a cool expression. He brought home a plastic trophy and a bag of goodies (mostly children's books).

After all the shows, parents went to their children's classrooms to receive their report books. We went to Dhanu's classroom first, because Lindri's class had more parents queuing. Again, Dhanu's teacher announced to everybody that Dhanu and his classmates are all going to start at the Second Grade next semester. We brought home his report book, work books, assignments and all his portfolio from the First Grade.
At Lindri's class, we still had to wait for our turn to meet her teachers. We were given also a report book and her works. Lindri's teachers said that starting next semester Lindri can start Preschool already! I thought it would be later, considering her speaking ability and the fact that she's still wearing diapers, but apparently her teachers consider her to be smart and independent enough; ready to be a preschooler.

It was noon when we headed home from this big event at school. The kids were exhausted from all the excitement and played nicely at home (Lindri even took a nap!). That was a fun day, a nice beginning of a three-weeks holiday!

More photos are available at

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

"Wah, Pak A sudah pensiun.."

Rabu, 16 Mei 2007
Sekitar pk. 12.30 Hakim mengetuk palu: Pengadilan Negeri memutuskan bahwa surat nikah kami disahkan dan berlaku menurut hukum RI. Case closed. Selesai sidang, saya dipersilakan menyelesaikan urusan pembuatan Surat Keputusan (SK) dengan Panitera (Pak A) di kantornya. Pak A minta biaya administrasi 'dilengkapi' saat pengambilan SK pada hari yang telah disepakati: Selasa 22 Mei 2007

Selasa, 22 Mei 2007

Sekitar pk. 13.00 saya tiba di Pengadilan Negeri (PN).
T: Pak A ada?
P (= petugas panitera lain): Sedang ada sidang mungkin Bu, tunggu saja
Setelah menunggu sekitar satu jam:
T: Pak A sudah selesai sidangnya?
P: Masih Bu, belum keliatan lagi
T: Tolong beritahu saya nunggu ya, mau ambil SK
P: Baik, Bu
Satu jam sesudah itu:
T: Belum selesai juga sidangnya?
P (saling menengok2 satu sama lain): Wah sudah pulang tuh Bu, sekitar setengah jam lalu
T (kesel): Terima kasih, saya kembali lagi besok

Rabu, 23 Mei 2007

Menurut Pak A, SK sudah ia buat tapi Hakim sedang ke Kupang, entah sampai kapan, dan belum sempat menanda-tangani SK tersebut. Saya diusulkan untuk kembali lagi minggu depannya.

Rabu, 30 Mei 2007
Sesuai hari yang dijanjikan, saya datang. Saya tunggu sejak pagi, tidak juga tampak. Karena tidak bisa menunggu seharian, saya tinggalkan pesan saja ke rekan2 sekantornya bahwa saya sudah datang untuk mengambil SK. Siang itu, di kampus, saya mendapat telpon dari Pak A. Menurutnya, saya akan ditelpon segera setelah SK siap diambil.

Setelah itu saya cukup sibuk dengan urusan perpanjangan ijin tinggal Syb dan anak-anak, di samping pekerjaan2 lain. Telpon dari Pak A tak kunjung tiba. Banyak hal mendesak yang harus dituntaskan sehubungan dengan keimigrasian ini, sehingga urusan SK yg sebenarnya juga sangat diperlukan itu terpaksa tertunda dulu. Hingga hari ini:

Selasa, 26 Juni 2007
Saya dan Lindri (yg sudah libur) tiba di PN sekitar pk. 10.00, langsung menuju kantor Pak A.
T: Pak A-nya ada, Bu?
P (dua wanita panitera, berbarengan): Wah, Pak A sudah pensiun, Bu. Dia sudah ambil cuti panjangnya sejak minggu lalu.
T (kaget tapi berusaha tetep cool): Tapi saya masih harus mengambil SK yg diurusnya. Gimana ya?
P: Coba ke Pak B di ruang sebelah (= ruang Panitera Pengganti), sepertinya Pak A menitipkan berkas2nya di Pak B.
Di ruang sebelah, Pak B sedang ngobrol dengan rekan yg duduk di sebelah mejanya.
T (sambil menunjukkan nomor kasus di surat panggilan sidang):  Pak, saya hendak mengambil SK yang diurus oleh Pak A, mungkin dititipkan di Bapak?
B (melihat ke nomor dan judul kasus): Oh ini saya nggak tahu, nggak dititipi oleh Pak A. Yang di saya hanya berkas2 perceraian, sedangkan ini kan permohonan. Coba tanya ke Pak J, kantornya di atas, seberang musholla.

