Dhanu has been having his summer holiday for weeks, but we haven't taken him for any holiday treat or trips. He's been asking if he could go to Victor and Wouter's (his cousins) house, but he can't because they're away, having a holiday in Italy. He's also been asking if he could go to oma (in Roosendaal), which we could only fulfil last weekend. We planned to stay for one night (get there Saturday, back to Amsterdam Sunday), but apparently it's too short for Dhanu. For the record, we don't go to Roosendaal often; only on several occasions such as Christmas, Easter and birthdays. The kids always love it there, of course, because they can freely run and shout in the backyard (good weather or bad); something they're restricted from in our small apartment in Amsterdam.
On Saturday, when we're already at oma's house, Dhanu suddenly waved three fingers and said, "I want to stay for three nights here". I and Syb talked it over, and we thought this can be a good trial for Dhanu to stay over by himself. He has never done that before: staying overnight at someone else's place without his parent(s) around. We told Dhanu the consequences: that he will have to sleep by himself (but oma can sleep in the same room), he'll have to go to the toilet on time (he always pressed to the last second, especially when he's in the middle of building or constructing his LEGO or Meccano), he'll have to eat whatever oma prepares (he's getting picky nowadays) and of course he'll have to listen to oma. He's ready, he said. Fine, we decided to give him a try.
Saturday afternoon, we said bye to oma and left for the 16:19 train to Amsterdam. Dhanu was busy watching his Bionicle DVD he hardly waved at us. Instead, he only hushed us away with his hand gesture. Well, he's never been easy on saying goodbyes to anyone, so we're not surprised. We plan for me to pick him up on Wednesday..
Monday morning, Syb called from his office to oma, who said that "Dhanu is doing fine; he slept well and just had two boterhammen for breakfast". Oma replied my email, saying that Dhanu is playing a lot and making a lot of drawings (because oma told him about people having their birthdays soon) - to which Dhanu replied, "For the boys I make cool drawings, for the girls sweet drawings." He also told oma what to write so he could imitate oma's letters by his own, on the drawings. He's enjoying playing alone in the sandpit.
On Sunday, other family members came to oma (when we already left), to whom Dhanu proudly announced, "Ik ben hier zonder mijn papa" (I'm here without my papa). As oma was typing the email, Dhanu was busy with a world globe and Disney books ("Wonders of the World", "Wonders of Nature", etc.). When oma reminded him that he used to like the sound of her clock (a loud cuckoo clock, which he always wants it turned off everytime we're there), he said, "Dat weet ik wel maar toen was ik klein, nu ben ik gegroeid en mijn oren zijn groter geworden, daarom hoor ik nu veel beter en dan is het veel te veel lawaai" (I know it but then I was small, now I'm grown and my ears have become bigger, therefore I hear much better and that is too noisy).
Apparently, he's been having fun. So I and Syb tought that, if Dhanu likes, he can stay a bit longer. I told that to oma through email, who replied that Dhanu seems happy with the idea. He said, "En jij bent niet alleen, en ik hoef niet te luisteren, en ik zal mijn best doen" (And you are not alone, and I don't have to listen, and I shall do my best). Reading the mail, we had to laugh; Dhanu must have meant that he doesn't get the nag he is used to get like when he's at home!
When we called him this (Tuesday) evening, he talked with a made-up accent to his father. He does that everytime he's a bit nervous. We can only guess that he's afraid that we might change our mind, or maybe the other way around, that he might change his mind about staying longer. Whatever it was, he didn't speak up his thoughts. But anyway, this "being away from home 'by himself'" is a good first experience for him - and for us! Our boy is grown, and will still be growing.. and we're all just going to have to be ready for his every pace.
Photo: from Chica's collection
Cool! Having met him only twice, I find him to be very smart and sensitive and mature for his age. You two do a good job!
ReplyDeleteberapa tahun dhanu umurnya?
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ven :)
ReplyDeletelima, put.. desember nanti bakal jadi enam. begadang lu ya? :D
ReplyDeletehebat yah udah bisa cuek ortunya ninggalin dia...eh dia suka sok tua/sok tau nggak?
