Monday, November 1, 2010

SEVEN: Draw Your Days 2010

Halo semuanya! Tak terasa sudah satu tahun berlalu sejak kita bersama-sama meramaikan acara SEVEN: Draw Your Days, di mana kita merekam keseharian kita dalam gambar selama tujuh hari berturut-turut, dan mengunggahnya di situs masing-masing (daftar tautan ke situs-situs tersebut masih tersimpan di Kita juga sempat mencetak dan memamerkan beberapa karya tersebut di Galeri Soemardja, FSRD ITB, sambil mengadakan acara ngobrol-ngobrol bersama. Hasilnya memang menjadi kejutan yang menyenangkan. Ternyata yang dibuat dari hari ke hari tersebut sangat beragam medianya: gambar, komik, foto, bahkan kolase dan puisi, yang datang bukan hanya dari Indonesia, tapi juga dari Amerika, Jerman dan Belanda.

SEVEN: Draw Your Days ini diadakan dalam rangka hari jadi CAB, sehingga akan kita adakan setiap tahun pada tanggal yang sama. Tahun ini, mari mulai merekam hari-hari kita sejak tanggal 7 November 2010 ini, berlanjut hingga hari ke-7, yaitu tanggal 13 November 2010. Yuk!



Hi all! It’s been one year since we had fun with SEVEN: Draw Your Days event, where we recorded our daily lives in images for seven consecutive days, and uploaded them on our websites (a list of links to those sites are available at We have also printed and exhibited a lot of those works at Galeri Soemardja, FSRD ITB, while having a talk session. The result was indeed pleasantly surprising. The works that were produced day-by-day came in different medias: drawings, comics, photographs, even collages and poems, which came not only from Indonesia but also from the United States, Germany and The Netherlands.

SEVEN: Draw Your Days is held to celebrate the anniversary of CAB, so we do it each year on the same dates. This year, let’s draw our days since 7 November 2010 onward to the seventh day, 13 November 2010. Let’s go!



[about SEVEN, from]


An event held by CAB, a publisher who concentrates on graphic diary, where everyone can participate. It's where everyone can draw his or her days, one page each day, for seven consecutive days.



Basically anyone. You don't have to be an artist or someone who's good at drawing. As long as you are eager to tell your stories in words as well as pictures, you're in!



The drawings can be day-to-day happenings during the week, dreams, desires, or whatever comes to mind when your pen hits the paper (or the tablet).



All participants are to start their drawings on Nov 7. One page for one day, until Nov 13. In total, everyone will have 7 pages of drawings. Afterward we'll gather for a small exhibition and an informal discussion session.



All works will be displayed online, so there's no 'real' place. But you are most welcome to arrange the event in your own communities or cities.



If you'd like to participate, you are encouraged to upload your drawings on your own Blogs, which will be linked to CAB website. Alternately, you can also send your drawings to CAB, to be uploaded on CAB website.


  1. Coba2 ah meski dah lama ga corat coret

  2. ga kerasa udah setahun lagi..... mudah2an bisa miluan deui nya...

  3. ngiring deui atuh uwaaa... cindai oge ngiring deui

  4. kudu atuh! ibu berbayi kembar + berbocah lelaki 1 pasti banyak ceritanyaaa :)

  5. ih, lupa, sudah mulai ya? hihihi....gimana dong? boleh diungkap yang udah lewat gak ya?

    lagian dari tanggal 7 kemarin cuma di kamar doang, skat-sket kerjaan illustrasi...sampe sekarangpun sama...

  6. wah ternyata eh ternyata udah mulai....

    dari Inggris gak ya? :D

  7. maaf mbak, aku gak ngerti secara teknis, tapi tetap mencoba melakukannya, baru hari ke 7: ada di : Seven: DYDe :: Hari ke-7

    jewer saja jika apa yang kulakukan mengalami kesalahan pemahaman event yang mbak gelar ini :)

  8. kalau gak salah, aku juga ngerjainnya rada telat (hari terakhir baru memulai), cuma yang dicatata, tetep kejadian periode tanggal 7 - 13 ...apsti ada buku hariannya kan? jadi mudah...kata mbak tita sih, waktu itu, diijinkan... :)

    entah juga ya...

  9. sebenernya mulai serempak tgl 7 nov lalu, spt halnya tahun lalu (tahun depan jg pasti mulai tgl 7 nov). jadi yg terekam adalah hari2 antara tgl 7-13 nov. nggambarnya belakangan, silakan :D (itu jg yg saya lakukan, terutama di hari terakhir, karena sedang perjalanan antar pulau).
