Thursday, September 28, 2006

Making Fun of Duran Duran

Making Fun of Duran Duran (Apparently Controversial!)
Tune in to check out my scathing commentary on 80's supergroup Duran Duran's "A View to a Kill". If they watched this, it'd hurt their feelings.

This mock-dubbed videoclip is really, really funny! If you like Duran Duran, you'll find this clip amusing. If you don't, even more so! Here's the link if you want to watch it directly at YouTube:

Some excerpts (just a teaser, not a spoiler - so I won't reveal funnier ones :D):
"It's Elizabeth Taylor!" (referring to Nick Rhodes)
"Paris is a dangerous place if Duran Duran is in town"
"Take a deadly shot at Grace Jones for a quarter? I'll take it for a dollar!"


  1. huahaha... lucu, lucu...!! Waktu jaman kita SMP kayanya mereka cool banget - now they just look like dorks! :) Tapi kita masih pengin punya rambut seindah John Taylor...

  2. Mana tahan emang rambut mulletnya itu. Eh, tapi ampe sekarang John Taylor itu masih kece abis....aduuuuh senyumannnya itu aduuuuuuh..... come to mama...

  3. Haha Yik, akhirnya aku nonton live mereka Mei 2005 kemaren (setelah menunggu 20 tahun :P). Lumayan masih pada enerjik.. hehe..
    Lex, klepek-klepek-klepek..

  4. waaaaaaah beruntung sekali lu, ta! Aduh mulutnya emang masih sexy berat...*fainting....hihihihi

  5. akhirnya kesampean juga nonton video ini..
    asli sinyir abis =))

  6. Anyone who has enjoyed this one would probably be amused by another: here's Making Fun of Duran Duran 2

    I'll never look at New Moon on Monday the same way again..

    ..and here's another one, for Union of the Snake. This guy gets quicker.

  7. kalo liat roger taylor.......hmmmmmm inget gwe bgt lagi jaman smp .huakakakakakaka .dodndotanya mana neh moon of monday lah