Jalan dengan Lindri ke arah koperasi, lalu belok ke belakang, ke arah musholla. Naik tangga ke ruang arsip, di mana seorang petugas sedang sibuk membundel arsip2 kasus yg rata2 tebalnya sampai 30 cm.
T: Pak, ada Pak J?
P: Oh sedang keluar makan, tunggu aja Bu di sini
Duduk dengan Lindri di ruang arsip, sambil menonton proses membundel dan mikir, "Eating at this hour? What does Pak J think he is, Winnie-the-Pooh, who always has 'elevenses'?!"

Setelah menunggu sekitar setengah jam:
P: Bu, ini Pak J sudah ada
T (sambil menunjukkan surat panggilan yang tadi): Pak, apakah Pak A menitipkan berkas saya pada Bapak?
J (mengamati nomor dan judul surat): Oh, iya, saya tahu surat ini, memang ada pada saya.
T (sedikit merasa lega): Jadi sudah bisa saya ambil sekarang?
J: Oh belum, kan hakimnya sedang sakit.
T: Masa sakit selama lima minggu ini? Apa nggak ada yang mengajukan untuk ditanda-tangani selama ini?
J: Yah saya tidak ada kaitannya dengan ini, ini tugas Pak A. Saya hanya dititipkan. Begini saja deh Bu, saya akan teruskan lagi ke Pak B, biar dia yang bisa bantu Ibu untuk minta Bu Hakim tanda-tangan SK ini.
T: Kira-kira kapan jadinya?
J: Yah nggatau Bu, namanya orang sakit.
T: Ya sudah Pak, terima kasih, saya ke Pak B lagi untuk memberitahu.

Dengan Lindri, saya turun dari kantor arsip, naik lagi ke kantor Panitera Pengganti. Pak B masih ngobrol2 dengan rekan sebelah mejanya itu.
T: Pak, saya baru bicara dengan Pak J. Katanya berkas saya akan diteruskan ke Bapak dan dilanjutkan urusannya. Kira-kira kapan bisa saya ambil. Minggu ini?
B: Mungkin minggu depannya Bu, orang sakit belum tahu berapa lama..
T: Masa selama 5 minggu ini nggak ada yang mengajukan surat tsb utk ditanda-tangan?
B: Nggak tau Bu, itu bukan urusan saya soalnya. Kenapa Ibu nggak telpon Pak A aja dulu untuk ngecek2?
T: Saya pernah telpon dan malah diminta mbayari pulsa dia. Lagipula dia janji mau nelpon saya kalau sudah beres. Ternyata jadinya seperti ini.
B: Nah itu sih nggak ada kaitannya dengan saya Bu.
T: Sampai minggu depan, kalau begitu.

Saya dan Lindri meninggalkan ruangan, keluar dari kantor PN, segera naik angkot menjauh dari gedung yang bikin saya makin hari makin apatis terhadap sistem hukum dan pengadilan di negeri ini..

Monday, June 25, 2007

[KONDE!] Strip-Jam, Display

Sunday, June 24th, 2007. I participated in the Strip-Jam event of KONDE! that was held at Pasar Seni Ancol, from about 14.00 to 17.00. During the session I asked fellow drawers at (and around) the table to fill my book, and here are the results.

Photos courtesy of Chica (thanks, sepupu! :D)
Tiyas made more photos (especially during the strip-jam), but we'll have to wait a long time until we can view them, because her computer's dead. Besides, she's probably busy preparing for a dance performance where she'll act as a pirate.

Friday, June 22, 2007


Last week, Saturday, was a busy day for Dhanu and his class – in fact, for the whole elementary classes at Dhanu’s school. It was the day the students presented their final works as the sign that the semester has ended (or, in other words, their exam). As Dhanu’s class had the theme “dinosaur” this semester, all lessons (math, science, social study, etc.) and activities (outing, etc.) involved dinosaurs, one way or another.