ReplyDeleteiya nih undangannya si bayu, si gemblung jam 7 mau datang...gila kan nggak sopan pagi banget...
hore horee..... Dhanu dah gede beneran! hebat! {{...pat..pat..pat... on Dhanu's shoulder }}
ReplyDeleteHebat ... umur 5thn udah bisa menginap tanpa orang tua *plok plok plok*
ReplyDeletepasti mba' Tita dan suami tak henti mikirin Dhanu ketika sedang jauh *cuma nebak bukan nuduh :D*
wah... berhubung kami di rumah nggak ada yang nungguin, pas aku melahirkan kemaren si abang dititip nginep di rumah temennya (rumahnya sekomplek sih..).
ReplyDeleteboro2 sedih, takut atau gimana gitu... ternyata dia seneng banget.. malah sekarang suka minta nginep lagi di sana (temennya jg nagih "ardi nginep di sini lagi dong?" )
yang ada kami malah bingung dikasih nginep lagi atau nggak ya? ^^;;
dhanu ..... huebat .... pinter .... udah gede yaaaa....
ReplyDeleteKeren!! hahahaa.. fotonya juga sip, gw suka banget gaya Dhanu di situ...
ReplyDeleteTa, thank you for posting those stories -- all the family, kids stuff and how your daily life goes, I learn so much from it! *hug*
aah dhanu *kangen*
ReplyDeletebener kata venny, sebagai anak seumurnya dhanu udah keliatan punya tanggung jawab. pas luna di sana, dia sedapat mungkin jagain luna, apalagi kalo pas di jalan.
seri foto yang ini kocak2 ya ta ? :))
well.. you done good, young fella :D
ReplyDeleteJadi inget kemarin juga gw ngasih first experience ke ponakan gw.. (umurnya se Dhanu juga) Being away from his parrent, cuman bedua kita pergi nonton bioskop film Superman.. and we had lots of fun :D
...and, yes that was my first expirience too haha
hihihii.. ah jadi pengen ke belanda :D
ReplyDeletemer: memaang.. lewat dia, keliatan sekali bahwa waktu berlalu cepattt..
ReplyDeleteshant: bener kok.. terngiang2 di kepala jeritan2nya kalo lagi kumat mood berisiknya :))
harlia: iya ya, mereka pasti seneng juga ganti suasana. dan (setidaknya utk dhanu nanti) akan bisa cerita ke guru dan temen2nya bahwa dia udah bisa nginep sendiri :)
tenik: enthung (kepompong)-nya sudah jadi kupu-kupu!
sinta: it's my pleasure! *hug*
chic: "kom mee, kinderen!" hahaha.. foto2mu yg merekam adegan balkon memang mantap2 ;)
van: asik ya. biasanya mereka mendadak jadi manis dan independen begitu pisah dari orang tuanya. moga2, balik ke rumah nanti, kelakuan manisnya masih kebawa2..
tas: mari marii :D
kalo ke adiknya, jelas, tapi nggak bossy *fiuh*
ReplyDeletedan diralat sama luna : kom mee, princess =))
ReplyDeleteoh ampun...aku kok terharu ya baca ini?
ReplyDeleteanak2 umur segini memang sedang merasa "besar" karena kalau di indonesia masa berakhirnya tk mau ke SD.
Sama, gue juga merasa terharu pas baca bagian itu. Makanya gue bilang, Dhanu tuh keliatannya sensitif dan dewasa. Hihihihi, gue gak kebagian bagian berisik sih yah :)) :))
ReplyDeleteDhanu is a sensitive boy, indeed. Sometimes even over-sensitive, which makes him build up a 'protection wall' around himself.
ReplyDeleteOma told us, yesterday Dhanu said to her, "When you're dead, I don't have any oma anymore, do I? But I have plenty of uncles". Oma replied, "But you still have your eyang, and your mother's eyang", to which Dhanu nodded and said, "Yes".
Oma continued, "You are going to move to where your eyang is, aren't you?". Dhanu responded quickly, "Yes, that country is called Indonesia and you can take an aeroplane to go there". After a short pause, he remembered something important, "Have you been there?"
Funny that he can have a real long conversation with people :)
Set dah obrolannya dalem bener Ta :))
ReplyDeleteoww... dhanu sudah besar :)
ReplyDeletedhanu hebatttt ....cerita tentang adiknya juga dong ... lindri bukan namanya ??
ReplyDeletedhanu hebatttt ....cerita tentang adiknya juga dong ... lindri bukan namanya ??
ReplyDeletehehe thanks el :)
ReplyDeleteiya, adiknya namanya lindri. ceritanya, coming soon! :D
and you getting older...hehehehe
ReplyDeletejust kidding.
ah, it doesn't matter :) i'm growing older along with all my companions, including you! haha!
