Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Thirty Three Today

Getting up this morning, I brought Lindri (who was already up at around 06:30 as usual) downstairs, to the study. It's always chilly here at my mother in law's house, especially in winter mornings. The day before, snow fell softly and lightly covered the ground; today, only some spots looked white. I opened the internet connection on moeder's PowerBook and went to my mails, with Lindri eating a banana next to me (while fiddling with anything within her reach). Ooh there's a lot of birthday wishes and prayers, from family and friends! Thank you all!

Dhanu came into the study not long after he heard us going downstairs. He gave me some drawings: one from Lindri, and another from himself, picturing a table with a present, wrapped with bows, on it. And a home made card, from my husband's sister and her family (who stayed here as well until yesterday). During breakfast, I got my other presents: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory DVD from Lindri (I haven't seen that one), Akira DVD from Dhanu (adding to our animation DVD collection), and two sets (Seasons 1 & Season 2) of Frasier DVD and a set of pasta plate (including olives, pesto and pasta) from moeder. A present from Sybrand is a couple of concert tickets: we're going to see Sparks in Paradiso Amsterdam, in February! Yaaay! A bit later after breakfast, we had our birthday cake: a chocolate cake, which Lindri likes so much she finished two servings in a go. Dhanu was a bit reluctant to eat it at first, saying that he'll eat his portion "next week", but then grabbed and ate it by hand a moment later.

My birthday has never been a big thing, because it comes between big celebrations: Christmas and New Year. I have never been at school (it's holiday season) so I've never felt the birthday fuss at school. And when we were much younger, this month was when we used to travel to Central Java, to stay at my grandparents' house in Salatiga. There was where I used to celebrate my birthday, usually altogether with a family Christmas event and such. I really do not mind this, since I prefer not to be the center of attention - therefore, especially in the later years, I'd rather use this day to reflect at my passing life and to think about the coming years.

My first thought usually went to my parents, who have delivered me into the world (my mother: "You practically jumped out of my womb - I haven't even properly laid myself down on the maternity bed!"), provided for me and brought me up. Their most valuable gift to me? Their trust and confidence in me, which have led me to where I am now. Then some childhood birthday parties (not necessarily mine) at home, inviting neighbourhood kids and preparing our own kiddie games and making goodie bags (out of manila cartons and colourful crepe papers), and a compulsory home entertainment: cartoons! (my father has an old projector movie player) Then there was my birthday celebration at an orphanage in Salatiga, some birthdays on which I was to wear pretty dresses (with pouting mouth, as shown in our family photo albums). I've noticed myself growing, including habbits that I stopped and attitudes that I keep.
I then thought about my achievements: having my own family, my endless school/research works, and my oh-so-fun, distracting hobby (comics! drawings!). What I would change, what I would improve, what I would leave behind (my extra weight, for instance).

"What do you want for your birthday?" is probably one of the most difficult questions in life, since I still don't know how to answer it, eventhough this predictable question comes every year. OK, when I was 9, going to 10, I asked my father to buy me a bike and I promised never to ask for any birthday present ever again in my life. He bought me that black 'sepeda mini', which I rode to school until my junior high years (until I turned 14 - then I had to ride a bus to go to my senior high school). That was really my last birthday wish, and perhaps up to today I'm still keeping my promise to not ask for anything ever again.
So, everytime that question pops out, I usually reply with, "Thank you, I've had everything", or "World peace", or "A magic wand that can help me finish my dissertation", or "A super power", or something within those lines..

After pondering for a while, I think I've been leading a pleasant life. Moreover, because I am blessed with loving family and friends. What have I done with my life, and what will I make of it? However it is, I am happy where I am. I might not have big ambitions, but I have plans and goals for me and my family in the near future, and I hope to achieve them in due time.

Comicstrip: by Flo. which more or less expressing what I'm about to do if the snow keeps falling..

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Mengantar Ibu Mengenang Masa Kecil

[As posted in Jalansutra mailing list, msg# 45846]

"Wah, dulu ibu lebih banyak di kolam renang daripada di rumah, makanya jadi hitam begini", kata ibu suatu hari, sambil menunjukkan foto masa kecilnya. Di kali lain, "Orang itu dijuluki 'Pasfoto' oleh bude2mu, sebab dia suka memandang ke arah kami dari dalam rumah panggungnya, lewat jendela depan. Bingkai jendela itu bagai membingkai wajahnya, persis format pasfoto!" katanya sambil tergelak tertawa. Lalu sejarah keluarga, tentang wafatnya eyang kakung kami, atau ayahanda ibu, secara mendadak di meja kantornya, "Tidak ada pertanda apa2 hari itu, bapak tiba2 'pergi' saat sedang bekerja". Banyak sudah kisah2 yg kami dengar dari ibu, seputar masa kecilnya dan tempat tinggalnya yg berpindah2, sesuai daerah tempat ayahnya bertugas dan tempat2 sekolahnya. Rasa ingin tahu kami, anak2 ibu yg lahir dan besar di Jakarta, utk mengalami sendiri suasana tempat ibu tinggal semasa kecil akhirnya terpenuhi pada akhir tahun 2002 yang lalu.

Seluruh anggota keluarga, dari bapak-ibu, para anak dan menantu, hingga cucu2, sengaja mengatur waktu utk berkumpul dan bernapak tilas ke tempat2 masa kecil bapak dan ibu di Jawa Timur dan Jawa Tengah. Pada hari kedua perjalanan, kami (total: 7 orang dewasa + 3 balita), dalam sebuah minibus sewaan (plus 2 supir), berangkat menuju Lumajang dari Tretes, melalui Malang.

