Saturday, December 23, 2006

Dinner at Chikako's

We were invited to dinner by Chikako as a farewell present. During the farewell party for us that was organized by Sybrand's former colleagues some weeks ago, when people kept giving us presents, she came to offer this kind of gift. "A present should be something you can cherish your whole life. It should be a pleasant memories you have here in Amsterdam, instead of disposable products". So here we are; having a great time of our lives at Chikako, Ivo and Mia's place. Thanks so much!


  1. The food spread looks delicious, and so too I believe the company, which made the night much more memorable!

  2. So true; it's 'only' soup with chicken, fish and veggies (plus the teriyaki), but we were so contently full! Chikako has prepared a kind of rissoto as well, but we had to decline. Dhanu was probably the one who enjoyed it the most, because his wish to stay overnight (so he could play with Mia again first thing in the morning) was granted.

  3. they're not really eating
    But looking at each other and playing, hahahah :))

  4. hahaha emang tu.. dua anak ini gak berhenti2nya main. padahal sebelum dinner (gue, syb ama lindri dateng jam 6 sore), dhanu udah main di sini sejak jam setengah tiga! malah malemnya disambung pake nginep, dan besoknya dia baru dijemput jam 12-an siang.

  5. lindri lagi agak gak enak badan (dia baruuu banget turun panasnya), makanya masih moody. terus gue tawarin jus, dia kira manis, padahal itu jus grapefruit (= pahit). jadi dia merasa ditipu.. heheh..

  6. Farewell party? Kapan Ta? Kapan lo balik Indonesia?

  7. Nabe ini menarik !
    Minta resepnya ke Chikako dong :D

  8. Iya Pet, yg ngadain pesta perpisahannya itu para temen2 kerja Syb, tgl 21 Nov yg lalu. Kami bakal ke Indonesia sekitar akhir Januari 2007 nanti, segera setelah gue kelar sidang terbuka, dan setelah selesai ngepak tentunya :D

  9. Memang! Mealsoup sehat yg sangat mengenyangkan! Sip nanti aku tanyain resepnya.. *cari2 email Chikako*

  10. Ta, gimana dengan sekolahnya Dhanu? Bakal keputus di tengah2 donk, apakah sudah didaftarkan sekolah di Bandung? Apa dia bisa sekolah di sekolah biasa (not international school yang muahalnya minta ampun)?

  11. ah... enakkkk jadi terbayang soba nya chikakoooo... titip salam ya buat mbak ituuu :D
