Monday, November 20, 2006

Stuffed Paprika

A recipe from Keurslager (a chain butcher in The Netherlands) that has been a success ever since I made it for the first time. Easy, quick and - most importantly - loved by my kids. If served with (white) rice; pour and mix a bit from the cooking juice into the rice for a thorough taste. Fresh green salad is also a good companiment.

2 big paprika (1 red and 1 yellow)
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
250 g minced beef
75 g feta cheese
1/2 pack of minced meat spice*
salt and freshly milled pepper
8 slices bacon

*) I usually use the readily-mixed one from Silvo, which is made of nutmeg, curry, paprika powder, coriander seed, cayenne pepper, etc.

Oven dish

1. Halve the paprika in length and remove the seeds and their threads. Smear the outer side of the paprika with oil. Smear a flat oven dish, that fits all the halved paprika, with oil. Warm the oven up to 200 Centigrade.

2. Put together in a bowl: the minced beef with crumbled feta, the spice and some salt and pepper in a bowl and mix well. Distribute the minced meat into the halved paprika and put them in the oven dish. Lay 2 slices of bacon on top of each stuffed paprika.

3. Set the dish for 30 minutes in the preheated oven and cover with a layer of aluminium foil when the bacon is coloured too fast. Serve warm with mashed potatoes, french fries, rice, pasta or bread. Salad is a perfect side dish.

I don't have a real oven, so what I do is usually cook the whole dish (without the bacon strips) in microwave, to make sure the center part of the minced meat is also well-cooked. Then I put the dish, this time topped with bacon strips, under my old oven grill to get the crunchiness out of the bacon.


  1. will this be a special meal of my next Amsterdam visit? :D

  2. Is this question a secret announcement that a certain person is going to visit Amsterdam very soon? :D

  3. fotonya bagus banget euy!
    gw contek juga yaks

  4. silakeun :D
    itu fotonya ngambil dari website-nya si keurslager.. heheh

  5. Nyontek juga ahhh... :) Eh, anak2mu suka paprika, mbak? Hebaaat...! Seandainya aku bikin nanti, bakalan yg doyan cuma ortunya, anak2 paling makan stuffingnya.. heheh...

  6. Dhanu sempet mengalami masa pilih2, tapi sekarang dia malah getol nyari2 sayuran, sejak di kelasnya diajarin tentang makanan sehat (aku sampe terima kasih khusus ke gurunya :D). Utk makanan yg ini, Dhanu paling suka kemeripik baconnya, sampe suka 'lupa' makan yg lainnya :P

  7. please excuse some typo, ven, kalo ikutan ke-print.. hihi..

  8. Hi Tita,

    instead of bacon slices, can I substitute your recipe with turkey ham or beef bacon? Btw I love all your recipes! If you are interested shall we trade recipes? I also like to cook and looks like we have some things in common...


    Btw,if you're wondering who I am, I'm a friend of the other Tita living in Delft. Am visiting her now - Delft is lovely! So quaint and picturesque....

  9. Hello Rizby,

    Sure you can. I modify recipes all the time :)
    Please tell Tita I might drop by again this Thursday around 10:30 if it's allright with her. I've got some winter stuff for Sadia.

  10. Titaaaa.... selera kita selalu sama.... gua jadi ngiler edan, tapi gua lagi diet ketat..... aaaaarrrrgh....
    ini enak banget pasti udah kebayang.... kekekekke

  11. aaah...di rumah masih ada 2 paprika sisa masak kemaren...bikin ah nanti malem :D

  12. haha.. no, i wish it were!....but i do plan to go to europe, stopping by in amsterdam would be of consideration if this stuffy stuff is included in the package :p
