Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tagging Along

I am used to tagging along my mother, ever since I was a little girl, whenever she goes for a job and has an extra room for me. She used to take me to her lectures when I was very young; all I can remember vaguely is a picture of me sitting in front of a classroom, drawing quietly until the class dismissed.

I was still a student at ITB when my mother asked me to accompany her for a job at Pulau Seribu (a cluster of islands at the Northern part of Jakarta). It didn't take me long to decide: sun and sea are my friends! She had to supervise the planting of mooring buoys (where vessels can anchor during stops, without damaging the coral reefs). So what I did mostly was jumping into the water whenever her boat stopped to plant the buoys and climbing back when it's time to move to the next spot. Quite pleasant!

I already graduated from ITB (I think) and functioned as an assistant lecturer when she asked me to go with her to Manado (North Sulawesi) for a conference. It didn't take me long to decide, either, because - at that time - I never set foot on that part of Indonesia. She attended the conference, while I went around by myself: sight-seeing, making friends, snorkelling, white-water rafting and even camping with my newfound friends. That was another fond memory.
It turns out that the habit of tagging along doesn't stop. Tomorrow we'll go together again, this time for a symposium in Bali. The theme of the event interests me, too, so it's less like 'tagging along' and more like 'attending together', but anyhow, it's me free-loading in her hotel room with an extra bed, as usual. I hope I can easily find (free) WiFi spots, so I can still get email and Internet updates. Otherwise, see you in a few days! 


  1. ooooh gitu, skrg warisan kebiasaannya nyampe ke anak2mu ya ta.. :D menyenangkan!

  2. What a wonderful habit..=) you must be closed with your mom.

  3. haha iya ya.. si dhanu kan udah beberapa kali aku geret2 ikutan conference..

  4. strangely, we don't converse that much :P

  5. free wifi biasanya ada di lobby, tapi kalo udah masuk kamar pasti gak gretong
    uhm..siap2 autan ya..

  6. haha ide bagus!

    aku barusan browse hotelnya di internet, nggak disebut di mana2 bahwa ada fasilitas wifi (cuma ada internet di business center, gitu aja) :(

  7. Inget cerita loe yang iniiiiii! :-)
    Enak bener bisa tagging along your mom, Plon...emak gue jauuuuh!!!! :-(

  8. ahh makplon, kan ada rencana bakal dijalan-jalaniiinnn ;))

  9. Have a wonderful trip Tita! Sounds so blissful :)

  10. Selamat 'nginthil' ya mbak! :) Soal WiFi, setahuku suka ada di kafe2 gitu (misalnya di Seminyak) jadi bawalah laptop kalo lagi jalan2.. heheh...

  11. ah ta, selamat berdempetan :) dulu gue juga suka digeret2 dan menemukan kesenangan baru di sekeliling he he.

  12. Thank you! (And I'm really glad the hotel lobby provides free wifi!)

  13. haha iya nginthil dengan sukses..
    iya nih, makin hari makin tak bisa pisah dari laptop :P

  14. ditunggu list of recomend post trip-nya ya....

    i miss my mom...soale dya dulu juga suka geret2 aq juga kemana2, bela2in bolos kuliah n kerja, kalo bosen dijak tag-team ibumu, aq daptar deh jadi substitute hehehhehe...

  15. Pantes lo suka bawa anak2 juga yah :)). Have fun!

    PS: awww... what a cute picture!

  16. hihihi gw pas baru buka postingan ini, yang terpikir di otak gw pertama kali juga ituu :D
