Thursday, March 22, 2007

A back door, is it?

I begin to understand what Mrs. Mm meant from our weird conversation yesterday (see previous entry). I went to Pengadilan Negeri again this morning, to show her that I have gathered information from KanIm (Immigration Office) and HukHAM (Ministry of Justice and Human Rights). According to KanIm, it is possible to apply for our children's Indonesian citizenship and according to HukHAM, our kids are entitled to have (limited) dual-nationality. The problem is, Mrs. Mm said, will KanIm and the DisDuk (Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil, or Civil Office) let our kids possess two nationalities, or will they demand our kids to give up their Dutch nationality? Moreover, her main concern now is whether our kids can be included in my salary (under 'child support') - because Civil Servant doesn't recognize (financial) supports for foreigners.

Basically, our options are as follows:

1. Go on with our plan to have our marriage certificate legalized by the State Court, so it is recognized by the Indonesian law. Consequences:

  • The kids' birth certificates will be legalized and recorded at the Civil Office as 'foreigners' (who are still required to extend - and pay for - their staying permits in due time)
  • I still have to apply for their dual-nationality to HukHAM
  • If everything goes well, the kids will be granted Indonesian nationality and still keep their Dutch one until they are 18
2. Go on with Mrs. Mm's suggestion to reregister our children's birth certificates under the status of 'born outside a marriage bond'. Consequences:

  • The kids will (automatically?) be granted Indonesian citizenship
  • The kids will have to give up their Dutch citizenship(?)
  • I can apply for legalization of our marriage certificate much later, when our kids' Indonesian citizenship is granted
We've known since long that we prefer Option 1. But (still keeping good thoughts) apparently what Mrs. Mm suggested was a backdoor, or a trick, to face different laws from different institutions of Indonesia in order to get what we want in the first place.

Besides, there are still some question marks at Option 2, which I still need to find out. (These institutions don't communicate to each other - and are contradictory in their rules - and I am the one who has to go all over their offices to find out?!)
I went to the Civil Office this afternoon, but the authorized person (who supposed to know about these rules) was in a meeting. I'll go there again tomorrow morning, after dropping the kids at school, and (hopefully) get a clear answer once and for all. Then I'll proceed with our process, before we run out of money, time and patience.

p.s. Mrs. Mm mentioned again whether I am sure that my husband won't cheat on me or get bored living in Bandung. And more of such, but I won't waste our Internet quota for this. Besides, it's more juicy if I tell you the stories directly.. heehee..


  1. HUAHAHAHAAHAA. Intinya si Ibu Mm nih kayaknya harus dilepas dari ketergantungan terhadap sinetron dan acara infotainment lainnya, huahahaha :))

    PS: itu singkatan2 model hukham, dsb, elo bikin sendiri apa singkatan resmi sih :))

  2. buseds itu singkatan, aneh tapi lutu..
    aaagggrrrhh Ta, kayana klo gw jadi elo, bakalan ga sanggup dweh ngurus² gitu. sekali lagi, gutlak yaaa

  3. i think you and your family should have a lawyer..
    and I think Bu Mm should retire, and stop watching infotainment...

    so complicated yach pilihannya... *garuk2 kepala*

  4. kalo bu Mm selalu mengakhiri kalimatnya dengan, "...setajam SILET!", lo tau darimana otak investigatif dia berasal...

  5. Beneran deh Mbak Tita, itu ibu bener2 kebanyakan nonton sinetron2 & infotainment. Tipikal banget gitu lho. Terusnya usil banget..heran. Tarolah kita gak yakin ama suami kita, tapi klo kita milih buat ngurus option 1, so what? *sigh*.

    Anyway, good luck ya,mbak...terus berjuang dan moga2 lancar. Salam buat Lindri dan Dhanu yaa...dari tante Anin cantik...*muka cantik*

  6. It seems that there's a lot of redtape and overlapping functions with these various offices. Can make your life a living hell!

  7. mbak, kata mamaku (dia notaris) kalau sudah terdaftar di catatan sipil di Belanda, seharusnya sudah langsung sah di sini (menurut UU yang baru itu)

  8. ibu kantor yang sangat kekeuh ya... (HAHAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAA). hmmmm

  9. assseeeeek !
    sarapan di purnama sabtu besok bakal seruuuuuu !

  10. Mau donk cerita lengkapnya, hihihihihihihihi.... masak cuman buat Chica? :)

  11. Hm... sebenernya Bu Mm ini pemain sinetron kali ye???!!!
    *aslee burem ngeliat proses nya*
    Bus way, dibalik kesulitan pasti ada kemudahan. So, terusin perjuangan Ta!!!