On the big day, the classroom walls were full of students’ works. The main space was set with seats for parents, facing three tables with one diorama on top of each. These three dioramas depicted three dinosaur eras, which were a result of a team work. The presentation started; each kid (there were eight of them) spoke out a line they rehearsed before, explaining the dinosaur eras. Some kids knew their lines by heart, some read from a piece of paper.
Dhanu’s turn to speak was the second-from-last. When he started to speak, his classmates covered their mouth with their hands, giggling. They thought Dhanu’s accent was funny, like a person who’s learning to speak Indonesian – which was what he is indeed. Dhanu didn’t seem to notice them and continued reading his part from a piece of paper, but in a squatting position, his face hidden behind a diorama. I guessed he’s shy, but when asked later at home, he said he squatted because he had to pee (it’s an excuse he used many times already).

This was Dhanu’s part:
Hewan yang hidup pada zaman ini di antaranya: Deinonychus, Pachycephalosaurus, Triceratops, Coritosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Stirakosaurus, T-Rex, Nanotyrannus, Euplocephalus.

After the presentation, came a question-and-answer session. Parents could ask questions and students should answer them. Now the students – including Dhanu - became more animated. They were yelling their answers simultaneously and apparently more impulsive, compared to the rehearsed part. Dhanu no longer squatted behind the table but springing and raising his arm while shouting his answers, along with the others. Afterwards, the program ended and these kids were declared as passing their first grade and are entitled to start as second graders in the next semester.

We went around the classroom to watch the display before leaving. Four ‘fossils’, another team work results, were on auction (we were too late to bid for one that Dhanu worked on). Photos from the geology museum showed each student posing as a fierce dinosaur in front of an erected T-Rex fossil. A cluster of drawings showed how each kid drew a dinosaur and personalized it as him/herself, giving it their names. So there are Bungasaur, Iqbalsaur, Dhanusaur, etc. A box gathered the students’ findings of (clay) fossils, which they dug out of a sand pit (the school’s playground). Dhanu happily showed us around, especially to Lindri. He lent her his teacher’s set of dinosaur, pointed a group of cracked dinosaur eggs from where sponge dinosaurs emerged, and many more.

A bigger closing day of the semester is yet to come: tomorrow (Saturday 23 June) will bring a big assembly event of the whole school. Students from Playgroup, Pre-School and Elementary school will perform on stage and a small bazaar will take place at the school premises. Well, that’s a fun closing of the semester. The next one will bring another theme, another fun! See you in Grade Two!

More photos from that day:

Monday, June 18, 2007


Pasar Seni Ancol, 22 Juni - 1 Juli 2007
Pameran Komik Indonesia Satu Dekade &
Bursa Komik Unik dan Murah
Lokasi:Pasar Seni


Jum’at, 22 Juni 2007 (Day I)
10.00 – 11.15
Welcome Ceremony
Lokasi: Area Venue
11.15 – 14.00
Break (istirahat)
14.00 – 16.00
Temu Komunitas Komik Nasional (umum)
"Optimalisasi jaringan kerja komunitas komik Indonesia"
Alvanov (Pengajian Komik DKV-ITB)
Mujadi Tani (Masyarakat Komik Solo)
Arnes (Red Army, Malang)
Host: Tauhid
Lokasi Gallery
18.00 – 19.00
Break (istirahat)
19.50 – Selesai
Live Music Country Night
Main Stage

