Sunday, April 23, 2006

Dissertation Desk

I've seen many postings here that shows working tables, at home, studio or office. Allright people, you've shown yours so I'll show you mine. It is, of course, not as neat as Tika's thesis station or as organized as Tenik's working place, but this photo was made at its most bearable situation. Meaning, you can see only one toy there (the orange capsule), while usually Lindri came over to stack her books and more toys (pieces of a puzzle, wooden dominoes, magnetic drawing board, etc.) next to my keyboard. Not that I need her to create the mess; I can do the messing job perfectly by myself, by stacking books, papers, folders and what-nots on the scanner and printer.

I'm mostly using my old iMac, while Syb uses the iBook (you can see a small bit of it, facing the iMac) everytime he has to bring home his work. On my left is a scanner: old and worrysome, but useful. Next to it is a pack of proceedings from a bamboo conference that I refer to a lot. The headphone is necessary, considering the space at my far left is a living room (also TV and the kids' 'playground'). There's a printer on my rightside, just adequate for printing drafts. When the curtain is pushed aside, the window will show a scenery of an apartment block from the 3rd floor.
Oh, and Stitch has always been on top of the iMac since it came to live with us.

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  1. whahahaha.. harusnya gua potret meja kerja gua di McCann ya :D asik lhooo ada pot kembangnya

  2. sok mana.. eh tapi keburu hengkang dari sana ya.. hahaha..

  3. ntar lah gue tambahin juga foto meja kerja gue yg di sekolah (delft), jauuuh lebih rapih sebab cuma dipake 1x/minggu.. heheheh

  4. Huahahahaha iya tuh Stitch khas banget :))

  5. Taaaaa...............cukup rapi .... :0 tolong dipotret juga kalau pas di 'mess'-in Lindri dong.

  6. hahahaa.. musti liat meja kerja gw doong *eh wajar ya kalo messy soalnya laki2 ? haha*

  7. oh iya ya, pas lagi berantakan banget! aneh2 deh barang dia itu. bukan cuma mainan, kalo habis makan atau minum pun wadahnya dikasih ke aku (= meja kerja ini), bukannya dibalikin ke meja makan.. :P

  8. udah tau lah, meja lu penuh action figures! kekekekekkk salam buat gaban!

  9. hahaha meja TA kan belom ada yg ngerecokin, kecuali temen2 seruangan (motul, isan, prima, yg saben hari rebutan pasang kaset..)

  10. stitch doesn't go anywhere. kadang2 dipinjem lindri, tp selalu dipulangin ke atas iMac :)
    (di gambar2 gue, kl adegan gue di depan komputer, stitch juga selalu kegambar lho.. hehe..)

  11. now this looks like a real hard working table!
    hehe. malah mejaku sekarang sudah dibongkar saking sempitnya apt, kasian toby. Sekarang meja makan jadi meja kerja rame2. Karena peraturan rumah melarang taro2 makan dan minuman di meja kerja, jadi kita makan dilantai aja sekarang :D! fotos to follow ...

  12. don't worry mbak, more people particulary doctorate candidate messy in their desk study. Hope you finish it on time, pkease do not become MA alias mahasiswa abadi hehehe

  13. wah, ngga messy koq... lumayan reasonable...
    i don't dare to take a pic of my desk......!!!

  14. wah pasti susah nerapin peraturan itu ke meja kerjaku.. liat itu di pojok kanan (di depan mouse), ada cangkir biru tua. kerja paling enak sambil ngeteh :D

  15. Thank you :)
    Nggak mau jadi MA ah, boseennnn hahahaha

  16. euh.. how 'bout a pic of your desktop? *nawar*

  17. ehh .. ta .. rapih juga ya mejanya hehehehe ... mana foto beforenya ... itu lebih asyik dan 'horor' deh ...
    tapi kalo ngegambar gak dimeja ini kan ?

  18. nggak, gue lebih sering nggambar sambil tengkurep di bed.. hehe..

    foto 'before'nya nunggu meja super berantakan lagi :P - dan berhubung digicam gue invalid, biasanya jepret pake kamera pocket biasa, trus nunggu film abis, trus nunggu film dicuci-cetak (jaman dulu banget gak sih)..

  19. Ga semrawut banget ko mba, lagipula kan kerjaan nya jg banyak...kalo ade (di kantor) meja depanku adalah meja sekertaris, kan meja kami ber2 tampak seperti langit dan bumi, ade udah sering ngomong sm sang sekertaris "mao gw anggep sodara ga? beresin meja gw deh..ntar abis itu gw angkat sodara de.."..tapi tetep ga ngaruhh...hehehee..di meja ade pernah ktemu cicak mati sm sabun mandi (ga jelas dr mana) sama crackers basi udah jamuran...hahahahahaa...

  20. wah ini sih rapi, ta. dulu meja kerja di kos2an gw lebih asoy! di balik tumpukan kertas2, ada sekeranjang buah busuk yg udah nangkring berbulan2 tp gak ketauan hehehe.

  21. neat desk! heheheh ... batty sends regard to stitch

  22. Doing a research is a mind-numbing work & I feel it strongly that my research is complete with this place..
    thesis papers
