Tuesday, October 9, 2007

[2004] Stripmuseum Groningen, 70 yr Donald in Amstelveen, StripdagenHaarlem

A collection of three comics-related events in 2004:

A visit to the (then) newly-opened Stripmuseum (Comics Museum) in Groningen, with my brother. It was a really quick visit, we went from and to Amsterdam in one day (I had to go back in time to pick up the kids from their daycare).

A visit to a temporary exhibition at Cobra Museum of Modern Art in Amstelveen: Donald Duck, 70 years young. Each visitor received a lucky coin!

A visit to Stripdagen Haarlem (Comics Days in Haarlem), one of the biggest comics festivals in The Netherlands that is held once every two years.


  1. aduh lindri, lucu'ne pol... tak jiwit titik yooo... :'D

  2. Taaaa, sori ga sempet ke pameran lu, gua di jkt & Hongkong waktu itu :((, next time ya, jangan kapok ngabarin... btw ini bikin sirik bener emang gin...

  3. Tempat yang sangat familiar.
    Apa kabarnya ibu Bambu?


  4. Oooooooh.... *Ganteng yah Peternya ini*

  5. Too bad I miss the Stripmuseum when I was in Gronigen since we were pressed for time. Looks like a wonderful place to visit.

  6. gintul: hihi iyaa.. these are among the things I miss from The Netherlands: begitu mudahnya menikmati pameran dan event semacam ini :)

    lex: oooh pantes gak ikutan reuni dadakan malem itu.. gapapa dong jeng, lain kali kita kumpul2 lagi!

    pmanurung: waduh ada lurah groningen ;)) kabar? ternyata dosen nggapernah libur :P

    ven: muda sekali? cuma selang 3 tahun gitu? hahaha.. (iyaa peter udah cakep, punya kembaran yg identikal pula.. jadi kalo mereka lagi jejer, makin pusing aja liatnya :D)

    tita: right, you were in groningen, too! I remember your travel log about it :) the stripmuseum is such a big place, when you think it's the end of the show, there's always another big door towards the next one!

  7. sayang aku dulu nggak foto2 di museum itu, tapi aku dapet komik BARBAPAPA!!!!! heheheh

  8. Aduh itu Lindri lucu banget... apalagi kalo liat kakinya! hehehe... hmmm... those were the days ya mbak? :)

  9. Muka Dhanu itu lucu sekali ya :)