Sabtu, 23 Juni 2007 (Day II)
10.00 – 15.00
Mural Karakter Komik Jagoan Betawi (part 1)
Lokasi: Arena
14.00 – 16.00
Lomba Cipta Karakter (On the Spot)
Lokasi: Arena
16.00 – 18.00
Opening Ceremony
Sambung Gambar: "Met Ulang Taun Jakarta!" 
bersama komunitas komik dan Wagub DKI (Fauzi Bowo)
MC: Gugun Gondrong
Lokasi: Main Stage
Press Conference (Undangan)
Lokasi: Gallery
 17.00 – 17.30
Live Band: Zeke & The Popo
17.30 – 18.00
Live Band : White Shoes & The Couple Company
19.00 - 21.00
Live Band: Gusrak Band (Etnic)
21.00 - 23.00
Live Band: B-Plus
Lokasi: Main Stage
Minggu, 24 Juni 2007 (Day III)
10.00 – 12.00
"Indonesian Superheroes Reborn"
Host: Hendra Yudha Lantu
Lokasi: Gallery
12.00 – 13.00
Games & Perfomance
Lokasi: Main Stage
13.00 – 14.00
Mural Karakter Komik Jagoan Betawi (part 2)
Lokasi: Arena
14.00 - 17.00
Jam Strips
Bersama: Gerdi WK, Hans Jaladara, Djair Warni, Thoriq, Pepeng Naif*, Sheila, Alpie Zackhyelle, Azisa Noor, Tita, Oyas dan lain-lain.
Lokasi: Main Stage
MC: Dennis Adhiswara
17.00 - 17.30
Live Band : Beatmore
Lokasi: Main Stage
17.30 – Selesai
Live Band (Top40)
Lokasi: Main Stage
Senin, 25 Juni 2007 (Day IV)
10.00 – 12.00
Mural Karakter Komik Jagoan Betawi (part 3)
Lokasi: Arena
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 - 17.00
Musik Ngamen Keliling
Lokasi: Pasar Seni
13.00 – 16.00
Klinikomik I*
"Exploring Character" 
Lokasi: Galeri
16.00 – 19.00
Games & Performance
Lokasi: Main Stage
19.00 - Selesai
Live Band:  Reggae Night
Selasa, 26 Juni 2007 (Day V)
10.00 – 12.00     
Mural Karakter Komik Jagoan Betawi (part 4)  
Lokasi: Arena
10.00 – 12.00
Klinikomik II
"Story Development"
Lokasi: Gallery
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 16.00
Klinikomik (lanjutan) 
Lokasi: Galeri
16.00 - 19.00
Dongeng Affandi Bersama Kartika Affandi
 Lokasi: Main Stage
19.00 – Selesai   
Live Band: D' Gracias (Latin)
Lokasi: Main Stage
Rabu, 27 Juni 2007 (Day VI)
10.00 – 12.00
Klinikomik III
"Self Publishing"
Lokasi: Galeri
12.00 – 13.00     
13.00 - 17.00
Musik Ngamen Keliling
Performace Art (Seni Rupa UNJ)
13.00 – 16.00
Klinikomik (Lanjutan)
Lokasi: Galeri
14.00 – 16.00     
Menengok Kiprah Komikus Indonesia Generasi Ketiga
Oyasujiwo (Masyarakat Komik Indonesia)
Chris Lee (Komikus International)
Anto Garang (Komikus Nasional)
Host: Wahyu Sugianto
Lokasi: Main Stage
16.00 – 19.00
Puisi Lintas Profesi
Lokasi: Main Stage
19.00 – Selesai   
Live Band: North Batavia (Musik Kenangan)  
Lokasi: Main Stage
Kamis, 28 Juni 2007 (Day VII)
12.00 - 17.00
Musik Ngamen Keliling
13.00 – 14.00
Games & Performance
Lokasi: Main Stage  
14.00 – 16.00
"Rally Launching Komik Indie"
WINDA GANK (Jagoan Comic) &
NUSAVALLA (United Kingdom Of Dragon)
Host: Tauhid
Lokasi: Main Stage
14.00 – 17.00
Workshop Cara Cepat Menggambar Kartun
Bersama AkademiSamali
16.00 – 19.00
Games & Performance
Lokasi: Main Stage
19.00 – Selesai
Live Band: B-Plus
Lokasi: Main Stage       
Jumat, 29 Juni 2007 (Day VIII)
14.00 – 16.00    
“Merangkai Imaji Komik Indonesia”
Eros Djarot (Budayawan)
Hasmy (Komikus Gundala)
John De Rantau (Sutradara)
Host: Surjorimba Suroto
Lokasi: Main Stage
16.00 – 19.00
Games & Performance
Lokasi: Main Stage
19.00 – Selesai   
Live Band: Pecas Ndahe (Humor)
Lokasi: Main Stage       
Sabtu, 30 Juni 2007 (Day IX)
10.00 – 12.00     
Lomba komik on The Spot 
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 15.00
Diskusi: Manajemen Studio
Bersama: IF Studio
Lokasi: Gallery
15.00 – 19.00
Melukis Model Bersama 4 Pelukis
(Kartika Affandi, Lucia Hartini, Bunga Jeruk & Erica Hestu)
Model: Elsa Sigar & Djenar Mahesa
15.00 – 15.30
Live Band : MR97
15.30 – 16.00
Live Band : Akila
Lokasi: Main Stage
16.00 – 19.00
Games & Pengumuman Lomba Komik
Lokasi: Main Stage
19.00 – Selesai
Live Band: Kramat (Perkusi)  
Lokasi: Main Stage       
Minggu, 1 Juli 2007 (Day X)
13.00 – 14.00
Games, Announcement &
"Sosialisasi Acara Komik Sepanjang 2007
(KONDE;BBJ dan PKAN VII Malang)"
Host: Endru
14.00 – 14.30
Live Band: Kripikpeudeus
Lokasi: Main Stage
14.30 – 15.00
Live Band
Lokasi: Main Stage
16.30 – 18.00
Closing: Comicnight
Lokasi: Main Stage
18.00 - Selesai
Live Band (Top 40)
Klinikomik (Ari Wowo 081511887118)
Lomba (Zarki 08881557811)
Diskusi (Endru 021 93415456)
Eri (08161831384)
Beng (08176818673

