Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Persepolis: Animated! Yaay!

Among the websites that I visit dilligently is the First Second Books blog, where a number of my favourite artists tell the world what they're up to. Tonight I read in their blog that Marjane Satrapi, the author of Persepolis, will have another book launched in October 7th: Chicken with Plums. I have seen the cover somewhere, though.. didn't she have another book titled The Musician with a very similar illustration? Published almost at the same time as Embroideries? Nevermind, I'll do a Google search soon. Chicken with Plums is said to be a wonder as well, which makes me very curious.

BUT not as curious as this: Persepolis is made into an animation! And the still images are georgeous! They're in black and white and grey shades, looking like a much neater version of Satrapi's drawings in the book. You can view the still images at Sony Picture Classics website. Release date is planned in 2007 (that's only 3 months away, isn't it? :D) and I'm already willing to buy the DVD.. haha..

Great, something to look forward to. Despite the pros and cons of the contents of her books, I'm enjoying the way Satrapi tells her stories. Her stories are memoirs, which are produced creatively and result in something honest and 'alive'. Thanks to Satrapi for enriching the storytelling world by allowing audiences into her life!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


  1. Horeeee.. *ikutan hepi bersama Tita* Thanks banget ya Ta, uda memperkenalkan Satrapi jadi gw bisa ikutan hunting jugaaa :D :D :D horeee

  2. waaaaaa......... moga2 maen di Indonesia yaaa.... kalo ngga kudu nunggu dvd asline kluar... thx Ta :*

  3. wak kudu dicoba nik kayaknyak asiiik!!! Thank you ya jeng!!!

  4. waaaaks... can't wait versi animasinya!! tks buat infonya, tita :))

  5. heibattt...
    masuk sini nggak ya?...
    secara komik terjemahannya aja nggak muncul2...

  6. sptnya saya harus belajar dunia per-kartun-an ke mba tita :D secara saya ga tau ini siapa :p

  7. duh... kalo dah punya dvdnya bajakin dooongg
    (secara kayaknya nggak mungkin nungguin dvd itu muncul di sini.. ^^;; )

  8. semuanya: terima kasih juga, the pleasure is all mine :)

    ipih: aduuw manisnyaaa :)

    ardie: nah nggatau nih.. mungkin cd (bajakan) nya malah lebih mudah didapat nanti :P

    modjo: jadi kapan kita bareng ke lambiek? :D abis itu bisa mampir ke pompadour! (halahh makan terooos)

    harlia: th 2007 sptnya aku udah di indonesia.. paling pol nanti mesen lewat amazon, atau nitip temen.. hehehe..

  9. trus... dibajakin buwat kita semua yaa? *ting ting!* :D

  10. y'arrr! bring me one noggin of rum, now, won't you, matey!

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