Saturday, May 31, 2008

a s o c i a l
1. Not social
2. Avoiding or averse to the society of others; not sociable
3. Unable or unwilling to conform to normal standards of social behavior; antisocial
4. Inconsiderate of others; self- centerd.

It feels like I'm being one, recently. Catching up news from blogs and internet could only be done but swiftly - moreover leaving messages and posting my own entries. Many occurrences have passed since I last posted:

- O-Channel Pagi Jakarta program (I haven't received the copy yet)
- Surabaya trip for a seminar and a promo (ready, in drawings!)
- Taking care of Syb's re-entry permit at the immigration office (conclusion: immigration personel do not know how to interact normally with fellow human beings)
- A number of return trips to Jakarta and endless meetings with DesignerSyndicate in Bandung for an event that will start on June 4th
- Preview and defence of final year students' projects of Industrial Design ITB
- and many more.

This morning Syb just left with Cipaganti Travel to the airport, departing to Amsterdam. He'll be back on June 12th. At least he left a new Sparks album for me to listen to while he's away: Exotic Creatures of the Deep. In the mean time, I'll be taking care of our kids  (who, thank goodness, are happily going to school) while doing works - but I hope to get more in touch with you! Sorry I have missed so much!


  1. Hmm kayanya gua juga gitu... jangan terlalu merasa bersalah, Mbak.

  2. Manisnyaaa aa Syb! Don't worry, semua tau dikau kan wanita sibuk ;)

  3. haha, thanks for the link! that term is actually very appropriate ;)

  4. nggak kekejar semua ya. padahal ini belom punya facebook lho.. makin keteteran lagi deh kalo emang ada :P

  5. Kangen jugaaaaaaaa....banget lagiii

  6. We're just only do our responsibility to others. Nothing wrong with that sist, we all do the same. But yes....time is seemly to short!

  7. lhahhh kamu juga mainan multiply hayo =)) =))

  8. wah kebetulan lagi "single", bisa diajak dugem dong nih :-)
    hi hi hi

  9. ayo cari tempat dugem yg bisa bawa krucils.. ;))

  10. wah... tahu begitu, komik dibawa ke ams aje... heheheee.... :) 10 hari tidak lama, hanya sekejap saja. All best!

  11. hahaha kalem lah, si syb kelilingan juga sih dia, pasti susah 'ditangkep'.
    bener nih, tau2 pasti nanti udah seminggu aja lewat... thanks!

  12. Ah... would love to hear more about this ;-) Lagi asocial? No worries, yg penting sehat & selamat (apaan coba..). And good luck juggling work & kids! :)

  13. ada masanya emang kayanya, mbak..

    /me lagi di fase yang sama T_T

  14. Kan ini jg responsibility to others......=3P

  15. gapapa sepupuuuu...kamu kan emang sedang sibuk :D

  16. samaaa *ihiks* ...memory card-mu masih di dalem kantong hp (yg berfungsi jadi kantong kartu nama) nih... :">

  17. bener wae.. (sambil agak2 kaget, si tegep pake emoticon imut)

  18. ahaha.. cep, cep... we're in this together..

  19. haha thanks! sptnya mereka lebih manis deh kalo ortunya lagi sendiri.. kalo ada dua2nya, biasanya mereka juga lebih bertingkah :P

    that immigration story will be more effective in drawings ;)

  20. waaaah, kacoooow! hi hi hi hi, yang sabar yaaa

  21. haha trimss.. untungnya 'autism' mereka tidak terlalu annoying, tapi cukup laughable :)) heran aja, kok bisa2nya berkelakuan gitu :P

  22. sounds like very happy living though :D .. can't wait to see those the O interview.

  23. kok segitu dibilang asocial? hi hi hi

  24. in due time :) (heu.. aku juga belom nonton)

  25. hihi.. mungkin lebih tepatnya, cuek di dunia maya..
