About a couple of months ago...
I thought there was something wrong with my MacBook: it couldn't stand still on a flat top, as if laid on an uneven surface. But I didn't put further thoughts into it, partly because - at most times - the MacBook sits on top of a snug layer of its case, Moshi, also when being used. The case apparently provides a 'pillow' that stabilize the MacBook's position on any surface.
Last week...
I had a check and was alarmed by the actual condition of the MacBook: the rechargable battery is swollen! No wonder it couldn't sit still!
I've experienced a never-before incident, too. In the middle of one of my classes, when I was screening a video from my MacBook to my students, the computer suddenly shut off without warning. That was on Friday 28th. It happened again that day, I don't remember exactly when. Oh, and its cooling fan had been making a scary loud noise. I was worried since I would have to bring this MacBook to Bali for a presentation.
Wednesday Dec 3rd...
The MacBook survived Bali, thank goodness. Sybrand had been doing some research on the Internet about the symptoms and found out that my MacBook is among the batch that was installed with malfunctioning rechargeable battery, and is entitled to have a battery exchange for free (see here: MacBook battery update). The Mac site pointed to an authorized Mac retailer in Bandung: ZOOM at Paris van Java, Sukajadi. So there we went that day...
Inside the service room, I showed the swollen battery.
They said it should be replaced.
We said we could have a new battery for free, because this MacBook is included in the bad batch.
They said the battery is not in a bad enough condition to get a free replacement. It should be undetected by the computer and stuff. They said they have just the battery and that there's only one left. They said we should purchase the battery, paid for it first before they could install it.
We brought no written statement from the Apple site about the Battery Exchange Program, and therefore had no argument. (They are the authorized retailer, they should know, we thought)
We purchased a new battery *ka-tching!* and had them install the new one.
We left the swollen battery at the shop and went out doubtfully.
Thursday Dec 4th...
I had a full teaching day. At home, Sybrand called the Apple Support Contact Center for Indonesia. He spent 30 full minutes on the phone, mostly being directed to relevant people and finally got the right person to talk to (with a thick Indian accent, he said).
So, yes, we are elligible for a free battery replacement.
Friday Dec 5th...
Back to ZOOM. We were told to wait because the technician just went out for his lunch break (it was about 15.00). They still kept the swollen battery, though. The waiting lasted about 20 minutes, then we talked.
We brought a print of this page, which states clearly that a visibly deformed battery is among the symptoms that qualifies for a free replacement.
They said it wasn't clear that we wanted the Battery Exchange Program.
They said they will look further into it, checking and calling headquarters and so on. We are to wait for about two weeks from that day.
We left with the impression that they would actually do something. Apple has to keep up its reputation, doesn't it. See if we'll really get a refund for our purchase the other day.
Saturday Dec 6th...
A personnel from ZOOM called to check my MacBook's Serial Number. So something is being done after all.
In the meantime, I have this new battery running and all, and the fan doesn't make loud noises anymore. Yaay!
gosh! but good that you got it replaced
ReplyDeleteAy ay ay... Semoga berakhir baik (berkat kegigihan kalian).
ReplyDeletePS: kartun si moshi lucuuu! :D
haduh! bacanya sampe deg2xan deh gue! kok bisa gitu ya? hmmm the battery should be replaced with a new one! like they did with my hard drive!
ReplyDeletephew! so many adventures being a maconian :D
btw, can you add a snapshot of the swollen battery here? i'm curious! :)
ReplyDeleteIndeed. I constantly need to work with my computer and can't spare one week (moreover two) without it.
ReplyDeletehaha kacau tuh ya..
ReplyDeleteterima kasih, terima kasih.. nanti kalo ada perkembangan gue post lagi..
nggatau nih, kebetulan apes aja beli mac yg kloter produksinya dapet baterai jelek :P tapi bagusnya mereka cukup tanggap soal layanan
ReplyDeleteyep, maconians should stick together for such things.. :D
I plan to, but the swollen battery is kept at ZOOM, because they have to report to the Apple headquarter (also taking photos of it, and perhaps its autopsy details)
ReplyDeleteTa, ini ngomongin MacBook yg aluminium atau yg putih?
ReplyDeleteAku udah bosen pake PC platform, gara2 jebolnya selalu karena virus. Pengen ganti yg platform Apple, tapi musti banyak2 baca apa kelebihannya. Selain itu juga nunggu tabungan dolo :). Secara harganya lebih mahal dibanding PC.
