Friday, July 18, 2008

What's Been Keeping Me?

A lot. I don't even know how to begin typing about it...

The city of Bandung is going to host a huge event called Helar Festival, where all sorts of performances, exhibitions, seminars, workshops and younameits are held during the month of August 2008. I am involved in:

Eco-Design Expo, as organizer

Held during KICKFEST on 1-3 August, at Diponegoro Street (between Gasibu and Gedung Sate)
Organized by the Research Group Human & Industrial Product ITB and Studio42, endorsed by the Climate Section of The British Council.

Artepolis-2, as conference participant
Held at ITB on 8-9 August. I am to present a paper, co-authored by Ben, about Mahanagari. No, I haven't prepared the presentation material.

Sustainable Design Workshop, as organizer and facilitator
Held at the end of ARTEPOLIS on 10 August, at the Faculty of Arts and Design ITB.
Organized by the Research Group Human & Industrial Product ITB and Studio42, endorsed by the Climate Section of The British Council and Goldsmiths University London.
Café Seminar on Design & Sustainability, as organizer
Held as a continuation of the workshop on the 10th, at Vienna Café, Sukajadi (to be confirmed).

KICKFEST, as head of jury (a team of five people)
10 awards are going to be distributed for various merits, 5 at the beginning of the festival (Aug 1st), and another 5 at the end (Aug 3rd). Categories and parameters are defined, now we only have to decide the recipients.

Public Furniture, as designer and co-organizer
Our research group members are designing and producing their own p
ublic furnitures, to be exhibited and used during the period (4-30 August). These furnitures will be placed at the following venues (one week per venue): Dago Plaza, Cikapayang (an ex-gas-station park), Cihampelas Walk and beneath the Pasopati flyover. I'm making garbage bins out of steel frames and fabric; production is under way.

Pecha-Kucha Night, as presenter
Held on Aug 9th somewhere up Dago street. I am to present 20 slides about our public furniture in 20 seconds. It will be the first time Bandung takes part in Pecha-Kucha. Want to know more about Pecha-Kucha rules? Go here:

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go get some other distractions before my concentration breaks to pieces...

p.s. Please meet SURILI, the official mascot of Helar Festival


  1. Wow ...that's a lot indeed! .... *I'm most interested on your public furniture project...keep us posted will of luck on everything! I know you'll do great!

  2. Oooooh... ;;) You're very busy indeed. Good luck!

  3. di tunggu mbak..postingannya..aku juga penasaran tuh..

  4. I can come I can comeeee!! hahaha.. *joget2*

  5. Jadi pengen datang euy.....mudah2xan bisa

  6. Sibuk bangeeeet !!! :) Good luck ya! Semuanya menarik.
    Semoga menumbuhkan kesadaran desain yang meluas dan berkualitas di kalangan masyarakat banyak yang bisa menjadi contoh bagi daerah-daerah lain di Indonesia ... Semoga sukses!

  7. oh right! that reminds me I should make documentations of the process, too! thanks! :D I'll get back here with reports..

  8. therefore, a much-deserved getaway trip is necessary! thank you!

  9. oh hehe oke, nanti aku post begitu ada update :)

  10. eh beneraaann? jadi bisa dateng? wuihhh slamat! :)

  11. amin. wah termasuk sering pulang nih si mamang ;)

  12. (akibat tidak bisa menolak)

    trims teij! bandung sedang berdenyut kencang nih.. acara2 lain di helar fest pengen gue datengin semua, sayang aja energi terbatas :P

  13. bener ta..pengen datengin semua acaranya bakalan rame ne..pengen bagetttt!

  14. 31+ acara dalam waktu sebulan penuh, dari dago atas sampe ujung berung! dipilih dipilih...

  15. buset! kalo bisa tita dimultiplied ya ta hehehe...

  16. oh benar, terima kasih... saya berjanji akan selalu banyak makan yang bergizi dan menjauhi indomie...

  17. nah, kalo beneran ada alat kloning instan, juga nggak jamin ntul..
    misalkan ada 3 tita, pasti tiga2nya ge' hayang ulin kabeh.. gak ada yg kerja.. hahahaha

  18. Tita, gua udah daftar buat artepolis ... bakal hadir tanggal 8-10 ... termasuk ikutan yang tanggal 10 juga, walaupun sama sekali belom baca brief nya kekekekeke ...
    Gak sabar nunggu presentasi tita :)
    buset Ta, loe bakal mondar mandir keliling Bandung selama bulan Agustus, hehehe ...sukses ya untuk semua acaranya :)

  19. huehehe kita ketemuan lagi!
    tgl 10 elu ikut workshop yg urban architecture kali ya... yg pake kolong jembatan pasopati...

    elu presentasi paper juga? asik euy... kita bisa saling menonton! :D thanks el!

  20. nah! susu rasa anggur, stroberi, moka, coklat.. yg dijual di coolbox beroda di jl ganesa.. mmm....

  21. Huahahhah :)) Jadi yah... Gue gak kebayang tuh nanti trip itu hebohnya seperti apa :D *iri, ceritanya :p*

  22. astaganaga, supersursibuks!!! (tapi hebat masih sempet jemput anak, hi hi hi hi sip!)

  23. Hallo Surili!!!! kamu ganteng dehh...Peluk ah buat plon sibuuuk ...

  24. ah.. this will perhaps change, quite soon.. hihihi..
    atau, kalo bikin meeting siang/sore, deket2 situ lah :P

  25. pake poni ala goku gitu, tentu saja keren.. hihihi..
    *peluk baliiik*

  26. Wooow, your a busy girl!

    Good luck with the event

  27. Wuih sibuk benerrr, mbak... Good luck & hope you have fun too! :))

  28. waw, you seem very busy.. don't forget to get a breather...
    good luck!

  29. kayaknya kita bakal ketemu hari senin sore (21/07).... obrolin kota nyebelin bernama "bandung" yg bikin org pusing. kota yg kacau tapi slalu di cinta bnyak org.

  30. Selamat bersibuk ria ya Tita..... jaga kesehatan lo, jangan sampe sakit jadinya...

  31. Hi Tita...sorry never made it to Bandung....:-( and I didn't manage to check internet/multiply until it was too late...but had a blast in Jakarta! Well excuse for another trip...this time direct to office mate came back and had great fun time shopping at the factory don't be surprised if I came a calling again....!

  32. waw..jadi pengen ke bandung, naksir sustainable design workshopnya, tapi kok tgl segitu ga bisa keluar yak..hikss...

  33. Ta, apa kegiatan nya yang bikin macet mandeg di Jl Dago hari ini di brita Elsinta siang tadi? Ibunya.
