Another recipe without exact measurements (you're free to modify), because I've been cooking this by heart since the first time I found the recipe in my mother-in-law's kitchen pantry.
fettucine or tagliattele (other forms of pasta are applicable as well, but these are my favourites for this dish)
1 clove garlic, minced
4 small shallots, finely chopped
2 average sized courgettes (or zucchinis), sliced into blocks
1 pack MonChou Pan & Oven (cream cheese for warm dishes) - perhaps cooking cream is also applicable
1 block chicken stock, dilluted in 150 ml water
dash of dried Italian herbs
salt and freshly milled pepper to taste
You will also need a kitchen processor, or - even more practical - a hand processor (staafmixer).
1. Prepare pasta according to the directions at the package
2. Heat oil or butter and glaze the chopped shallots and garlic in a deep pan, then put in the courgette blocks. Stir evenly, put the lid on the pan and leave for about 5 minutes.
3. Pour in the dilluted chicken stock and herbs, cook until the courgette becomes tender.
4. Lift the pan from the heat, purée the cooked courgette mix in the pan with a staafmixer until it becomes an even mass.
5. Put the pan back to the heat, then mix in the MonChou and stir until it dissolves evenly into the courgette mass. The sauce should be rather thick. Season with salt and pepper.
6. Serve immediately with the warm pasta. For a more filling meal, serve with grilled chicken fillet.
(Image: from pirkka.fi)
*glek*. Rupanya courgettenya dihancurin yah, jadi saus gitu. Bener banget, kebayang dengan simple grilled chicken on the side. *glek lagi*. Asik nih, Tks yah Ta *priiinttt*
ReplyDeleteKedengerannya enak. Kayaknya anakku bakalan doyan nih... (semoga). Eh, MonChounya bisa diganti cottage cheese kali ya? Kalo shallot dituker onion (takut kepedesan)?
ReplyDeleteMmm... udah ngiler nih...
MonChou bisa diganti cream cheese merk lain (spt Philadelphia) atau mungkin creme fraiche aja. Cottage cheese rasanya beda, tp bisa dicoba sih :D Shallot-nya nggak terlalu kerasa kok, apalagi courgette-nya lumayan banyak, jadinya cenderung manis juga.
ReplyDeletesama2 ven :D iya si courgette-nya jadi saus karena diancurin.. spt bikin sup ya sebenernya heheh
ReplyDeletethere's more where it came from.. :)
ReplyDeleteTa, foto yang udah jadinya ngga ada yah ? *memelas
ReplyDeletenggak ada fotonya kali ini. tapi bayangin aja pasta dengan saus creamy kehijauan, dengan irisan ayam fillet di sebelahnya :D
ReplyDeleteMingdep gue bikin sih (udah masuk list menu). Kalo bagus dan sukses, gue potoin gue kasih elo yah Ta :D
ReplyDeleteaha! makasiiiih :x :x
ReplyDeleteHari ini gue coba Ta. Ini fotonya. Emang enak banget resepnya. Unik gitu sausnya. Grill chickennya cuma olive, salt & pepper, biasa :D. Thanks yah. Resep andalan nambah lagi satu :D.
ReplyDeletePS: gue tau kenapa foto gue segede hohah: wkt uplotnya gue gak pilih option yg dikecilin :">
Huaaa makasiiih! Emang bener, begini rupanya! Hahaha!
ReplyDeleteaku dah nyobaaaaaa, barusan aja buat lunch....di tengah jalan baru ngeh klo gak punya alat utk m"hancurkan" zuchinni-nya ..jadilah pake segala rupa alat yg ada dicoba...tapi teteub..hasilnya enak kok hihihi. oh ya satu lagi...aku gak pake cream cheese tapi pake light mozarella....enaaaak juga sueeer (tadinya gak pede abisss.....). thanks yaaa...first time in my life masak fettuccine....ealah lgsg enaak (pede mode on ;p ;p), my hubby and kids love it!!! Thanks again...mwaaach...