Thursday, March 4, 2010

[klipping] Graphic Diary, Apa Itu?

INTISARI Maret 2010

Penulis: Seno Gumira Ajidarma
Baru saya scan empat halaman ini, total artikelnya ada 10 halaman. Ada 'bocoran' tentang seri curhat berikutnya: terbit Juli 2010 :)

[klipping] Kartunis Diary Pertama Tanah Air

Kabarindo Februari 2010

An article in Kabarindo Magazine. The 'interview' was conducted via email (a list of their questions, replied by my answers). The images are taken from this Multiply site (on my permission). I didn't know which drawing of mine they'd use until I bought the magazine. It's actually a 'get-well card' for a daughter of an online acquaintance in the U.S. (a fellow Duran Duran fan :D), who just broke her left arm.