Di Malang, tentu saja kami tidak melewatkan utk mampir di Toko Oen, dengan dalih untuk 'brunch' (padahal di guest house Tretes kami sudah sarapan roti bakar). Pesanan kami antara lain adalah kangkung hotplate, udang ham goreng tepung, cumi goreng tepung dan ko lo kai; di samping itu ibu masih membeli bermacam2 roti dan kue utk bekal di jalan. Rasa makanannya seperti yg kami harapkan, dan suasana di dalam rumah makan juga tenang dan sejuk, dibandingkan hawa di luar. Waktu saya kecil dulu, setiap tahun kami selalu melakukan perjalanan ke Jawa Tengah, dan saya selalu senang dengan bentuk toko atau restoran di 'Jawa', yg khas bergaya jaman kolonial. Berada di dalam Toko Oen ini menghasilkan kesan yang sama, dengan suasana dapurnya yg berlantai semen, besar dan terbuka, sebuah sudut tempat berjualan buku dan peta, dan 'vitrine' roti dan kue2 di sisi depan restoran. Lengkap semuanya, dengan bangku2 dan meja rendah yg tertata dalam ruangan dengan daun jendela kayu yang tinggi2, dan beberapa kipas angin di langit2 ruangan. Arsitektur masa itu sepertinya telah berhasil mewujudkan bangunan yg interiornya berhawa nyaman, tanpa perlu AC.

Kami beranjak melanjutkan perjalanan ke Lumajang. Seperti halnya di kota2 kecil lain, patokan kami mencari tempat tinggal jaman dulu adalah: alun-alun. Dari sana kami dapat berkiblat ke arah2 tertentu. Jadi setiba di Lumajang, kami langsung menuju alun2 dengan ibu sebagai navigatornya. Banyak yang sudah berubah, namun akhirnya ibu berhasil menemukan jalan menuju rumah dinas ayahnya dulu.
Dari luar, rumah itu tampak tak berpenghuni, namun terawat sangat baik. Minibus kami parkir di halaman depan sebuah kantor yang tepat bersebelahan dengan rumah tsb. Untungnya penjaga rumah tsb sedang ada di tempat, dan setelah dijelaskan oleh ibu bahwa ini adalah rumahnya semasa kecil dulu, kami diperbolehkan masuk ke halaman belakang (tapi tidak ke dalam rumah). Dengan wajah berbinar2, ibu menunjukkan bekas kamarnya dan kakak2nya dulu, tempatnya bermain di halaman belakang, pohon yg dulu dipanjatnya, dan apa saja yg telah berubah dari rumah itu. Teduh, sejuk dan tenang, adalah kesan2 yg kami peroleh dari rumah ini.

Dari Lumajang, kami menuju Jatiroto. Sepanjang perjalanan, kami dapat meilhat hasil karya eyang kakung yang hingga sekarang masih berfungsi: sebuah jembatan tua yg menghubungkan dua buah jurang, dengan jalur bekas lava (pasir berwarna gelap) jauh di bawahnya. Di sisi jembatan tua ini, telah dibangun jembatan baru yang lebih kokoh dan lebar, untuk dapat menampung beban kendaraan, termasuk bis dan truk, yang lewat. Kini si jembatan tua hanya berfungsi sebagai jalur pejalan kaki (meskipun di jembatan yg baru juga terdapat jalur pejalan kaki), atau sekedar tempat bersantai.
Karya eyang yang lain, adalah saluran air yg dibuat sejajar dengan jalan raya, sementara memotong sungai utama yg arah alirannya menyiku dengan jalanan. Jadi kelihatannya si sungai utama itu punya 'jembatan' sendiri utk mengalirkan airnya.
Sepanjang perjalanan, ibu sibuk menceritakan kembali tentang masa lalunya, ketika ayahnya mengerjakan jembatan dan saluran air tsb., dan bagaimana ia mengayuh sepeda ontel yg terlalu besar baginya di sepanjang jalan tsb. Makin mendekati Jatiroto, ibu terlihat makin bersemangat, apalagi ketika rel dan lori tebu mulai tampak di sisi jalan, di tengah2 perkebunan tebu. "Ini tempat mainku dulu! Memunguti panen tebu yg jatuh, dan mengejar2 lori!", katanya.

"Saat berkuasa Ratu Wilhelmina pernah berkunjung ke [Pabrik Gula Jatiroto] sebagai ungkapan syukur karena pabrik gula memberikan keuntungan yang sangat besar, sekitar 20 persen setiap tahunnya, sehingga mampu menyelamatkan perekonomian Negeri Kincir Angin." (Kompas, 14 Mei 2004)
Dari foto2 tua yg mengabadikan saat kunjungan ratu tersebut, terbayang betapa meriahnya masa itu. Namun ketika minibus perlahan memasuki kompleks permukiman pabrik gula, kami hanya menemukan kesan kusam, remang2 dan tak terawat. Rumah2 yang disangga kaki2 pondasi beton, dengan dinding kayu dan batu bata, terlihat kotor dan terbengkalai. Beberapa rumah malah dibiarkan kosong dan merapuh sendiri, di tengah2 alang2 yg tumbuh liar di sekelilingnya. Sambil menghela napas, ibu berkata, "Dulu, suasananya sama sekali berbeda. Pabrik gula ini sangat dihargai karena posisinya sbg industri penting. Sekarang? Tak dipandang sebelah mata."
Kami menuju rumah masa kecil ibu, yang ternyata masih ditinggali orang. Ibu tidak hendak mengganggu para penghuni rumah itu, hanya hendak berjalan2 melihat2 sekelilingnya. Ibu dan bapak turun, sementara kami tetap tinggal di dalam minibus. Membayangkan kala hewan2 peliharaan eyang kakung bersebaran di halaman rumah, saat ibu dan kakak2nya pulang sekolah, lalu langsung berlari keluar lagi utk bermain. Kami mengamati rumah di seberang rumah ibu, di mana si "Pasfoto" biasa menempatkan diri. Itu dia jendelanya, tepat mengarah ke rumah ibu!

