Sunday, January 3, 2010

Middelbare Akte

Foto2 dari acara pembukaan pameran "Middelbare Akte" di Galeri Soemardja, ITB (30 Desember 2009), yg menampilkan gambar2 karya mahasiswa, dosen dan alumni Seni Rupa ITB sejak tahun 1950an hingga kini. Pamerannya berlangsung hingga tanggal 16 Januari 2010.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Miscellaneous 2009

There are millions of people behind us, people who we have never seen and people who we have never known.
But what we decide today will be their future.

This album contains drawings I made in 2009 based on requests, which are already printed out/exposed according to their purposes. There are more, but I'll upload them once the products are out.

Kalender Shakina = a series of drawings for Shakina & Omar's wedding souvenir (Jakarta, December 13, 2009), printed in a pattern that forms a cube. Each drawing is for two months, with quotes chosen by Shakina.

40th anniversary = a series of drawings for my parents' 40th wedding anniversary (December 19, 2009), printed as a notebook-calendar with a quotation on each page (there are 36 pages in total).

QB = a series of drawings for Betti Alisjahbana's book Tiap Detik Bermakna. Here's a link to the book in GoodReads.