On the big day, the classroom walls were full of students’ works. The main space was set with seats for parents, facing three tables with one diorama on top of each. These three dioramas depicted three dinosaur eras, which were a result of a team work. The presentation started; each kid (there were eight of them) spoke out a line they rehearsed before, explaining the dinosaur eras. Some kids knew their lines by heart, some read from a piece of paper.
Dhanu’s turn to speak was the second-from-last. When he started to speak, his classmates covered their mouth with their hands, giggling. They thought Dhanu’s accent was funny, like a person who’s learning to speak Indonesian – which was what he is indeed. Dhanu didn’t seem to notice them and continued reading his part from a piece of paper, but in a squatting position, his face hidden behind a diorama. I guessed he’s shy, but when asked later at home, he said he squatted because he had to pee (it’s an excuse he used many times already).
This was Dhanu’s part:
Hewan yang hidup pada zaman ini di antaranya: Deinonychus, Pachycephalosaurus, Triceratops, Coritosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Stirakosaurus, T-Rex, Nanotyrannus, Euplocephalus.
After the presentation, came a question-and-answer session. Parents could ask questions and students should answer them. Now the students – including Dhanu - became more animated. They were yelling their answers simultaneously and apparently more impulsive, compared to the rehearsed part. Dhanu no longer squatted behind the table but springing and raising his arm while shouting his answers, along with the others. Afterwards, the program ended and these kids were declared as passing their first grade and are entitled to start as second graders in the next semester.
A bigger closing day of the semester is yet to come: tomorrow (Saturday 23 June) will bring a big assembly event of the whole school. Students from Playgroup, Pre-School and Elementary school will perform on stage and a small bazaar will take place at the school premises. Well, that’s a fun closing of the semester. The next one will bring another theme, another fun! See you in Grade Two!
More photos from that day: http://dhanulindri.multiply.com/photos/album/39
Halah..nama-namanya susah bener :))
ReplyDeleteHayooo online di YM dooooong :D
Chic.. YM-ku masih bandel kalo aku OL dari rumah.. *hiks hiks* Herannya kalo di hotspot atau di sekolah malah bisa.. *hiks hiks* (belom ngulik lagi nih)
ReplyDeleteLutunaaa... makanya kemaren ke museum itu yah?
ReplyDeleteIya, dia sama temen2 sekelasnya.. Gue juga pengen ke sana padahal, tp waktunya belom jodo
ReplyDeletepinjem iBooknya Syb ? :">
ReplyDeletehahaha bisa dibejek aku.. dia lagi non-stop ngunduh film2 dokumenter balap sepeda, kalo keputus bisa berabe =))
ReplyDeleteDhanusaur itu kayak nama dinosaur beneran! pas banget.
ReplyDeletebtw, sekolahan nya keren banget... jadi sirik... koq sekolah gue dulu kagak kayak gitu ya... membosankan.
keren kereeen! kenapa ya anak2 pasti demen dino, gw inget waktu kecil punya maenan plastik dino2an heehhehe
ReplyDeletewah asik Ta, di skul anak gue ada tiap abis term. Barusan tentang cerita Tom Sawyer, mereka bikin resensi buku, trus akhirnya pentas dramanya, dan Reggie jadi Tom Sawyernya, hahaha...
ReplyDeleteSayangnya, gak sengaja foto2nya kedelete dari camera gue *nangiiiisss* :((
Wah, ditunggu cerita dan foto2 besok ya Ta :D
ReplyDeleteWah, seru juga yah sekolah di Indonesia. Asyik bener, sekolah dimana ini Tita? :)
ReplyDeletesekolahnya asyiek yah mba... ini setara dengan SD kah?
ReplyDeleteselamat yah buat dhanu sudah 'naik kelas'
ReplyDeleteSalam buat Dhanu & Lindri... :)
mer: haha sama, sekolahku dulu juga perasaan sibuk bikin PR aja
ReplyDeletentul: sejak ada demam jurrasic park kali ya.. dan pokemon yg mirip dinosaurus :D
LiTa: gimana kesan2 reggie jadi tom sawyer? episode yg mana tuh dramanya? asik euy, gue suka tom sawyer (*hugs... cep cep cep* smoga bisa minta foto2 dari ortu lain yaa)
pet: ini sekolah swasta biasa di bandung. yg dulu pernah gue ceritain itu lho :D
modjo: bener, emang ini sekolah dasar (jadi dhanu naik dari kelas satu ke kelas dua).
nef: disampeiiinnn :D kapan lu mbandung wooyy
Oooh pantesan Dhanu kalau kemana-mana nyari dinosaurus ya :D
ReplyDeletewiduuuhhh... :D
ReplyDelete*kapan yaa...?*
Selamat ya Dhanu! :) Duh, sekolahnya asik benerrr... Jadi presentasi itu examnya ya - atau pertanyaan2 dari ortu itu termasuk exam? Dan rapornya spt apa (ada nggak yg "tidak naik kelas")? *duh pertanyaannya banyak bener*
ReplyDeleteasik banget... gua waktu kecil kok nggak pernah punya kegiatan spt gini ya?
ReplyDeletesisc: Iyaaa bener! Dia lagi demam dinosaurus! Setiap hari pasti ada aja yg disebut2 sama dia (contoh, tau2 dia ngomong, "Ibu, tau nggak kalo Cretosaurus itu hidup di Jaman Kapur?")
ReplyDeleteyik: Terima kasih tante Yiyik :D Dan ternyata Lindri juga 'naik kelas' dari Playgroup ke TK A! Iya pertanyaan2 itu termasuk dalam acara exam juga. Rapornya ada, baru dibagi kemaren. Nggak pake angka2 atau ranking, meskipun tetep ada indikatornya. Di sekolah ini nggak ada yg nggak naik kelas :)
jo: Sama Jo, gue juga nggak ada, but we turn out OK toh? Hehe.. Jamannya beda, makanya sistem pendidikan juga harus beda sepertinya, udah nggak model lagi yg duduk diam, nunggu didikte guru.
hueheheee.. truth is stranger than fiction, DHANU-saur dari ordo mana.. Ta? ;)) Bagus ya programnya...