Setelah ibu puas melihat sekeliling rumah, kami bermobil kembali menuju lokasi pabrik gula. Pabrik tersebut dari luar tampak memprihatinkan, dengan tangki2 raksasa dan gedung2 besar yang juga tampak kusam. Ibu menunjuk ke salah satu sisi gedung, "Itu ruang kantor eyangmu dulu, di mana beliau 'pergi' secara mendadak."
Kami juga melewati kolam renang tempat ibu melewatkan sebagian besar hari2nya sepulang sekolah. Kolam renang ini merupakan bagian dari gedung "societeit", atau tempat berkumpulnya warga Belanda di masa lampau. Ketika tiba di sana, hari telah menjelang maghrib, dan hampir tak ada penerangan di lahan tersebut. Gedung itu makin terlihat suram, apalagi dikelilingi oleh rumput liar dan ilalang. Kolam renang di samping gedung sudah tidak berfungsi lagi, bahkan sulit diakses karena lebatnya alang2.

Menjelang malam, kami meninggalkan Jatiroto, kembali ke Tretes utk kembali bermalam di sana. Ibu yang sedari pagi terlihat bersemangat, dan tak henti2nya bercerita sambil menunjuk ke berbagai tempat, kini agak terdiam di sepanjang perjalanan. Mungkin ada rasa puas telah melihat kembali tempat tinggalnya dulu; mungkin ada rasa haru mengenang masa2 kecil yang tak kembali; mungkin ada rasa prihatin akan terbengkalainya kondisi daerah2 tsb sekarang. Apapun yang ada di benak ibu saat itu, kami anak2nya senang telah dapat melihat sendiri lokasi cerita2 ibu, sambil mengantar ibu pulang sejenak ke masa lalu.

Gambar2: sketsa2 waktu bernapak tilas, menggambarkan jembatan dan jalur sungai karya eyang. Foto: foto keluarga di atas jembatan. Diabadikan oleh kakak, jadi dia tidak terlihat di dalam foto.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Ah, yang bener aja..?!! (RUU Anti Pornografi)

Dimulai dari membaca sebuah artikel berjudul Mempertanyakan Kepedulian Seniman di Kompas, yg ternyata membahas ttg RUU Anti Pornografi dan Pornoaksi yg sedang digodog oleh DPR. Dilanjutkan dengan membaca tanggapan seseorang dari Komnas Perempuan di sebuah mailing list (intinya saya kopikan di bawah), yg juga menyertakan lampiran RUU tsb.

Langsung pikiran saya tertuju ke sebuah bab di Persepolis, di mana Satrapi dan teman2nya (yg belajar di sebuah sekolah seni di Iran) terpaksa menggambar model perempuan yg mengenakan cadar lengkap. Dengan cara ini, tidak mungkin mereka melatih ketrampilan menggambarkan anatomi manusia dengan baik. Juga ketika Satrapi sedang menggambar seorang model pria; ia ditegur seorang pengawas karena memandangi laki2 tsb., dengan alasan 'melanggar kode moral'. Satrapi harus menggambar model tsb sambil menatap pintu! Ini kan lucu, sekaligus ironis.
Satrapi juga menyatakan, saking harus selalu sibuk memperhatikan penampilannya - bukan utk menarik perhatian, tapi demi menghindari hukuman - ia (dan sesama perempuan) tak sempat lagi memikirkan hak2, apalagi penyuaraan pendapat mereka!

Yah, kasus Satrapi ini memang dari sisi ekstrim, karena situasi di negaranya yang memang represif terhadap kaum perempuan. Tapi, dengan RUU semacam ini, apa berarti kita di Indonesia mau menuju ke arah sana?! Kalau tujuannya melindungi kaum perempuan dan anak2, mestinya lebih ditekankan ke pasal2 mengenai, misalkan:
- Pelecehan seksual: dari lingkungan tempat kerja hingga di lingkungan rumah tangga. Hukum tuh preman2 jalanan yg suit-suit atau menyerukan kata2 nggak sopan saben ada cewek lewat! Hukum berat majikan yg suka 'ngerjain' pembantunya!
- Kesejahteraan WTS: pengontrolan kesehatan, pelatihan ketrampilan (supaya yg terjebak di dunia itu bisa keluar dgn kemampuannya sendiri), perlindungan terhadap kekerasan (baik oleh pelanggan, germo, maupun aparat yg juga memeras).
- Penindakan spamming porno di Internet.
- Pengkondisian jalan2 umum di daerah manapun dan jam berapapun, utk menjadi aman bagi perempuan yg bepergian sendiri (= menghindari resiko kekerasan seksual/ pemerkosaan), spt menambah penerangan jalan dan petugas keamanan.
- Pengkondisian tempat2 umum (kantor, pusat perbelanjaan, dsb), supaya menyediakan tempat yg nyaman bagi ibu2 utk menyusui dan mengurus bayinya. Jangan2 menyusui di tempat umum bisa dianggap tindak pidana juga karena mengeluarkan payudara dari balik baju!

Okelah bila perundang2an ini bertujuan utk mengatasi persoalan pesta seks dan video porno anak2 sekolah, misalkan. Tapi apakah semua masalah itu selesai dengan cara pengekangan (terutama terhadap kebebasan berekspresi)?
Yang harus 'dipegang ekornya', menurut saya, adalah asal muasal stigma terhadap "tubuh telanjang". Saya lihat dari pengalaman di Belanda, di mana anak2 mudah ter-expose terhadap program dan iklan televisi dan majalah yg menampilkan (bagian) tubuh telanjang, bahkan sex shop (meskipun yg terbanyak terdapat di daerah lampu merah, tidak tertutup kemungkinan adanya sex shop di lingkungan permukiman biasa). Tapi apakah anak2 Belanda ini semuanya tumbuh jadi maniak sex? Justru tidak. Peran orang tua, lingkungan dan pendidikan memang sangat penting dalam memberikan pengertian kepada anak2, dan hal inilah yg sangat kurang di Indonesia.

