Thursday, September 17, 2009

[klipping] Getting graphic with Indonesian comic books

Time Out Jakarta, September 2009

Curhat Tita
More like a graphic diary than a graphic novel, 'Curhat Tita' (Tita's Story') tells the story of Tita's daily life and all the bizarre things she comes across. Her light and simple sketches, which she draws using a black gel pen, started off as her way of sending news back home to Indonesia while studying abroad. By eschewing the panels found in more traditional comics, her drawings feel more intimate and personal when relating minor details from her everyday life, such as her disagreement with her Caucasian husband on how to wash the dishes. Written in English, Tita transferred exactly what she saw and observed in real life into her drawings, producing a funny, honest and sincere work of art.


  1. Wah nanti kalau ke Bandung bisa minta signed copy buku komiknya nih? Selamat ya.

  2. trims :"> hehe hayuk, kasih tau aja kalo lg di bandung! :)