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Droog Design: A Human Touch

Start:     Jun 7, '07 7:30p
End:     Jul 5, '07
Location:     Erasmus Huis, Jakarta
Pameran Droog Design "A Human Touch"

Kamis, 7 Juni 19.30

Pembukaan Pameran Droog Design ‘A Human Touch’

(Hanya para undangan)

Droog Design dari Belanda bukan sekedar rangkaian produk dari sekelompok disainer, tetapi lebih merupakan sebuah mentalitas. Setiap produk merupakan olahan dari sebuah konsep dan sekaligus juga meletakan tanda tanya pada pencapaian dan tujuannya. Pendekatan ini telah menghasilkan sebuah bunga rampai dari keseluruhan produk, dimana setiap obyek mempunyai tujuan fungsional dan juga menjadi bagian dalam perdebatan tentang konsep.

Produk-produk Droog Design sangat istimewa dan dapat diakses kapan saja. Sebagian dari produk itu tampak tidak asing, terkadang produk itu dapat membangkitkan kenangan. Sebagian dari produk tersebut tampak kurang sempurna, lainnya justru tampak sempurna dalam kesederhanaannya. Beberapa produk mengandung unsur humor, sebagian lagi ada unsur puisi. Semua produk itu mengungkapkan cerita yang dapat dimengerti di seluruh dunia. Demikianlah produk-produk itu memiliki ‘A human touch’.

Droog Design didirikan pada tahun 1993 oleh ahli sejarah disain Renny Ramakers dan disainer produk Gijs Bakker. Mereka telah mengkurasi banyak obyek yang terdiri dari 180 disain karya lebih dari 100 disainer dari segala penjuru dunia. Dengan selalu memandang segala sesuatu dengan kritis dan lucu, Droog Disain (droog artinya garing seperti dalam ‘humor garing’) mampu bersaing dengan gaya disain mewah yang mendominir pasar.

A Human Touch adalah pameran pertama Droog Disain di Indonesia. Pameran ini menjadi tonggak dalam pertukaran budaya kedua negara.

Pameran ini diadakan berkat dukungan dari Netherlands Culture Fund, Kementerian Luar Negeri Belanda dan Kementerian Pendidikan, Budaya dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Belanda.