Akhir kata, pornografi adalah isu moral. Dengan membatasi dan mengekang segala hal, RUU ini menganggap dan mempermalukan masyarakat Indonesia sebagai orang2 tanpa moral yg tidak becus menentukan pandangan dan sikap mereka sendiri. Bila RUU ini disahkan, bisa2 orang2 Indonesia jadi benar2 bodoh, miskin moral dan makin kekanak2an.

gambar: dari Persepolis 2, bab berjudul The Socks. Klik ini utk melihat versi besarnya.

*Tambahan*: kutipan dari tulisan Jim Supangkat di Kompas, Minggu 18 Des 2005, yg 'terbit' beberapa jam setelah saya membuat entry ini (saya tebalkan bbrp bagian teks):
Salah acuan itu membuat RUU Tindak Pidana Kesusilaan yang sebenarnya disusun untuk kepentingan (melindungi) masyarakat jadinya malah (mohon dicatat) menghina masyarakat. Persepsi di balik RUU ini melihat seksualitas, sensualitas, ketelanjangan, dan bahkan aktivitas ciuman dalam kehidupan punya cuma satu dasar: pornografi.

RUU itu jadinya menuduh setiap orang yang mengangkat persoalan seksual, masalah sensualitas dan ketelanjangan punya tujuan mengeksploitasi kesenangan seks seperti pada pornografi. Semua bahan persoalan-persoalan ini materi kuliah anatomi, karya-karya seni, makalah seminar perkawinan dan pendidikan seks bisa dilihat mencerminkan akhlak rendah karena mencari keuntungan dengan menjual kesenangan seksual (Pasal 469). Kesalahan acuan membuat Pasal 469 ini bukan melindungi masyarakat dari penyebaran produk pornografi, tapi malah mem-pornografi-kan masyarakat

(lampiran: dari sebuah mailing list)
Pasal2 yang menurut saya harus dikritisi adalah:

I. "Larangan MEMPERTONTONKAN bagian tubuh tertentu yang sensual.." (Pasal 25) ..pidana penjara 2 - 10 tahun (Pasal 79),
dalam Penjelasan Pasal 4: Bagian tubuh tertentu yang sensual ANTARA LAIN adalah alat kelamin, PAHA, PINGGUL, pantat, PUSAR, dan PAYUDARA PEREMPUAN, baik terlihat SEBAGIAN maupun seluruhnya.

##Catatan sementara: artinya pihak yang berwenang menafsirkan RUU ini dapat menafsirkan bagian tubuh tertentu yang sensual di luar (lagi!) dari yang diatur RUU ini. Tentang mempertontonkan, apakah berarti “langsung” terlihat? bagaimana bila tidak langsung terlihat, tertutup kain, tapi ketat, sehingga membentuk bagian itu misalnya? ini akan menjadi bergantung kepada pihak yang berwenang menafsirkan RUU ini.
##Contoh Kasus:
--coba kita ingat, Celana yang sekarang menjadi Trend & “begitu banyak” dipakai perempuan berbagai usia, Celana yang memperlihatkan pinggul, dan ketat membalut kaki, dan biasanya dipakai bersama baju yang pendek = akan terlihat pusar??
--atau coba kita ingat Pakaian yang dipakai Artis perempuan ketika mereka tampil menyanyi, menari (atau tidak harus Artis, bisa Pakaian Pesta kita juga), yang mungkin memperlihatkan itu??
--atau contoh lagi, Peragawati yang memakai Baju2 yang dirancang oleh Perancang Busana, yang mungkin memperlihatkan Bagian2 tubuh yang dinyatakan sensual oleh RUU ini??
--bagaimana dengan Budaya berbagai Daerah di Indonesia, yang punya berbagai kebiasaan berpakaian??

II. "larangan menari erotis ATAU bergoyang erotis di depan umum.." (Pasal 28) ..pidana penjara 18 bulan - 7 tahun (Pasal 82),
dalam Penjelasan Pasal 28:
“Menari” erotis adalah melakukan gerakan-gerakan tubuh secara berirama dan mengikuti prinsip-prinsip seni tari sedemikian rupa sehingga gerakan-gerakan tersebut dapat dikategorikan sebagai suatu karya seni koreografi.
“Bergoyang” erotis adalah melakukan gerakan-gerakan tubuh secara berirama, “tidak” mengikuti prinsip-prinsip seni tari,dan lebih menonjolkan sifat seksual sedemikian rupa sehingga gerakan-gerakan tersebut dapat “diduga bertujuan merangsang nafsu birahi”.

##Catatan sementara: “= KEDUANYA DILARANG”
--lalu bagaimana dengan Tarian2 Daerah?? Tari Jaipongan dari Jawa Barat misalnya??
--bagaimana dengan Perempuan yang profesinya memang menjadi Penari??
--kalau alasannya: merangsang nafsu birahi, kalau yang bermasalah adalah birahi laki2 yang mungkin timbul setelah melihat Tarian itu, kenapa Perempuan yang harus dilarang menari?? hingga harus dibuat RUU ini?? seharusnya laki2 yang harus berpikir bagaimana mengontrol birahinya, dan bertanggungjawab atas birahinya itu??

III. “Larangan membuat (diantaranya) Tulisan, Film, yang MENGEKSPLOITASI daya tarik aktivitas orang dalam berhubungan seks atau melakukan aktivitas yang mengarah pada hubungan seks dengan pasangan SEJENIS..” [PASAL 9 ayat (2)] ..pidana penjara 2 – 10 tahun [Pasal 63 ayat (2)],

*Pasal 1 angka 14:
“mengeksploitasi” adalah kegiatan memanfaatkan perbuatan pornoaksi untuk tujuan mendapatkan keuntungan materi atau non materi bagi diri sendiri dan/atau orang lain.

