Sunday, January 20, 2008

Back from Yogya

After spending four days in Yogyakarta, I returned to Bandung at daybreak this morning, with my colleague/friend Nike (who was very useful because she dilligently changed my bandages every day during our stay there).
The event was a workshop on Sustainable Design, held at Tembi, a small village off Parangtritis Street. I'll probably post more entry about it, but let's take care of neglected things first. In the meantime, here's a link to an article about that event in The Jakarta Post.

See you later!


  1. good job, ta. but where is itb in the article?

  2. gak ada, mungkin karena sasaran utamanya memang para businessmen dan pengrajin. gue cuma kebagian diwawancara TV lokal :D

  3. kulonuwun...weh..situ sakti ya bisa nemu saya..hehhehehe
    semoga Tembi bawa kesan yang baek2 aja ya jeng..
    still I will bother u with aceh project sometime lah..bener nih mo ngikut ke Aceh?
    salam ma Jeng Nike

  4. monggo mbak..
    haha ng'google "tembi" udah bisa mampir ke tempat mbak ries lho! ayo, bother-i lah aku! eh kata pak W, acaranya di tembi juga meskipun subyeknya aceh.. aku tetep tertarik :)

    salam akan disampaikan! sugeng ndalu..

  5. Mba Titaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Huhuhuhu, padahal aku juga sudah di Jogja looooooh Mba, hiks hiks hiks... tau gitu bisa ketemuan yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :-D

  6. wah? for good? waaaaa lain kali deh!