External link

Jum'at, 8 Juni – Kamis, 5 Juli
Pameran Droog Design 'A Human Touch'

Jam Buka:
Senin - Kamis, 09.00 - 14.00
Jum'at, 09.00 - 14.00
Sabtu, 09.30 - 12.30


Tanggal: 7 Juni 2007 - 5 Juli 2007
Lokasi: Erasmus Huis

Klabkomik: "Saat Gambar Berbicara"

Start:     Jun 7, '07 7:00p
Location:     Aksara Kemang, Jakarta
Dear All,
Seiring dengan terbitnya Kumpulan Komik Pendek Memorabilia Gempa Jogja, maka kami menyelenggarakan diskusi dengan kontributor, pengamat dan pembaca komik di acara:

Klabkomik Aksara


Frigidianto Agung (fotografer)
Oyasujiwo (Komikus)
Arief AshShiddiq (Visual Arts Magz)
Surjorimba Suroto (

Akademi Samali

TB Aksara
Jl Kemang Raya 8B
Jakarta Selatan

Kamis, 7 Juni 2007
Jam 19.00 - Selesai

Dateng ya, THX

Beng Rahadian

[Alumni SR ITB] Peringatan 60 tahun Senirupa ITB

Meneruskan woro-woro dari milis x-sr itb, sbb:


dalam rangka memperingati ultah SeniRupa ITB yang ke 60, maka FSRD-ITB berencana menyelenggarakan serangkaian acara yang megah dan asyik, dan sekaligus mengharapkan seluruh alumninya yang tersebar di segala penjuru dunia, negeri, kota, kecamatan, desa, kampung untuk turut berpartisipasi dalam segala bentuk bantuan agar acara ini dapat terselenggara dengan baik dan lancar.
Sebagai langkah pertama, panitia mengirimkan Formulir Pendataan yang WAJIB diisi dan dikembalikan kepada panitia secepatnya. Data Alumni dibutuhkan untuk kepentingan pengiriman informasi apapun. Demikianlah pemberitahuan awal, berita selanjutnya akan menyusul.

Mohon bantuan untuk menyebar luaskan formulir ke rekan XSR-ITB lainnya, terimakasih.

Hendriani Madewa-Ketua IASR.ITB

Formulir dalam format .doc (Microsoft Word, 132 KB) dapat di-download dari lampiran jurnal ini. Mengutip dari formulir:


1. Kuliah di FSRD-ITB minimal 2 tahun dan/ atau sudah punya jurusan/studio.(TIDAK TERBATAS “HANYA” YANG LULUS ATAU PUNYA IJAZAH SAJA !)
2. Memiliki fanatisme dan tingkat kepedulian yang tinggi terhadap profesinya.

(euh.. I disagree with the 'fanatisme' part. Is that really necessary?)
Info lebih lanjut (ngambil dari formulir tsb):
Attachment: FORM ISIAN XSR.doc

Monday, June 4, 2007

[Comics Compilation] Jogja 5,9sr

Coming home after picking up the kids from school, after taking off their wet raincoats and boots and my own soaked sandals, I went downstairs to my working desk, as usual. Surprise! A small package, sent using an express mail service, sat still next to my ever-growing pile of papers. It's the Jogja 5,9sr Comics Compilation from Beng! (Thanks so much!)

Right after all immediate household-necessities were taken care of and the kids were settled with their own games, I went upstairs to read the book, from cover to cover. Jogja 5,9sr contains short stories in graphic forms (drawings and photographs in sequences), contributed by various artists. I was invited to do a piece when I was still in The Netherlands, and I managed to submit two one-page stories, which are included in the book.

My first impression towards this book was "rich". Not only of styles and stories, but also viewpoints and meanings. Among my favourite ones are Pak Gempa, which is full of funny details once you look carefully at each panel - despite the touching story it presents - and Jogja Effect, which is adorned by simple, humane daily happenings along the (serious) conversations offerred by its characters.

A launching of this book will take place this Thursday, June 7th, 2007. Following is a copy of the invitation:


Frigidianto Agung (fotografer)
Oyasujiwo (Komikus)
Arief AshShiddiq (Visual Arts Magz)
Surjorimba Suroto (
Moderator: Akademi Samali

TB Aksara
Jl Kemang Raya 8B
Jakarta Selatan

Thursday 7 Juni 2007
19.00 - End                

I might come over, as well, but that depends on many conditions this week. We'll see. Following are details relevant to the book:

Jogja 5,9sr contributors: Anto Garang, Azisa Noor, Alfarobi, Asnar Zacky, Beng Rahadian, Budiono, Devoa, Dian, Diyan Bijac, Endik Koeswoyo, F Agung, Ganjar W, Hanree, Herjaka, Injun, Mario Diaz, Man, Motulz, Nana, Iput-Oyas, Ones, Rudi GM, Tita

Publisher: Aruskata (2007)
Price: Rp. 30.000,-
Contents: 104 pages of poems, comics and articles

My contribution can be viewed here: and Motul's is here:

Saturday, June 2, 2007

[24HCD] The Highlights are Here!