*Pasal 34 ayat (1):
Pembuatan, penyebarluasan, dan penggunaan pornografi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam PASAL 4 SAMPAI dengan PASAL 23 DIKECUALIKAN untuk tujuan PENDIDIKAN dan/atau pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dalam BATAS YANG DIPERLUKAN.
Penjelasan Pasal 34 ayat (1)
"dalam batas yang diperlukan" adalah sesuai dengan tingkat pendidikan dan bidang studi PIHAK YANG MENJADI SASARAN pendidikan dan/atau pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan.

*Pasal 34 ayat (2):
Pembuatan, penyebarluasan, dan penggunaan materi pornografi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) TERBATAS PADA LEMBAGA RISET ATAU LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN YANG BIDANG KEILMUANNYA BERTUJUAN UNTUK PENGEMBANGAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN.

##Catatan sementara:
Homoseksual adalah salah satu bentuk orientasi seksual, yang menjadi bagian dari Hak Asasi Manusia.
Untuk menginformasikan hal tersebut diantaranya dapat dilakukan melalui Tulisan dan Film, dan itu adalah bagian dari perjuangan Hak2 Lesbian, Gay, Transeksual di Indonesia.
MENGEKSPLOITASI dalam Pasal 9, akan sulit ditafsirkan dalam Tulisan dan Film, Contoh: Film Arisan - untuk Gay, Film Detik Terakhir – untuk Lesbian, pihak yang berwenang menafsirkan RUU ini dapat saja mengatakan bahwa Film2 itu MENGEKSPLOITASI DAYA TARIK HUBUNGAN SEKS PASANGAN SEJENIS??

Kalau kita baca RUU ini, Badan ini adalah pihak yang paling mungkin berwenang menafsirkan RUU ini.

*Pasal 42 BAPPN mempunyai fungsi: huruf (b): pengkoordinasian instansi pemerintah dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan pencegahan dan penanggulangan masalah pornografi dan/atau pornoaksi;

*Pasal 42: ayat (g): pelaksanaan kerjasama nasional, regional, dan internasional dalam rangka pencegahan dan penanggulangan masalah pornografi dan/atau pornoaksi;

**Pasal 43: ayat (7): Untuk menjalankan fungsi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 42 huruf g, BAPPN mempunyai tugas : Huruf (b) menjadi SAKSI AHLI pada proses pemeriksaan tersangka/terdakwa dalam penyidikan dan pemeriksaan di sidang pengadilan;

**Pasal 44: Ayat (1): BAPPN terdiri dari unsur pemerintah dan masyarakat.
Penjelasan Pasal 44: Ayat (1): Unsur Pemerintah adalah instansi dan badan lain terkait yang tugas dan wewenangnya mencegah dan menanggulangi pornograifi dan atau pornoaksi yang antara lain terdiri dari Kepolisian, Kejaksaan, Pengadilan dan Kementerian atau Departemen.
MASYARAKAT adalah lembaga swadaya masyarakat yang MEMILIKI KEPEDULIAN terhadap masalah pornografi.

*Pasal 46: Persyaratan keanggotaan BAPPN adalah : Huruf (d): memiliki pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang pornografi dan pornoaksi; dan
Penjelasan Pasal 46: Persyaratan ini lebih ditekankan bagi unsur masyarakat yang antara lain terdiri dari Pakar komunikasi, Pakar teknologi informasi, Pakar hukum pidana, Pakar seni, Pakar Budaya, dan Tokoh AGAMA.

*Pasal 50: Ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai BAPPN diatur dengan Peraturan Presiden.

##Catatan sementara:
Hal terpenting adalah bagaimana mekanisme pemilihan orang2 yang akan berada dalam Badan ini? supaya dapat mewakili nilai2 dalam masyarakat Indonesia yang sangat beragam?
Contoh: untuk menentukan bagian tubuh yang sensual – yang mungkin akan berbeda – bagi setiap orang??
atau tentang Homoseksual adalah salah satu bentuk orientasi seksual, yang menjadi bagian dari Hak Asasi Manusia?? apakah bisa dijamin bahwa dalam Badan ini ada orang yang mendukung perjuangan Hak2 Lesbian, Gay, Transeksual di Indonesia – sehingga bila menjadi SAKSI AHLI tidak sewenang2 mempidana orang??

Pasal 36 Ayat (1)
Pelarangan pornoaksi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 25, Pasal 26, Pasal 27, Pasal 28, Pasal 29, Pasal 30, Pasal 31, atau Pasal 32, DIKECUALIKAN untuk:
a.cara berbusana dan/atau tingkah laku yang menjadi kebiasaan menurut adat‑istiadat dan/atau budaya kesukuan, SEPANJANG BERKAITAN DENGAN PELAKSANAAN RITUS KEAGAMAAN ATAU KEPERCAYAAN;
b.kegiatan seni;
c.kegiatan olahraga; atau
d.tujuan pendidikan dalam bidang kesehatan.

Ayat (3): Kegiatan olahraga sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) huruf c hanya dapat dilaksanakan di tempat khusus olahraga.

Pasal 37
(1) Tempat khusus pertunjukan seni HARUS MENDAPATKAN IZIN DARI PEMERINTAH.
(2) Tempat khusus olahraga harus mendapatkan izin dari Pemerintah.

