Sunday, December 10, 2006

Who Wants Cards?

Yesterday (Saturday 8 Dec) I participated in a Kerstmarkt at AHC, selling these hand-drawn greeting cards. I have a lot of the 12 series left (square with colourful background, colour-copies); 4 of the snowman series and 15 of the riendeer series left (the snowman and reindeer series are hand-drawn on thick art paper - so no two are identical - and are actually postcards).

I put them up here in a festive mood and am willing to send you one of your choice at no charge (just pm me your postal address). The snowman and reindeer cards are unique, so I'll give them away on the first-come-first-served basis. Hope you like them :)

p.s. I'm taking requests this week only and will start sending them out Monday Dec 18th.
p.p.s. Drawings of the 12 series are sticked on papers/cards with different colours, so what comes to you might have different background colour from what you see in this album.

NOTE: The postcards series, snowman and reindeer, are no longer available. You can only choose from the first twelve cards with colourful background.



  1. aaah kartunya lucu-lucuuuuu...
    dicetak banyak dan dijual di sini pasti laku ta !

  2. OOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh.... !
    Esduren, tayangkan di ilustrasi dongggggkkkkk!!! Just for the fun of it!!

  3. Gue mau "monkeys, fish and co, animals." Nanti mau ditaruh dibingkai dan dipajang di rumah! Horeeeeeeeeee.

    oh oh oh... cuma boleh satu, ya? Padahal kan perlu satu seri kalau mau dipajang.... :D Kikikikiiikkk.... Yah, kalau cuma boleh satu, gue mau monkeys. Kalau Esduren nggak tega, ya... tiga-tiganya deh.... :D

    Let me tell you something: kalau dipajang di ilustrasi, maka gue harus punya tiga dong, sebagai "REKAMAN SEJARAH" gitu lhuow.... Kikikkiiikkiiiikkk!

  4. hahaha kalo yg dari 12 seri itu boleeeeh.. alamat, cing, alamat!
    (iya ya, pasang di ilustrasi! cihuyyy :D)

  5. hihi trimmmss >:D<
    aslinya masih aku simpen, ntar kl ada yg mau modalin utk cetak di indonesia, aku beri!

  6. nah, kalo pake *wink* begini, malah kayaknya bisa aku tambahin gambar2nya.. bikin yg baru2 lagi ;))

  7. Ta, mmmmaaaaooooo dong...
    keren² semua kartunya...
    buka toko dong Ta, biar ambu bisa pesen, hehehe...

  8. fyi: snowman 2 dan snowman 3 sudah menemukan pemilik baru :)

  9. pm aja alamat posnya ya, nanti pilihanmu dikirim ke situ

  10. lucu2 semuanya.... tp yg monkeys, fish and co. jg animals yg palling gue suka... warnanya keren2

  11. memang ta, gambar-gambar lu tuh selalu menyegarkan hati... aaawwwh... i love christmas season!

  12. Can we have this one? So cute!!! Sadia was giggling at it....Thanks!
    Like that song : Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer.....have a very shiny nose....

  13. Sure you can! Glad to be able to tickle Sadia! :))

  14. terima kasih :D memang paling menyenangkan nggambar binatang2 itu.. hehe.. tp kegambar juga yg lain sebab selera orang pasti beda2..

  15. FYI: all snowman and reindeer cards are already taken. so only the first 12 cards are available now.

  16. They are all lovely - it is so hard to make a choice. The first 3 are very bright and colorful -
    I also love the "Amsterdam" and "Nederland" .... but I guess those are already gone now, right?

  17. Thank you :)
    I still have lots of the first twelve drawings, including the ones you mentioned.

  18. mau tapi kejauhan ...buhhuhuh padahal suka yang snowman dan animals

  19. keren euy, animals ama fish & co gua suka ^_^

  20. i love all of them, and would love to get a cute lovely Christmas card from Amsterdam. So, I'll let you choose one for me :)

  21. iyaaa lucu2 kartunya, boleh minta? untuk dipajang dikamar anak kuu....? boleh ya...
    yang rocking horse & snow man....

  22. ta... aku ada usul, u gambar baby dooonk, pasti lucu2 tuh ta.. hehehehhe

  23. *mau - kata alicia* Tita, kartu lo bagus2 banget, apa lo gambar sendiri? Wah, kalau dijual disini bisa laku berat tuh. Apakah ada marche de noel di amsterdam?

  24. yg snowman abis roel, tp yg animals masih banyak. terima request dari jakarta bandung dan sekitarnya kok :D - mau yg mana jadinya?

