Friday, August 31, 2007

Cool Packages

The last couple of days brought me packages with cool contents. The first one was a copy of 24 Hour Comics Day 2006 Amsterdam, a compilation of 24HCD works that was done at Lambiek Comics shops/gallery, Amsterdam. I took part in the event and got my story published already in the Highlights 2006, but nonetheless this book is something else. It is different when you actually know and work with fellow artists in person (although partly), and saw the process along the way. Thanks, guys, for sending me a complimentary copy!

Another one arrived earlier today: two sets of T-shirts (each accompanied by two stickers), one red and one white, with the following text:


More about this campaign can be viewed at the Multiply site of Indonesia Bertindak. It only took about two, three days from ordering to receiving the shirts. I have seen this campaign through photographs I received in PPI Amsterdam mailing list (Indonesian students wearing the T-shirts in front of the Peace Court of Den Haag), then forgot about it for a while. Until about one week ago, I saw a red sticker sporting the same graphics on a dashboard of an angkot in Bandung(!). That same week, Jalansutra mailing list started a competition to make a slogan for Indonesian tourism. All members are welcome to submit one or more slogans, each with a short description of its origin. It didn't take long until we heard from the creator of Dangerously Beautiful who submitted this widely-known slogan (at least among Indonesian students abroad). This is where I knew how to contact them. Thanks a lot, people, for the prompt response. And high appreciation for your efforts and spirit!

The headline of Indonesia Bergerak is a quotation from W.S. Rendra: TINDAKAN adalah aktualisasi dari kata-kata. If I may add to that, I'll quote from Leonardo Da Vinci (which is one of ten propositions in my dissertation): I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

***For those who are interested to take part in the campaign by purchasing the T-shirt, please send an SMS to this number: (+62) 0888 - 8  - 17 - 1945 or send an email to***


  1. "Dangerously beautiful"... so smart and cute, love it!!!

  2. ..eye-catchy, too! *mau nempel satu stikernya di sepeda*

  3. kereen! mau ah kaosnya...
    ta, gue tulis di blog gw juga yaaa :)

  4. monggo jeng :D
    eh eh di majalah disney junior, ilustrator yg namanya "gina" itu elu ya :) asik euyyy

    - yg selalu menantikan IF si gintul

  5. ehehe iya- nama paling singkat to? :)
    langganan yaaa..? hihi...

  6. kadang2 beli, liat2 dulu - kalo ada "gina"nya baru beli.. hahahaha..
    enggak deng, emang cuma sesekali aja kl anak2 mulai perlu bacaan baru :D

  7. kayak guwe, kl ke gramed liat2 buku dar mizan, cariin yg punya pak haji baik pidi, trus gw bacain hahahahaha!!

  8. ta, si 24 hour comics day bisa beli dimana ya ?

  9. Kalo yg versi Amsterdam ini sptnya hanya bisa lewat Lambiek, atau lewat email Kalo yg versi internasional, ada di Kinokuniya (aku liat yg di Singapur, entah yg di Jkt ya), atau pesen langsung ke penerbitnya: (atau, mentok-mentok ke Amazon :D)

  10. atau mentok2nya aku pinjem kamu :))
    oiyaaa...ingetin, wiken besok aku balikin buku kamu yak..udah kelar baca
    thanks sepupu :*

  11. hahaha bolee boleee ;;) ayo main mbandung lagii..
    buku2nya sudah ya? boleh lho kl mau ada yg pinjem2 lagi di jkt