##Catatan sementara:
mengapa HANYA SEPANJANG berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan ritus keagamaan atau kepercayaan?
Bagaimana kalau pakaian SEHARI-HARI perempuan di suatu daerah di Indonesia – memang mempertontonkan bagian tubuh yang sensual?
Sudah cukup saya mendengar penderitaan Teman2 saya di Aceh – yang ketakutan sejak diberlakukannya Syariat Islam di Aceh, karena harus berbusana muslimah, termasuk tidak boleh memakai celana panjang, sehingga mereka harus membawa sarung – takut tiba2 ada Polisi Syariah??
ada yang sekali tertangkap – dan diarak keliling Kota oleh Polisi Syariah karena tidak memakai Kerudung?

VI. “Larangan berciuman bibir di muka umum..” (Pasal 27) ..dipidana 1 – 5 tahun penjara (Pasal 81),
menurut saya, dengan alasan apapun - ini tidak boleh menjadi tindak pidana, kalau ada pihak2 yang merasa itu tidak boleh - harusnya disampaikan lewat pendidikan - tapi tidak dengan menjadikannya sebagai tindak pidana,

Teman2, menurut saya, PEREMPUAN ADALAH PIHAK YANG PALING RENTAN DIPIDANA oleh Rancangan Undang-Undang ini.
Saya mengikuti perjalanan Rancangan Undang-Undang ini selama sekitar 2 tahun.. dari Draftnya belum ada tentang Pornoaksi.. & saya lihat tidak ada perubahan substansi dalam Rancangan Undang-Undang ini, tapi melihat perkembangan di DPR dan Pemerintah, Rancangan Undang-Undang ini tidak mungkin ditolak - kalaupun ditolak tetap akan berjalan, sehingga saya mengambil sikap untuk mengikuti proses pembahasan di DPR dan Pemerintah, dan berusaha terus memperjuangkan Pasal2 yang menurut saya harus diubah,

Saya benar2 takut - Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan akan meningkat dengan Undang-Undang ini.. dari mulai pilihan berpakaian.. pilihan berekspresi (misalnya: para Penari perempuan..) ..pilihan pekerjaan (misalnya: Peragawati)
Komnas Perempuan berencana mengundang pihak2 yang rentan dipidana oleh UU ini - bila RUU ini disahkan, perempuan berbagai usia, Penulis, Pekerja Seni (Pembuat Film, Penyanyi, Penari, Artis, Perancang Busana, Peragawati, dan lain2), Lesbian, Gay, Transeksual.. dan perwakilan2 masyarakat lainnya,

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Tsunami Krant

Yesterday morning, after dropping Dhanu off at school, I went to Dirk (nearby our place) to do a quick shopping. After paying, I arranged my stuff at one of the tables provided for that purpose and saw that there's a box full of papers on each table. Title of the paper: Tsunami Krant - Een Jaar Na De Ramp (= Tsunami Paper - One Year After the Disaster - the first image here is a scan of the first page). It's given away for free, on behalf of the cooperating aid organizations. I picked one up rightaway, and flipped through the pages once I got home. Seems like the purpose of this paper is to let everyone (especially those who have donated to GIRO 555) know what happened to the financial aid, how it was distributed, and some resulfs of the contribution.

I really appreciate this publication. Because, indeed, after (almost) one year, people start to wonder about the situation at the damaged areas. Especially those who could only 'watched' from a distance and have no chance to be directly involved in the recovering process. At the top section of each page are FAQ and news sections. Moreover, there are figures of aid portions received by each country and of contributors, reports accompanied by photos. Most of these are touching.

I haven't had the chance to read thoroughly, but some articles cought my interest - such as how children, in their spare time, would draw about their horrible experience (drawing can be a therapy, you know). I would love to see their drawings, I hope somebody gathered these works and display them for the benefit of these children. Another article is about children who lost their parents (illustrated with a photo of a little girl with very beautiful, round, clear eyes), who are in need of paternal attention. My thoughts rightaway ran to my kids and how I would like to hug them right now. Underneath the main photo at the cover page, an article titled Mom, Dad, I'm still alive - why are you still crying? makes me think how rich I am to have a complete family with me, plus the luxury of a proper place to sleep and enough food to eat everyday.

At the last page, is the Kinder Tsunami Krant (= Children Tsunami Paper), containing, among others, an article titled De kinderen van Atjeh lachen weer (= Children of Aceh laugh again), illustrated with a photo of two boys on a pair of swings (second image in this entry). These swings and playground are among numerous facilities built by the money from Giro 555. One boy said that they're so happy with the new facilities, that they kept playing eventhough it rained. Children, indeed, have all the rights to be happy. And to think that some kids are never satisfied of their abundant expensive toys.. Another article is about Rachmat Tsunami, an Acehnese baby who was born during the disaster (the third photo is the baby with his parents). The parents told the story of Rachmat's birth - how the mother gave birth on the roof top of the father's office building during the tide, with help from no one, and how the father ran downstairs when the tide was low, to fetch some necessities from a fridge. How the father had to find something sharp to cut the umbilical cord of the baby and, in the end, had to use his car keys. Wow. I'm really impressed by their experience. In this last page, there's also a child's drawing, picturing a house that is almost drowned by the high water level.

I would suggest to anyone who reads Dutch (and lives in Holland) to get a hold on this paper, take it from a local supermarket. Perhaps it can do to you what it did to me: exercising my emphaty and making me wonder, again, about humanity and the purpose of life..

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Bouillabaisse, instant version

I wanted to make my own Bouillabaisse and, browsing the Internet, I mostly found complicated recipes- the ones that I know I won't follow diligently, considering time and efforts. So I added "easy" as the keyword in Google, where finally I found this version.

I only changed several things:
- I used frozen fish mix (consists of cod fillet, prawns, mussels, crab sticks)
- I don't have pressure cooker, so I cooked it in a 'normal' soup pan. Add the fish mix into the pan at the latest part of the process.
- I might have added fish stock somewhere in the process.

