Monday, December 18, 2006

Early Birthday Treats (Comics Publications)

Here's some cheering up for myself towards the end of the year, when my nerves should be stressed by all the business of dissertation completion, packing and moving overseas and emigration documents: my drawings got published in three books!

40075km Comics
I got directed by Joost Pollmann's Blog to the 40075km-comics site, where everyone was invited to upload his/her graphic works (comics, illustration and all visuals) on the site - as long as it has the theme "travelling". Well, my (earlier) diary is mostly about travels, so I could upload some of my travelling episodes there. This site is managed by Employe Du Moi (in English: Do It Yourself), a group of young comics/visual artists in Belgium.
After one year of online publication (and a couple of exhibitions in Brussels), the 40075km Comics organizer decided to pulbish an anthology of selected works. Two of my entries were chosen: my Finland trip and my football comics (a nomination in Goethe Institute Jkt comics competition).

An excerpt from an email I received from the organizer of how to get the book:
40075km comics, 597 pages in color for 29,50 euros. It will be available in Belgium in December and in January in France and Switzerland.
1. Come to l'employé du Moi, 51 rue de l'Insstruction, 1070 Brussels, please ring before you come +32 3453076
2. Wait for the public event that we will organize in Brussels in December (we don't know where and when yet)
3. Come and see us in Angoulême (France) in January 2007, please place your order by sending an email so we know how many books we'll have to bring with us.

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The 40075km Comics anthology, taken from the website of l' employé do moi

24 Hour Comics Day at Lambiek
As some of you've already known, I participated in the 24 Hour Comics Day event last October, joining the others at Lambiek. Lambiek is going to publish all participants' works - except the ones made by Cutie guys (the works of the Cutie group will be published by Bries - a small publisher in Antwerp, Belgium).

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Cover of 24HCD of Cutie that is published by Bries

24 Hour Comics Day Highlights 2006
This morning I received the news that my 24HCD story got selected for the Highlights 2006! What a surprise! This year they only chose 10 works (instead of the usual 24) out of hundreds of entries. I'm so flattered by the appreciation :D
"The book is listed in the new issue of Previews hitting comics shops this Wednesday (page 208), and will ship in March." - an email excerpt from Nat Gertler, founder/organizer of 24 Hour Comics Day and editor of 24 Hour Comics Day Highlights 2006

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Cover of the 24HCD Highlights 2006, taken from 24HCD Blog

These news are surely cool birthday presents for me! And thanks to you all family and friends who have been encouraging me!


  1. whoa.. congrats ya mbak tita :D
    yang no2 dari bawah di kolom paling kiri itu bukan komiknya?

  2. trims ya :D
    komiknya yg nomer 2 dari atas, kolom kiri (gambarku sedang bacain buku ke 2 bocah kecil)

  3. Selamat Tita. Ikut senang en bangga

  4. haduduh.. maap.. salah ketik. maksudnya ya itu tadi. harusnya dua dari atas kok jadi dua dari bawah.. huhuw..
    apa ada kemungkinan diterjemahin trus dipublish di sini?

  5. akhir tahun malah lagi sibuk-sibuknya ya mbak Tita
    congrats for the books ya ...turut bangga :)

  6. Titaaaa, selamat yah! :D :D :D

  7. Wow...!!!
    Felicitation, ma belle;)
    Semoga karya²nya lebih banyak dibukukan dan tersebar di seluruh dunia... amien...
    Encore, une fois, felicitation!!!

  8. titaaa... slamat yaaa.. bangga bener rasanya ada karya anak bangsa yang berhasil nembus kancah perkomikan dunia :)

  9. huraaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh... selamaaaaaaattttt merambah dunia internasional nih, nanti aku promosi ke teman2... hihihi

  10. selamat ya...he he he he... itu juga bisa jadi peninggalan berharga buat dua anak yang ada di komik tersebut... yang gambarnya lagi dibacain buku... apalagi kalau mereka sudah besar nanti...oh senangnya punya emak komikus... he he he he.... o ya satu lagi.. coba itu teman-temannya yang di Indo di panas-panasin... terutama yang berahang kotak sama satu lagi yang berkantung mata... biar bikin komik lagi...he he he he he...