  12. Apa yang Indonesia tawarkan sih ya ? ampe mau jadi WNI aja kayaknya ribet bener ?
    Padahal kalo kenapa2 di Luar Negeri , boro2 mau dibantuin .. nasib :(

  13. Ini tergantung banget sama kota dan indvidu yg menjalankan KBRI. KBRI Bern hebat!
    *maap, promosi KBRI Bern :p*

  14. ke belanda lagi aja ta...hihihihihihi

  15. ****UPDATE****

    So, I went to DisDuk this morning to meet Kepala Sub Dinas Pencatatan, Mrs. Suheti, who supposed to understand all details concerning the citizenship rules. The talk was short and nice and necessary. Now it's clear that:
    - I am not allowed to register the kids' birth certificate as 'born outside a marriage bond' because we are already officially married (proof: the certificate from The Netherlands)
    - The kids will be registered as foreigners
    - After I apply for their dual-nationality at HukHAM, I'll have to go again to DisDuk to report the application - and later - the result. Then they'll produce a letter to supplement their birth certificates, stating that they have dual-nationality.

    Right on! We'll proceed with Option 1!

  16. ven: itu singkatan2 beneran lho.. hehe.. gue juga baru rada fasih setelah ngurus2 ini :P

    ndy: Makasiiih :) emang ini musti diniatin

    modjo: Having a lawyer is perhaps our very very last resort :)

    anakhalal: lhah, giliran gue yg nggatau itu istilah dari mana :))

    anin: dankjeweeelll.. *sambil cari2 yg cantik, mana ya?*

    tita: indeed, the problem lies mainly at the co-ordination (or lack thereof) among governmental institutions

    bert: gitu ya? mestinya sih.. tp believe it or not, istilah 'legalisir' dan 'meterai' itu cuma dikenal di Indonesia lho :P (belanda udah nggak pake lagi, mereka cuma sedia legalisir di DepLu utk orang2 yg berkepentingan dgn negara macem RI gini)

    tas: mau ta' kenalin? :D

    chic: hahahaha mari mariii

    pet: syusya doong.. kan musti pake bahasa tubuh dan intonasi suara yg tepat! ayo ke sini bentar kalo mau gue ceritain, ajak alicia ya.. hihihi

    lien: siap! terimakasiiihh

    bob: iya sih. padahal kinerja KBRI saya lihat udah lumayan lho, cukup membantu (at least ke student)

    ple: males ah, ntar deketan lagi ama elu! huehuehue

    ve: tentu! nuhuunn

  17. ah akhirnya ada kejelasan !
    selamat berjuang lagi sepupu :*

  18. Jadi intinya ada 4 instansi yang harus dihubungi ya :-?

  19. ahaaa... akhirnya... ta cariin bule cakep, baek, pinter & kaya dong buat gua...hahahaha

  20. yang ini aku setuju.... karena selama ini asyik2 aja kalo ada urusan ttg dokumen etc...

  21. cerita dong Ta...., jadi timbul keingin tahuannya...

  22. i think you have to consult a lawyer...

  23. Plon, ikut seneng Dhanu&Lindri gakjadi 'anak di luar nikah'! Mrs. Mm ternyata sok teu (apa mengharap gono gini?). Soalnya gue tanya2 sama Konjen Frankfurt juga jawabannya hampir mirip sama info terbaru ini, cuman gue masih belum berniat proses lebih lanjut yang sehubungan dengan kita yang ngga tinggal di indo ini, jadi seneng banget baca pengalaman pribadimu ini. Semoga semuanya mudah dan lancar ya plon! ***mmuach*** (sembari ngiri sama yang mau makan rame2 di Bandung!!!!! Salam buat pesertanya ya plon...jangan lupa cerita2 daftar makanan hehehe...*sigh*)

  24. chic: iya! lega banget! makasiiih

    yu: iya, ada 4 instansi yg harus dikonfirmasi. hayo pasti kamu cerita2 juga ke pakdhe ya :P

    lex: elu cari duluan deh, kl ketemu kasih tau gue ya.. hahaha

    del: haha ya gitu deh.. mungkin mirip ama infotainment yg isinya urusan internal RT orang hehehe

    meutia: we've been looking around for a kind of public legal service (similar to the one we consulted in amsterdam - it's free), but we haven't found any here. and now that the path is getting clearer, i hope we can solve this matter soon. thanks :)

    riz: and who would that be? :D

  25. benerrr plon, gue juga lega :D gue paling gak tenang kalo pake 'jalan belakang' apapun modelnya. makasih ya makplon, silakan nunggu daftar menunya.. khekhekhee..

  26. Mb Tita, bagus ada kejelasan sekarang ya... Good luck utk langkah2 selanjutnya! :)

  27. Ta... untung bukan Mrs Ml..... itu bukan gue kan Merlyna Mim? hihihihi....
    btw, makasih ye udah cerita2... jadi gue ngerti gimana caranya kalau ini terjadi sama gue...... ntar gue bakal selalu refer, "Tapi menurut Mbak DL kan ternyata HukHam... dan KanIm itu kan..... etc...etc.." haahaha.....

  28. yik: iya senang, sudah ada kepastian jalur, tinggal diproses. trims :)

    mer: huehue.. kalo ms. ml, itu baru kamuuu.. kalau suatu hari ini kejadian lagi, kali2 peraturannya udah beda lagi, jadi kutipan dari mbak DL mungkin saja sudah kadaluwarsa :P

  29. perhaps a interesting topik, tapi bahasaku tak terlalu baik, jadi gak paham samua.
    What was the problem? Can you give a summary in English?