Recipe source: Let's Cook French
Image source: One Season at a Thyme

- 6 potatoes
- 1 leek or some onions
- one can of tomatoe pulp
- garlic, saffron, salt, pepper, olive oil, white wine
- 4 white fish fillets
- 1 lb of mussels
- some large prawns (if you like)

Put some olive oil in the bottom of a pressure cooker, a layer of potatoes cut into flat thins strips, a layer of leeks or onions cut into rounds, then tomatoes and relayer with the rest of ingredients.
Cover with 3 quarts of white wine, some crushed garlic, and put in the amount of saffron you desire.
Place the fish fillets on top, the mussels without the shells, the prawns, and some salt and pepper.
Close the pressure cooker.
When it begins to steam, lower the burner and let it cook for 10-15 min.

Open and it's ready!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2005


The night of Dec 5th is called "Pakjesavond", or 'evening of packages', where Sinterklaas and his Zwarte Piet secretly delivering presents to your house. The custom is that the children (and anyone else in the house) should sing loudly, so Sinterklaas can hear them and drop by their house to deliver the presents. If Sinterklaas doesn't hear your singing, he might pass by without knowing that there are children who deserve his presents in that house. Zwarte Piet, the helper of Sinterklaas, always spread strooigoed (sweet treats to throw around) wherever Sinterklaas goes, and that is the sign of his presence.

So, last night I and Syb prepared something similar to those happenings. It's a pity we don't have any CD containing Sinterklaas songs, so we had to browse on the Internet for something we could use. There's a site for karaoke, songs with midi, complete with lyrics. Not bad.
So, after dinner, Syb brought the iBook over the front room's bed, then we sang songs that Dhanu picked from the list. Lindri could also sing the tunes, though the words didn't come out too clearly. Me? I know lots of Dutch children songs, but not for this specific event, so I always had to peek at the lyrics. As planned, when the kids were deeply occupied with singing, Syb slipped away (as if going to the toilet), sneaking to the kitchen. He wore a black glove and threw strooigoed at us, from the kitchen. That was such a surprise, this strooigoed rain, since loud noises occurred when they hit a hard surface.

The throwing went on several times, while Dhanu was being amazed, staring at the direction to the kitchen, but could see nothing except Syb's gloved hand. Lindri, in the meantime, didn't bother investigating - she was already busy picking up and stuffing her mouth with the pepernoten and candies. Before throwing the sweets, Syb already secretly pushed our rattan laundry basket (filled with presents) to the dining area.
Not long after the sweets-shower stopped, Syb appeared from the toilet's hallway, acting surprised. Dhanu rightaway updated him with the latest situation - he was excited but trying to keep cool. Syb asked Dhanu if he wanted to catch the Piet, while they're not far away yet. The door to the balcony was a bit open, and cold wind came in. We could feel the chilly wind, and that added to Dhanu's excitement. But he wouldn't go chasing the Piet. He wouldn't even run to the basket full of gifts, just sitting and smiling there eagerly.

Syb brought the basket over and let Dhanu remove the lid. It was full of presents! Dhanu had to identify each present by reading the letter written on each, then gave it to whom the initial was written. One by one, so everyone can enjoy each other's expressions when opening their gifts.
My parents also took part in this game, by giving me a couple of things to wrap and be included in the Pakjesavond. Lindri got a playing mat (a mat with roads, houses, etc, printed on it), a LEGO mini racing car, Dora underwear and hairpins, books (a Sinterklaas sticker book and Hexa kan niet heksen by Tijn Snoodijk)... Dhanu got a Bionicle (red spider variation), a Meccano (helicopter/ fire truck set), a pair of pajamas (orange, his favorite color), a book (M is een Monster, also by Tijn Snoodijk - "My favorite book!", Dhanu claimed), a small Transformer... Syb got books from me: Een indruk van Echtheid (a collection of comics essays by Joost Pollmann) and Tover mijn verhaal (published by Teken Mijn Verhaal Foundation, where Dutch comic artists drew stories based on disabled childrens' requests). I got a set of Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi (one package for two volumes) and, a real surprise: a DVD player! Aah.. it will be a comfy change when the kids don't have to fight over space again when watching movies from my iMac, and they won't be able to fiddle with the keyboard and mouse anymore (*phew*).

The night continued with, of course, constructing all the Bionicle and LEGO and Meccano and playing endlessly. I'm glad Dhanu really likes all his present and he didn't like one more than another - all are equally big scores! And I like to see that he didn't behave greedily. His expressions were mostly overwhelmed and awed, while also trying to constrain his overjoy. Lindri felt the excitement and she, too, could already appreciate her new things. Bedtime is usually around 20:00, but last night we let the kids enjoy their presents, until they voluntarily fell asleep (at about 21:00).
It's good that Dhanu's school makes the rule of starting classes at 10:00 in the morning today (instead of the usual 08:30), considering most kids would stay up until late for their new presents. Because, really, in the morning Dhanu was again fully occupied with playing, and having some extra time in the morning gave him time to accept the fact that it's not holiday yet. He still has to go to school.
Lindri doesn't have to go anywhere today (she goes to her daycare center only on Mondays and Wednesdays), so I could wake up late. I thought. But no, Lindri woke up too early as usual and started demanding things from me (Feed me! Read me this book! Give me some water!). That's a bit tiring, because I spent last night finishing Persepolis, both volumes (really a good read! I'd reccommend it to everybody!).

For us, the festive season just started.. there's going to be Dhanu's birthday, and Christmas, then my birthday.. Anyway, it's time to pick up Dhanu from school now. He'll have a friend coming over. Until the next news! :)

Image: Strooigoed from Wikipedia

Monday, December 5, 2005

Dag, Sinterklaasje.. dag, Zwarte Piet!

