Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The court is adjourned

08:00 I arrived at Pengadilan Negeri (PN). Couldn't help being too early because I came directly from our kids' school, which is nearby. I came to Pidana office to look for Mr. NS, who (of course) wasn't there yet. I waited outside, on a bench next to the entrance door.

08:50 I entered the office again and there he was already. He came out, then told me that he'll look for our Panitera, Mr. A. I was to wait inside. He came back after 5 minutes, letting me know that Mr. A hasn't arrived. We spent some minutes talking, among others, about how sorry he was that he couldn't deliver the letter I signed the day before, and how glad he is that I could make time to come to PN and sign it there. I suppose he realized that he's not entitled the 25.000 IDR(?) :)

09:20 Mr. NS checked again and our Panitera was still not present. We talked some more until I was getting restless. I told him I was actually leaving an important seminar at ITB to come to PN, so I expect everything to be on time.

09:30 Mr. NS asked me to join him to check Mr. A's office upstairs. He's still not there. I was asked to sit and wait inside his office. Mr. NS went back to his office. I bought a newspaper to spend the time.

10:15 Mr. A finally came and I was called to his desk. We talked a bit about the case, that I didn't have any witness with me. Mr. NS told me the other day, and again the same thing was mentioned by Mr. A, that commonly original documents (passport, birth certificate, etc.) are already sufficient. So we walked to the judge's office, downstairs at the front of PN building.

10:30 I forgot the name of the judge but it's a lady. She explained that I actually need to bring witnesses. This is due to cases such as, an Indonesian woman legalized her marriage in Indonesia while she actually was already divorced with her foreign husband, whose consequence is at the inheritance. So, she said, I - as the applicant - have to show a good intention by providing the witnesses and bringing my husband along. So, the court is adjourned until Wednesday next week.

Another point to remember when taking care of formailty business with government offices: they always tell you the essential requirements when it's already too late, so you always have to postpone your plan. Thanks for your supports, friends and family, I'll keep you updated with whatever happens..


  1. whuooottt? itu khan termasuk hal yg paling essential, tapi kok lupa ngasih tau sih?! well anyhow, veel success!!

  2. wah capek bgt kudu bolakbalik gitu krn pejabatnya ga kompeten utk ngasih tau yg diperlukan. sebell!

  3. Semoga lebih sukses minggu depan dan tanpa nunggu lama:)

  4. hgghhhh....nyebelin bener sih yaaa....*esmosi* .Keknya mereka tuh hobi banget nyuruh orang bolak balik gitu, biar berasa penting kali ya. Selalu belakangan dikasih tau kurang ini kurang itu. Saya mah udah kenyang soal beginian, jaman2 dulu berjuang nyari data dan dokumen2. Ternyata belum berubah juga *sigh*
    Anyway....sukses ya,mbak..moga2 dilancarkan terus. Terus berjuang!!

  5. capek capek capek! itu gue, yang cuma baca. moga-moga sih elo, yang ngejalanin, tetep semangat!

  6. duh, capek ya Ta. sabar yak. may the force be with you! ;)

  7. iya yah, kalo ngasih tau last minute. Mending kalo kita ngeh jadi bisa reconfirm, kalo gak? Ya sutra, moga2 lo tambah kuat abis exercise ini :D :D :D

  8. haduh ta..sabar sabar sabar *basi sih nasehatnya, cuma mau bilang apa lagi*
    semoga abis rabu depan semuanya jadi lancar dan perkara ini cepet beres ya *hug tita*

  9. begini nih yg nyebelin, dikasih taunya dicicil, semoga lancar yg berikutnya ta.

  10. yikes.... ampun deh, lemot sekali.... salut, elu bisa tabah dan sabar....
    sukses ya minggu depan.... i'll send all of good force, good thoughts, and happy feelings from here!

  11. haduuh...apa mungkin mrk merasa sedikit berkuasa ya kalo bisa nyuruh orang bolak-balik gitu...? heheh...

  12. gemesssyyy gemessssyyyy!! bakalan mimpi lagi nih gue ntar malam.... :D

  13. Sabar sabar.... aduh, jadi ingat perjuangan di Marseille dulu, di Perancis juga gak lebih baik kok Ta.... sama aja.....

  14. duilehh..beneran dehh dugaan gue..emang reseh pastinya - jadi bulak balik kan!? :(
    moga berikutnya lancar yah Tha..

  15. ya begitulah....setelah semua surat2 sudah dipenuhi, biasanya adaaaa aja yang "lupa" mereka sebut. Itulah sebabnya jika berurusan dengan kantor pemerintah selalu mesti bolak balik.

    Sukses mbak! sabar kuncinya ^--^

  16. Ta, sabar yah meskipun kudu bolak balik. Mereka merasa supaya dianggap penting, informasi yang penting-penting dicicil dikasih tahunya. Mereka ini benar-benar tidak menghargai waktu, cuma mikir dianggap penting saja =(

  17. Sabar ya mba....
    Kacau ya, kenapa mereka ga ngasih tau dari awal dari semuanya, kan jadinya seluruh proses berjalan dengan cepat, urusan mba tita beres & ga ganggu aktivitas yang laen dan mereka juga kerjaannya selesai...Aduh..aduh......

  18. pake cara STPDN tendang aja dadanya? hehehehe...


  19. tita, gue yakin elu kalo meninggal nanti - pasti nanti langsung masuk surga... karena udah cukup ngalamin neraka-nya Indonesia.... mau dihukum model gimana lagi coba? :D

  20. mengerikan sih, ta? baru dateng udah disambut sama knick-knack yg ngga welcome geneee... pasti susah deh masuk ipdn.. ;)) *jaka sembung*

  21. duh, kok ribet banget to Ta.... mudah-mudahan Tita isih duwe sabar sing dawaaaaa...... Tenik dongake ben ndang rampung urusane - Tenik mbayangke wegah temen kudu bolak-balik :(

  22. selalu dehhh yaa birokrasi telat begini nyusahin orang biar bolak balik... :(

  23. Tita, ini di PN yg Jl. Riau ? Buat ngilangin bete abis disuruh nunggu dan mesti balik lagi, arrrrghhhh.... kalo ntar disuruh nunggu ga jelas lagi, mendingan jalan dikit ke depannya toko Dicks, ada tukang bihun baso Mang Udin, uenaaks pisan Ta, ini bihun legendaris di SMA Aloysius, semoga cukup 'menghibur' :p.

  24. Dear all, thank you for your supports and nice words, which really make it easier for me to face all these vague processes :)

    sienny: teteeuupp ya =))

  25. Interesting, yet familiar is practised elsewhere in the region...:-)

    Another point to remember when taking care of formailty business with government offices: they always tell you the essential requirements when it's already too late, so you always have to postpone your plan. Thanks for your supports, friends and family, I'll keep you updated with whatever happens..

  26. Delay tactics by government offices....practise also elswhere in the region....:-)

  27. Congratulations! Your have won a Thinking Blogger Award. Please collect your blog-sticker and list of rules at Tita/Eliza's website!

  28. Rabu hari ini ya sidangnya? Telat deh gua bacanya. Semoga sukses ya Tita dan tambah sabar ngadepin birokrasi *hugs*

  29. biasanya niih, (bukan suudzon lho)... amplop suka dimintain tuh...
    terjadi di keluarga gw dan setelah mengasih si amplop.. semua lancar..
    gut lak eniweei..

  30. bakar aja ta...bakarrrrrrrr...!!!! *super gahar mode on*
    sapa keq yg dibakar, se pngadilan2nya jg oke kykknya
