Thursday, December 27, 2007

It's No Secret

I'll let you know my birthday wish: to recover and be as healthy as before!

I left the training ground on the 24th already bringing a pain on my lower back, which made it difficult for me to sit. I spent the 25th and 26th in Jakarta, not feeling any better. On those Christmas celebration days I was mostly non-functional, only catching up some sleep and/or smirking in pain during the family gatherings. 
26 evening, on the way back to Bandung, the sore spot burst and not getting any less painful. 27 morning I went to have it checked at Boromeus Hospital, which ended me up in a One Day Surgery room. We were allowed to go home right after the surgery and all I had to do now is rest and consume all my medicines.

Oh, and about taking my medication, here's another revelation: I'm officially 35 and still can't swallow a whole pill. My, my..  

Right. See you on better days!

Photo: taken from a very common position these recent days, and perhaps even as you're reading this entry

Monday, December 24, 2007

I'm Back

People, I'm back from that 12-days civil servant-training-camp! Just arrived this morning at around 10.00 and fell asleep successfully right afterwards. Now I'll have to check my mailboxes and pack for tomorrow (we'll celebrate Christmas in Jakarta). See you soon!

Photo taken in our classroom, with fellow classmates dr. Tachta and Dr. Ganda.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

[undangan] talkshow: Peran Riset dalam Pembuatan Karya Kreatif

Komunitas Manyala dan Space59

Mengundang dengan hormat Bapak/Ibu/Saudara
untuk menghadiri acara talkshow dan pameran yang bertema:

“Peran Riset dalam Pembuatan Karya Kreatif”

Jumat, 14 Desember 2007-11-29
Pukul 15.30 – 18.00
di Space59
Jl. Merak no.2 Bandung 40133

Pembukaan acara oleh:
Toni Masdiono

Keynote Speaker:
John De Rantau (sutradara)
Tita Larasati (cergamis - mewakili Peter Van Dongen – seri Rampokan)
Ahmad Thoriq (cergamis)
Devia ‘Dedefox’ Wahyu (cergamis Mayana)
Rendra M. Ridwan (cergamis Cheng Ho)

Susunan Acara

15.30    Musik santai
15.40    Pembukaan Talkshow
15.43    Deklarasi Manyala  
15.45    Talkshow sesi 1: Peran Riset dalam Pembuatan Karya Kreatif
             Moderator:         Toni Masdiono
             Keynote speaker:     John De Rantau (sutradara Denias)
                                             Devia ‘Dedefox’ Wahyu (cergamis Mayana)
                                             Rendra M. Ridwan (cergamis Cheng Ho)
16.15    Tanya jawab
16.55    Break – Musik santai – Konsumsi
17.10    Talkshow sesi 2: Proses dan Metode Aplikasi Riset dalam Komik
             Moderator:         Aziza Noor
             Keynote speaker:      Tita (seri Rampokan – Peter Van Dongen)
                                               Thoriq (Caroq)
17.40    Tanya jawab
18.15    Penutupan    

Pameran untuk umum:
14 – 19 Desember 2007, pk. 10.00 – 17.00

Saturday, December 1, 2007

What I'll Miss

I've grumbled about a thing called Prajab a couple of months ago (in Indonesian). Now I'll grumble again for the same reason, and even more: it's going to happen after all. Since last week my name is already in the list of participants (one among four from ITB), to start the Prajab on December 12th. The fee (still three million) is going to be paid by our Industrial Design Lab (not the Faculty of Arts and Design), who sees it as a human resource investment.

In order to make some things clear, I went directly to the human resource department of ITB rectorate office. According to Pak T, a personel who received me, this Prajab will take two full weeks ("the duration will be extended back to two full months starting next year", he added). That means it will end on December 26th. "Really?", I asked, "What about the leave for Idul Adha and Christmas?". He checked a nearby calendar and looked doubtful. "Tell you what", he said, "I'll ask around and get back to you for confirmation".

Whatever they say, if no participant is allowed to leave the camp for the full two weeks, here are things that I will miss:  
  • 14 Dec: A talkshow at Space59 with the theme "The Role of Research in Creative Process" - where I will deliver a presentation about the research process of Rampokan series by Peter van Dongen
  • 15 Dec: A Children Christmas evening at our church, where Lindri will have the role of Mother Mary. It will be her first play and first involvement in a church activity here in Bandung
  • 17 Dec: Dhanu's 7th birthday
  • 19 Dec: Our children's report cards distribution (usually in a form of discussion with parents) and Dhanu's class' final project presentation (this semester's theme is "clothing", so the project is a "fashion show", where every student in the class takes part in both organizing and walking the catwalk)
  • 24 and 25 Dec: Christmas Eve at church and Christmas gathering with family
Not to mention:
  • Project deadlines at the Industrial Design Lab
  • Project progress at the Industrial Design Lab
  • Deadlines for design competitions
  • Deadlines for comics projects, both obligatory and voluntary
Dire consequences:
  • A coincidence that Syb also has deadlines for his journal and publication
  • Lots of preparation for our kids' school projects and plays, which Syb perhaps wouldn't be able to handle himself (with the shopping, arranging, etc.)
See? Prajab only makes me contra-productive. Perhaps they think government employee candidates have no life.

Grumblingly yours,

- half-hearted ambtenaar (who will definitely sneak out on those dates)