Dec 5th, the birthday of St. Nicholas, is one of the most anticipated days here in Holland, especially for children. This is the day they get presents, along with all the novelties of the year that come with the Sinterklaas tradition: chocolate letters, pepernot, speculaas, finding your shoes filled with snoep (sweet treats) every morning you wake up, greeting Sinterklaas and his Piets when they just get off the boat (from Spain), greeting Sinterklaas who parades on his white horse..

This year Dec 5th is on Monday. People go to work as usual, but supermarkets are closed early (at 18:00 instead of the usual 22:00) and schools are arranging special programs. Today, De Community School (where Dhanu goes) arranged a Sinterklaas meeting at Hemonyplein (a square nearby the school) at 08:30. Unfortunately, rain poured down heavily around that hour, the appointed square was empty, so parents and children arrived at the school building, looking a bit anxious.
I stayed with Dhanu, when the teachers were trying to improvise the program. They should have had a B-plan, considering the uncertain weather nowadays. I took Dhanu upstairs (to his classroom) so he could hang his jacket and put his backpack. Nobody was allowed into the classroom, but some peeked to see a stack of big presents in the middle of the classroom!

These youngest kids of the school (class 1 to 4) were then gathered in the sport hall, all sitting on blue mattresses. Older students (class 5 to 8) waited in their classrooms. Some of them were wearing the costume of Zwarte Piet (a cap and a cape), some Sinterklaas' cape and high hat. Parents and teachers stood around the walls and at the back of the hall.
The principal of the school, helped by a teacher (Dhanu's class teacher, Meester Joeri), led the children to sing Sinterklaas songs, while the Sinterklaas himself entered the room, accompanied by two Zwarte Piets. The kids were excited and could hardly sit still. Sinterklaas brought a bad news, that his bags full of presents (for the kids) were stolen! They have to find the bags, quickly!

The kids were then divided into two: class 1-2 to the theater hall, while class 3-4 stayed at the sport hall. I went along Dhanu's classmates to the other hall. Between the two halls, stands a counter (a reception desk and a kitchenette to serve tea/coffee/cup soup). Some bigger kids were hanging around the counter, pointing and shouting, "We have found the thieves! They're here!".

In the theather hall, the kids were seated on low wooden benches, parents on plastic seats. More singing, Sinterklaas and his two Piets entered the room, then the "thieves" story continued. The kids were so excited they couldn't sit on the bench, they stood and danced, their faces full of anticipation and eagerness. They were sweet, though, obediently raising their hand when about to say something, eventhough some shoutings were heard now and then.
Soon, the 'thieves' were caught (two men dressed in Dalton Brothers' kind of stripey prison uniform). Presents were revealed from 'behind the blue doors' (the storage room of the theater hall). Then Sinterklaas started to call some of the kids to sit on his lap - not all, because he's old and tired, he said. He was given a book of 'report' of these children. Sweet, these kids: they came forward and sat on Sinterklaas' lap and sang when asked to sing, answering all the questions. Getting off his lap, the kids received a handful of pepernoten from Zwarte Piet, to be eaten together with friends.

At about 10:00. Sinterklas left, while the children sang the "Dag Sinterklaas" song for him. They danced, jumped and sang happily, then were led to their classrooms. We parents were still following them into the classroom, where the seats were arranged to form a big circle. In the middle of the circle, was a pile of presents, boxes of the same size.
Meester Joeri explained that Sinterklaas has left these presents for them, and each kid may pick one present for him/herself. Once everyone got their present, they unwrapped them at the same time. Everybody got the same thing: a catapult game with plastic tree and monkeys. We left not long afterwards, then came back to pick up the kids at 12:00 already.

Tonight, we still have to make a surprise for Dhanu and Lindri. We had to make it as if Sinterklaas himself came and left a bunch of presents for us. The presents are now hidden in the laundry room, and I've cooked up a plan with Syb of how to go about it. Allright, time to move on.. dinner, and then the 'theater'.. hee hee. See you!

(One of the children's songs for Sinterklaas:)

"Zie ginds komt de stoomboot
uit Spanje weer aan.
Hij brengt on Sint-Nicolaas,
ik zie hem al staan.
Hoe huppelt zijn paardje
het dek op en neer,
hoe waaien de wimpels
al heen en al weer."

Image: from St. Nicholas Center

Saturday, December 3, 2005

Suntory Whisky commercial, feat. Duran Duran

A commercial from the 80s for Suntory Whisky in Japan, featuring Duran Duran. I wonder if this really ever boosted up their sale.

Thursday, December 1, 2005

Some Like It Hot - Power Station

Welcome back to the 80s!
I still like the song, although the clip is a bit too.. well.. 80s.

Some Like It Hot
Power Station

We want to multiply, are you gonna do it
I know you're qualified, are you gonna do it
Don't be so circumscribed, are you gonna do it
Just get yourself untied, are you gonna do it

Feel the heat pushing you to decide
Feel the heat burning you up, ready or not

Some like it hot and some sweat when the heat is on
Some feel the heat and decide that they can't go on
Some like it hot, but you can't tell how hot 'til you try
Some like it hot, so let's turn up the heat 'til we fry

The girl is at your side, are you gonna do it
She wants to be your bride, are you gonna do it
She wants to multiply, are you gonna do it
I know you won't be satisfied until you do it

Some like it hot and some sweat when the heat is on
Some feel the heat and decide that they can't go on
Some like it hot, but you can't tell how hot 'til you try
Some like it hot, so let's turn up the heat 'til we fry

Feel the heat pushing you to decide
Feel the heat burning you up, ready or not

Some like it hot and some sweat when the heat is on
Some feel the heat and decide that they can't go on
Some like it hot, but you can't tell how hot 'til you try
Some like it hot, so let's turn up the heat 'til we fry

Some like it hot, some like it hot
Some like it hot, some like it hot
Some like it hot, some like it hot
Some like it hot, some like it hot