It was Thursday evening when I found a letter from the post office, asking me to pick up a package at their office in Soekarno-Hatta. That's quite far from where we live, so I wondered if it worthed my while to go there. The sender column said About Comics, USA. Ooh my 24HCD Highlights 2006 copies have arrived! Then I would go willingly to the post office at the soonest possible time, eventhough the post office charged extra for custom and repackaging (which mounted up to 94.000 IDR). Friday was a national holiday, offices were closed. Saturday morning, I waited until Syb came back from cycling, then departed to Soekarno-Hatta.

It was already late morning when I left and the post office closes at 13.00 on Saturdays. I decided to take a taxi, but everything was in a jam anyway, which is normal for a long weekend. I eventually arrived at the post office at about 12.00, looked for the package-pick-up section, paid and left. I took an angkot homewards (no problem: there was no time restriction and there's one that goes directly to Kanayakan - Dago, our nearest stop home).

Since it's a long way home, I got all the time in the world to unpack the package. For seven books (contributors of full comics receive 7 books each), the package felt light. I untied the sealed rope and pried open the Indonesian Postal Service plastic bag. The original package from USA (brown paper envelope on bubble-wrap plastic sheet) was already torn a bit at the corners, but no matter. I could easily rip a corner and pull one book out. Reading time! (Take my words: reading in angkot is not easy, but possible).

The texture of the paper is similar to those of newspaper, brownish, but thicker. The printing quality is average, or quite good compared to ours here in Indonesia. The contents are of course the most interesting factor of this book. 24HCD Highlights 2006 compiles a variety of how stories can be told through images - all done within the 24-hour deadline on October 7th, 2006. Next to the 10 full stories that got chosen, the Highlights also includes a number of excerpts that are thought to be representing the heterogeneity of submitted works during the 24HCD event.

For my story (pages 53-76), the editor wrote as an intro:

2006 was the first year that Indonesia had 24 Hour Comics Day event sites, but the country burst on the scene with 3 event sites hosting more than 75 participants... and Indonesian Tita Larasati ( wasn't at any of them. She drew her story at the Lambiek comicstore in Amsterdam, which will make sense once you read her autobiographical tale.

After my pages come Alam's (another Indonesian), with the following intro:

Not all Indonesian participants were in The Netherlands, of course. Alam Muammar crafted "Ciuman Pangeran Bukan Untuk Permaisuri" at the Pengajian Komik DKV Community event, hosted at Institut Teknologi Bandung, West Java. (Alam's English translation was added for this book.)

(One of Alam's colourful pages is used as the back cover of this book.)  

It is perhaps interesting for fellow Indonesian participants and organizers to read a remark about them at the introduction:

The 24 Hour Comics Day 2006 was amazing
... You can see it in the blogs and the videos that  people made of the event, you can see it in how the town of Muhos in Northern Finland let students out early so they could participate, or how the Muslims in Indonesia kept energy up through the event despite it falling during the fasting month of Ramadhan, or how new comics creation communities have once again formed in the wake of the event.

Am I excited? Of course! I've been waiting for this publication with high enthusiasm, and now it's finally in my hands! Now if only I find a way to get this other one sent to me.. :)

The next 24 Hour Comics Day falls on October 20th, 2007. Any of you who want to participate (either again or for the first time), please prepare your gears and let's arrange another comics fever!

If you'd like to read about 24HCD 2006 in this blog, please click the tag 24hcd under this entry. You'll be directed to all posts related to this event. Other links:
- 24 Hour Comics Day (the event)
- About Comics (publisher)
- Nat Gertler (founder of About Comics, intiator of 24HCD and editor of 24HCD Highlights)

Friday, June 1, 2007

Crazy Cretins

These sketches were made during a rainy, lazy afternoon. Using a pack of coloring pencils and a page of A-4 drawing book.