  11. Selamat ya Tita......You r great!! Deuh...gmana tuh caranya bikin komik begitu? TOP BANGET!!

  12. Selamat...selamat...tetap semangat! :-) **Psssstt bentar lagi ultah bukan** :-))

  13. Tita emang CIHUYYYYY ... selamat ya Ta

  14. Titaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... selamat yaaaaaaa >:D< >:D< >:D<

  15. Dear all, thanks a lot to youuu!

    shant: Iyaa.. akhir tahun ini nggak ada liburan, geber dulu semuanya.. hehe..

    tas: bener, sebar2 biar laris, supaya tahun depan mereka bikin Highlights lagi, jadi banyak orang berkesempatan ikutan diterbitkan juga :D

    shl73: dua bocah bengal itu anak2 yg gue babysit jaman gue masih kinyis2 dulu (adeuuu). si rahang kotak dan si kantung mata mah bisnis wae euyy.. coba kamu yg dekat, titip cubit pipi mereka (pasti gamau deh)

    cak u: pssstt.. ben(t)aaaaar :)

  16. diterjemahin sptnya nggak deh. mungkin saja bakal dijual juga di indonesia, tapi belum tau di toko buku mana (kinokuniya? aksara?) - sayangnya pasti mahal ya (harga impor).. sekitar 12 US$ :(

  17. congrats!!!! we love your comics... now more people can enjoy them

  18. heyy thanks! btw, the card for sadia was sent today, so i hope it reaches you tomorrow (tuesday). i use your email name, hope it's allright (because, honestly, i don't know your official name :">)

  19. Ta, it's fine to use my email name....will eagerly be on the lookout for it....
    Thanks much!
    From one December baby to another :-D

  20. TITAAAAAA.... keren bangeeettt!!! *bikin gw ikutan ngerasa gemanaaa geto hiihhii, kecipratan bangga hihihi*

    SELAMAT YA! asli keren banget *masih terkagum-kagum gw*

  21. duh... speechless, deh. hebaaaaaaaat!!!!
    yah... bingung mau komen apa lagi.
    tita emang luar biasa, deh!!!

  22. Slamat ya mba Tita, jadi pengen liat euy komiknya...^_^

  23. terima kasih, semuanya :) it's all because of your support, too!

    udaidur: kalo yg punya saya, semuanya ada kok di mp ini:
    - finland trip (40075km comics)
    - main bola yuk! (yg b/w, 40075km comics)
    - transition (24 hour comics day lambiek & highlights 2006)

  24. wow.... great news! congrats, tita! so proud of you!!!!
    minta tanda tangan ah nanti kalo ketemu :D

  25. Taaaaaa................. waktu kamu ulang tahun nanti [28 Dec] - kita-kita lagi berada di Salatiga dan kemudian Purworedjo ............ terus carane mengucapkan piye??????

  26. selamaattt Titaa..ikutan bangga..semoga suatu hari nanti gue bisa punya buku-buku nyaa...dan jangan lupa tanda tangan yah :D

  27. mer: tukeran tanda tangan dong aah :"> trims ya!

    ten: cari warnet, lalu kirim email! hehe..

    feb: terima kasih.. ntar gue gambarin aja di bukunya :D

  28. selamat olam taung. kado jang membahagijaken.

  29. Selamat ultah... tahun ini kayaknya dapet kadonya banyak ya :)


  30. Tita te-o-pe-pe ;) pulang kemari nanti bikin pameran lagi yaaa, biar bisa lanjut terbitin buku n bisa minta ttd deh :D

  31. Just got the card when I checked me mailbox ard 430pm! Many Thanks!!!

  32. andriani, wahwoy, alva, G dan teija, makasih yaaa.. ultahnya bentar lagi, tapi nggak terlalu kerasa.. hehehe..

    titaying: glad to hear that! enjoy and congrats to you, too!

  33. SLUMAN SLUMUN SELAMET....2 minggu offline, banyak kehilangan highlight nih.