Aku naksir MacBook yg aluminium yg udah multi task trackpad. Trus data2ku yg berbasis PC apa ya masih bisa dibuka dgn Apple tanpa perlu beli software baru?
Eh...lha kok jadi melenceng gini
yang satu apes harddrive, yang satu apes batere, hihi hi, posting dengan tag macbook banyak juga lama2x ya?
ReplyDeleteyang satu apes harddrive, yang satu apes batere, hihi hi, posting dengan tag macbook banyak juga lama2x ya?
ReplyDeletei used to bring my macbook to e-store at be-mall and they reported to the Apple headquarter. but the e-store is not on the list of authorized mac retailer... hmmm...
ReplyDeletebisaaaa! malah aplikasi yang di mac seringkali lebih nyaman dan lebih bagus!
ReplyDeletego for mac! :P [btw notebook apple harganya lebih murah daripada notebook dengan spec yang sama :) ]
perhaps the list should be updated(?)...
ReplyDeletepunyaku macbook yg putih, bukan macbook pro yg aluminium.
ReplyDeleteaplikasi yg sering dipake di PC (ms word, excel, dll) bisa dipake di mac. dan spt kata chikaradirghsa, interface-nya lebih nyaman :)
itu.. tanda cinta.. heheheh
ReplyDeleteHadooohhh... kejadian yg mengerikan!! Sejak kerja di rumah.. skrg gw jg bergantung banget ma ni macbook n internet... Haduhh, Taa,,, gak kebayang kalo kejadian di gua! Setengah nyawa ada di sini...
ReplyDeleteiya sama.. makanya di-back up pake external hard disk..
ReplyDeletebaterai kembung itu tanda2 awal sebelum meledak! hiyyy..
steve jobs is the best .
ReplyDeleteBener juga! Thanks Ta ingetin gw! Gw agak nyuekin external... skrg gw kyknya coba rajin deh...
ReplyDeleteSerem banget sih... (amit-amit jabang bayi.. tok tok tok!)
hear hear
ReplyDeletegue juga agak lalai padahal :P ...mari rajiinnn...
ReplyDeletePertanyaan selanjutnya (hehehe...nanya molo. timbangane kebluwuk Ta), apakah aku harus install Microsoft di Mac supaya data2ku yg lama masih bisa dibaca di Mac?
ReplyDeleteWaktu aku nanya ke CSnya Mac, mereka ngasih penjelasan bahwa aku musti beli software Microsoft for Mac.
MacBook kan juga ada yg aluminium Ta? Yang mousenya multitrack itu. Tadinya aku pengen beli yg putih aja, tapi setelah ngliat yg aluminium yg mousenya kayak gitu jadi pengen, dan itu berarti musti nunggu lebih lama lagi. Nunggu koceknya maksudnya. hehehehe....
semoga sukses ya espepe..
ReplyDeletemacbook aku yg dulu jebol juga gara2 batere, tapi karena kesalahanku sih, jadi ya nggak diganti, malah harus ganti logic board yang harganya separo macbook baru *nangis*
Ih, serem mbak. Iya, kalo mlembung gitu kan pasti selanjutnya... mbledug! Semoga sukses ya.
ReplyDeletehmmmm semoga sukses... tidak seperti aku... iMac-ku masih menganggur karena harus ada yang diganti, dan harganya mahal... :( ya itu, sama dengan mbak chica... logic-nya.... huh...
ReplyDeletecukup instal microsoft for mac. kadang2x si penjual mac-nya kasih bonus software jadi kita ga perlu beli ;)
ReplyDeletedata dari windows bisa dibaca dari mac os (kalaupun di bikin beda partisi), tapi tidak sebaliknya :D
kalau mlendung di diemin aja pasti mak 'dorrrr' ya ta?
ReplyDeletewah iya ya punya kamu pernah jebol abis... :|
oh memaaang.. aku search pake google image, sampe nemu gambar2 macbook yg udah gosong! hiiyyy
ReplyDeleteoh yaaa?? sayang sekaliii...
ReplyDeletebenaarrr teniikk..
ReplyDeletebener. trims chika, jawabannya udah komplit :)
ReplyDeletewah makasih mba udah nulis blog ini, soalnya saya juga lagi bermasalah sama batrenya macbook...
ReplyDeleteapa termasuk batch yg jelek juga? yang mac-nya dibeli antara Feb 2006 dan April 2007?
ReplyDeletebelinya sih januari 2008. belom setaun, batrenya nggak mau ngisi... mungkin karena sempet kosong banget... huh...
ReplyDeletebaterenya kejedug po kok swollen..hehhehe