  25. aaah >:D< sure you'll get one! please pm me your postal address

  26. boleh banget :) tp yg snowman (dan reindeer) sudah habis.. tinggal yg rocking horse dan teman2nya. alamatnya yaa

  27. tapi yg reindeer udah abis.. maaf ya alicia..
    iya pet gue nggambar sendiri. waktu jualan di kerstmarkt (= marche de noel) kemaren itu yg paling laris adalah yg snowman, cars dan gambar binatang2.

  28. hehe iya ya.. thanks for the suggestion! it would be fun to draw babies!

  29. Tita,
    kartu-kartu kamu lucu semuanya
    dari 12 cards ayng pertama, monkeys yang paling lucu
    boleh minta Ta?

  30. kalau beli taun ini .. simpen buat natal taun depan ya Ta .. hehehe ..

  31. hohohohoho - gue juga mau, yang mana aja. = kalau ada poster juga mau = ukuran apa aja = :-)

  32. Taaaaa........ yen eyang kakung isih ana, pasti seneng banget. inget gak, gambarmu diphotocopy, terus diagem kirim-kirim kartu natal.....

  33. ingeeet ten, kan selalu dipesen eyang setiap akhir tahun.. :D

  34. sip! :) tapi belum ada yg ukuran poster, nggapapa yaa

  35. oke buul.. tunggu aja, selasa depan pasti nyampe di kamu :)

  36. yg tema natal kan cuma satu-dua nih.. sengaja bikin yg all-year round.. heheh..

  37. I would REALLY love this card! My nickname is Tita and I love monkeys - so it seems destined that google brought me here! :-) my address is 2322 N. 63rd St., Wauwatosa, WI, 53213. Real name Kate Hartz
    If you could - fantastic - if not - well, Happy Holidays!!

  38. it's possible! thanks, and hope that card can 'see' you soon!

  39. Tita, where do you have time to do all these drawings? They're brilliant. Wished I had some marketable talent :-). Anyways, I have a silly question - how do you upload them into yr blogsite??

  40. hihihi abm mendapat pesan dari orang yang namanya sama... hihihi

  41. Thank you; really flattered here! Most of these drawings were drawn during my commuting by train between Amsterdam and Delft. Then I continued by applying water (and for some, ink) at home - when everything is already quiet - and at the venue, while waiting for customers.

    I scanned the cards one by one, saving the files in my computer. Then I uploaded them one by one as well, following the direction at Multiply. Why, are you having troubles uploading images?

  42. or, a second thought.. by 'blogsite' do you mean at the front page (= welcome page)?
    If you wave your cursor to the 'welcome title', you'll see the words "edit" and "hide" appear. Choose "edit" and insert whatever you like. As for my card, I save one to a (free) photo hosting site (I use Photobucket), then copy and paste the html code there.

  43. apa ini ya cekikikan di sini.. ayo sana isi blog-nya!

  44. ta, kereen semuah!! yg reindeer series lutuu, kebayang kalo dia beneran buka kado :)

  45. mba Tita,


    sumpah lucu2 banget! cetak di Indonesia yaaaa yaaaa yaaaaaa??? lucuuuuuu!!!

  46. ahaiyyy makaseeeh :D
    di indonesianya.. sambil jalan, alon-alon kelakon dulu..

  47. Tks Titaaa. Udah nyampe kartunya (pas gue pergi). Nanti gue foto yah, soale di tempat pajang gue udah ada 2 kartun elo :D :D :D. Thanks again!

  48. aww thanks ven! apalagi mau difotoin! cihuyyy :D

  49. Gue ada tempat box listrik yg gue jadiin pajangan magnet dan foto2 karena lemari es gue ditutup kayu. Jadi, kartu2 dari elo gue pajang di sana. Seperti ini:


  50. whahaha lucuuu *terharu*
    ngecilinnya? elu pake photobucket bukan? kalo iya, klik aja edit, terus resize image.

  51. lucu2!.. (psst. mmm..denger2 dari papa card ini mau dikirim tante tita utk toby ? aku suka deh pasti! tante tita mau dikirim hadiah natal apa dari toby ?:)

  52. :-) Buat Tita, Terimakasih atas kartu-kartunya, sudah sampe di Groningen 3 hari yang lalu. Sudah lama enggak buka amplop bersama dengan antusias. :-) Sukses selalu & Selamat Natal :-)

  53. Lha yang di tengah itu pocong edisi bule ya? Casper?? Lucu hihihi...

  54. cuteeee... aku pengen juga.. boleh?

  55. rieska, nanti kalo kartu2 sisanya ketemu di antara kardus2 pindahan, aku kirim pasti :) sekarang masih pada entah di mana :P