ReplyDeletehahahaha......but people often think i'm a student just because of my sneaker and backpack
ReplyDeletebisa jadi so, sekarang memang sepertinya kamu keliatan lebih muda dibanding masa kuliah dulu (lusuh, kurus, terlalu serius.. hahahaha)
ReplyDeletemy world runs in reverse indeed..hehehehe
ReplyDeletewahh Dhanu nya pinterrr...
ReplyDeletebener kata orang...kalo anak itu belajar awal2 dari mami, kalo mami nya dodol yah kira2 anaknya ikutan dodol..and sebalik nya huhuhu
haha "dodol" :)) iya, anak kelihatan banyak ngambil contoh dari lingkungan terdekatnya, makanya sebisa mungkin dirawat dan dididik sendiri.
ReplyDeletethanks buat ceritanya ta, gua jadi inget wkt jesse pertama kali nginep di rumah temannya, wkt itu dia juga umur 5. mungkin karena kedua ortunya udah biasa nginep di rumah saudara ato rumah teman, jadi jesse cukup sering nginep sana sini :D
ReplyDeletejesse udah kebiasa ya. kita jarang nginep2 sih di sini, paling ya ke rumah oma itu atau di hotel (kalo pas pergi2 ke luar kota), makanya kejadian ini 'novelty' banget buat dia :D
ReplyDeleteFoto-nya Dhanu lucu Ta :)
ReplyDeleteHe look smart just like you.
agree banget hahaha, aso sekarang sudah bisa "lebih" merasakan indahnya hidup kali yah? ada putri-putri kecilnya itu...
ReplyDeletetapi gw bingung, anak sekarang tuh cepat banget dewasanya...Dhanu contohnya...keponakan gw juga si Raya, namanya.
jangan2 pertanda saya harus kayak kalian juga...mulai mengiri nih hahaha lihat postingan perubahan hidup both of you guys, kok curhat nih? hihihihi
titaaa... ceritanya mengharukan..jd inget my boy
ReplyDeletesekarang joel juga mulai menunjukkan tanda2 kedewasaan.. dan sptnya ada bagian dalam diri kami (khususnya gw) yang tidak rela :D
gracesiana: trims :D and thanks to chica for the photo
ReplyDeletedevi: hehe bener dev, bocah2 kecil ini pasti akan makin mandiri. kita, orang tua, yg harus membiasakan diri juga: harus ada rasa percaya (trust) bahwa si kecil mampu menjaga diri, dan bahwa lingkungan & orang2 yg kita titipi juga dapat memperlakukannya dengan baik.
Ta, lucu banget dhanu, pinter deh dia, apalagi pas dia bilang, "...I shall do my best...". Biasanya kalo udah gitu jaman dulu (kakak gua) biasa dipanggil lieve schatje...hahahaha salam gemes dari tante sandra yaaa...
ReplyDeletehahaha makasiiy tante sandra schatje...
ReplyDelete2 hari lagi (sabtu) bakal gue jemput dia.. pengen liat, berubah nggak ya dia :)
Pasti ngerasa udah lebih mandiri & bangga...hihihi... lutuuuuuu deeh
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful ending! I love this story! :)
Thanks for sharing with us. :)
You're very welcome! Thanks for the remarks :)
ReplyDeleteWow, Dhanu pinteeeeeeeeeer :-)
ReplyDelete*salute juga buat ortu, yang 'mature' melepas anak, buat latihan* :-)
Jadi keinget2 masa kecilku sendiri, kek gasing :-p
haha.. cerita doong..
ReplyDelete(trims ya :D)
mba tita..seru bgt cerita dhanu..makasih ya ceritanya. mudah2an nanti nawal bisa mandiri kaya mas dhanu :)...
ReplyDeletemakasih yaa.. nawal pasti bisa, itu umur 4 bulan aja udah bisa asik sibuk sendiri :D
ReplyDeleteaawwww .. soo cuteeee ...
ReplyDeletembah eh mbak...saya agak bingung judulnya blog ini. apa maksudnya 'our boy has grown up' gitu?
ReplyDeletewah...nanti kalo udah gede anak smpyn dipanggil meneer van danoe..
benar adanya, bila diriku tertib berbahasa, mestinya gini mungkin ya: our boy is all grown up. (ada editor nggak di sini? :D)
ReplyDeleteps. makasih koreksinya, aku bener2 harus belajar nginggris lagi nih ;))