
2. The Kosasih Award event on Aug 16th brought me meeting friends and colleagues from the comics world. I dropped 10 ToT (A Taste of Tita) and 18 pins (Tita + 5 kinds of animals) to be sold at the venue (Bentara Budaya Jakarta), and gave 9 ToT (these ones are signed with silver pen at the covers) to Andy Wijaya, to be sold at his shop: ANJAYA BOOKS - ITC Kuningan, 4th floor. I got to bring home 5 copies of KONDE catalog (nicely printed!) and one copy of Cergam (KONDE special edition).
3. I visited my grandma at PI Hospital. She's still fluent and talkative in all Javanese, Indonesian and Dutch languages, although she doesn't remember my name nor whose daughter I am. I was amazed that we could have yummy(!) lunch delivered to grandma's room by simply calling the hospital's café - as with a hotel's room service.
4. I've been spending more than six intense months in this country taking care of bureaucracy business at several government offices. Among their similarities, which I find highly impractical, are:
- When the documents you are applying for are finally issued, you will have to pick them up, and make copies of the documents for their archive before you leave. You will most likely end up walking out the building, out into the street, and looking for the nearest available copy shop. After making copies, you will have to re-enter the building, give them their copies and leave. I wonder if these offices really can't afford to own and operate a Xerox machine.
- When the authorized persons - who supposed to sign your documents - are absent, you will have to wait until they come back. They might be on a sick leave, or on vacation, or on a tour of duty - whatever it is, no matter how long, you will have to wait. Why can't they assign a person in charge during the absence? I start to think that they just like the sensation of having people 'beg' for their signatures.
6. Burning garbage at sidewalks on crisp early morning really irritates the hey out of me. Why anyone would ruin fresh morning air with thick, direct pollution is totally out of my understanding.
Komen :D
ReplyDelete1. Yg gue sebel dari goodreads, banyak org yg daftar dan minta add, tapi isinya kosong. Jadi kayak FS lagi :p
2. Yay!
3. Gue sempet mikir, eh.. kebetulan banget. Neneknya Chica juga di RS. Bodohnya gue... kalian kan sepupu :))
4. Kan unemployment tinggi Ta... perlu orang2 untuk usaha, salah satunya tk. foto kopi :p. Tapi cara 'shifting cost' yg asik banget yah :D
5. Yah.... tgl 5 :(
6. Bener! Kenapa kita seneng banget bakar sampah yah? Why would anyone want to ruin the air, no matter what time of day? Coba bayangin lo sore2 lagi ngadem, tiba2 bau plastik dibakar? Kan bete juga :))
Huhuyy Ventong cepet ajaa.. Bener, gue cuma add orang2 yg profilnya gak kosong, dan kebanyakan emang yg nge-add itu kontak dari MP juga. Jadi ya sutra lah :) I should have added: for those who like to read and are a bit of inventory freaks, like me :P
ReplyDeleteSama !
ReplyDeleteSekarang di gue ada 3 orang yang gue nggak kenal, koleksi buku minim tapi minta add !
Ini bukan masalah banyak-banyakan temen, tapi masalah banyak-banyakan buku *toyor*
Ahahahahahahaha !
ReplyDeletePantesan nada suara kamu agak ragu waktu aku bilang : Makan di RSPI aja, kantinnya enak ! :))
Sebenernya lebih puas kalo turun sendiri ke kantinnya, sambil nunggu pesenan dateng bisa ngemil asinan, kue lupis, martabak telor, arem-arem, somay, pastel, risoles, kroket, macaroni panggang...(umm..ini baru sebagian kecil cemilan yang ada di sana)
mau, mau, mau ikut GoodReads.... :) dari dulu nyari yang beginian belum nemu. :D Trims.
ReplyDeleteaarrgghhh =)) berarti di RS ini emang cuma makanan pasien aja yg gak oke ya :P
ReplyDeleteasik asik asik kucing mulai bikin list!
ReplyDeleteSpt di MP nggak Chic, ada batas waktu sampai ybs menunjukkan tanda2 posting sebelum dicoret dari daftar kontak? Hihihi..
ReplyDeleteoh ya? jarang2 ketemu kali ya Ta jadi beliau lupa? ato emang udah gitu ke semua? waktu itu pernah gue ngobrol ma beliau tentang bangka, gue dikonfirmasiin hal-hal yang jaman gue belum lahir, gue cuma bisa ooo ooo aja, tapi asik gue diajak ngomong bangka :))
ReplyDeletetanggal 5 september ya? ada komik barunya nggak? :)
ReplyDelete1. i loved to read juga Ta...di ajak member goodreads jg ama temen...cuma lagi gak mood baca...so sama aja boong yah...hehehhe..
ReplyDelete2. Sip dong yah...
3. So far cuma rest di RS PI yg pengen di datengin walaupun gak ada yg di besukin...
4. welcome to indonesia Ta...
5. Mo dateng ah sekalian ngajak si Joshua....sampai kapan Ta ? classes yg tgl 20 itu class buat apaan ?
6. Sama...gue sebel banget...pengen banget gue jitakin !!
emang gitu kayaknya ya (ya nggak chic?). apalagi ke gue, yg jarang banget ketemuan sejak gue berangkat ke belanda dulu. selama ngobrol2 kemaren itu kadang2 inget, kadang2 enggak. tp begitu disebut keluarga gue separo belanda, beliau langsung getol bener nyerocos bahasa belanda :))
ReplyDeleteadanya dalam bentuk selain komik :D (kabarnya sih mau dibikin kaos, magnet, dan pernik2 lain..)
ReplyDeleteituu.. mulainya jadual mahasiswa pada kuliah lagi, berarti gue udah mulai ngajar juga.. hehe..
ReplyDeletepamerannya entah sampai kapan, mungkin 10 harian, mungkin lebih. belom ngobrol2 lagi sama host-nya, tapi nanti pasti gue update kalo ada jadual pasti.
No. 6 - Inget waktu dulu di Indo, yg spt ini kita take for granted aja, jadi walaupun sebel, ya nrimo, gitu. Tapi sejak ke Indo-nya cuma dlm rangka liburan, kita jadi lebih sensitip, bahkan *mempertanyakan* kelakuan para pembakar sampah itu. Maybe your irritation will go away once you've lived there a bit longer & become used to it...? huehehehe...
ReplyDeletewehh :)) susah mungkin ya jadi terbiasa, sebab akan terus kerasa banget. setiap kali nganter anak2 sekolah pake angkot, pasti harus jalan kaki lewat beberapa ruas trotoar.. nah ngebakar2nya itu pas di tepi trotoar, yg asapnya langsung kena pejalan kaki! kalo udah gitu anak2 aku suruh tutup mulut dan hidung, terus lari sampe nggak kena asap lagi..
ReplyDeleteasikkk... insyaAllah kesana... jam berapa pembukaannya?
ReplyDeletenah ini belum tau, karena kan hari kerja (rabu). nanti pasti dikabar2i lagi kalau sudah ada program jelas. triimmsss