Monday, June 4, 2007

[Comics Compilation] Jogja 5,9sr

Coming home after picking up the kids from school, after taking off their wet raincoats and boots and my own soaked sandals, I went downstairs to my working desk, as usual. Surprise! A small package, sent using an express mail service, sat still next to my ever-growing pile of papers. It's the Jogja 5,9sr Comics Compilation from Beng! (Thanks so much!)

Right after all immediate household-necessities were taken care of and the kids were settled with their own games, I went upstairs to read the book, from cover to cover. Jogja 5,9sr contains short stories in graphic forms (drawings and photographs in sequences), contributed by various artists. I was invited to do a piece when I was still in The Netherlands, and I managed to submit two one-page stories, which are included in the book.

My first impression towards this book was "rich". Not only of styles and stories, but also viewpoints and meanings. Among my favourite ones are Pak Gempa, which is full of funny details once you look carefully at each panel - despite the touching story it presents - and Jogja Effect, which is adorned by simple, humane daily happenings along the (serious) conversations offerred by its characters.

A launching of this book will take place this Thursday, June 7th, 2007. Following is a copy of the invitation:


Frigidianto Agung (fotografer)
Oyasujiwo (Komikus)
Arief AshShiddiq (Visual Arts Magz)
Surjorimba Suroto (
Moderator: Akademi Samali

TB Aksara
Jl Kemang Raya 8B
Jakarta Selatan

Thursday 7 Juni 2007
19.00 - End                

I might come over, as well, but that depends on many conditions this week. We'll see. Following are details relevant to the book:

Jogja 5,9sr contributors: Anto Garang, Azisa Noor, Alfarobi, Asnar Zacky, Beng Rahadian, Budiono, Devoa, Dian, Diyan Bijac, Endik Koeswoyo, F Agung, Ganjar W, Hanree, Herjaka, Injun, Mario Diaz, Man, Motulz, Nana, Iput-Oyas, Ones, Rudi GM, Tita

Publisher: Aruskata (2007)
Price: Rp. 30.000,-
Contents: 104 pages of poems, comics and articles

My contribution can be viewed here: and Motul's is here:


  1. Wow, udah nerbitin ajah, padahal baru dua bulanan di Indonesia yak Mba :-)

    Ntar beli ah kalo pulkam, ditandatangani sama Mba ya :-D

  2. asikkk... thx Ta, ntar gw cari ah di toko buku :)
    *lg baca 'budha' - osamu tezuka*

  3. itu yg "re-united" bener2 menyentuh. kayaknya musti dibikin animasi-nya :)

  4. waaw, ibu sudah bilang tadi pagi. pengen lihat di tb aksara, tapi nggak tau juga ya, aku kan koor hari itu... hiks... dan sudah dua kali bolos karna pekerjaan, satu lagi karna launchingnya miund... knapa sih acara2 seperti ini harus hari kamisssss :D

  5. hueee..! tak pikir jogja ada gempa lagi. aku habis dari sana soalnya :d

  6. Di toko2x udah keluar belum mba???

  7. thanks, all!

    ima: ini bikinnya waktu aku masih di belanda, jadi cuma sempet ngasih 2 halaman :D ternyata baru di-launch sekarang. tandatangan? aduww.. digambarin aja ya..

    jenz: whaa gue belom baca budha lho, 20th century boys juga belom!

    mer: hihiyy.. so flattering :">

    tas: yahhh jadi nggak bisa temenin abm dong, ke aksara dan erasmus sekalian :D

    yu: wah, judulnya aku ganti deh

    ve: nggak tau ya distribusinya ke mana aja. menurut info sih bisa dipesan lewat internet (coba klik link di atas)
