Saturday, December 1, 2007

What I'll Miss

I've grumbled about a thing called Prajab a couple of months ago (in Indonesian). Now I'll grumble again for the same reason, and even more: it's going to happen after all. Since last week my name is already in the list of participants (one among four from ITB), to start the Prajab on December 12th. The fee (still three million) is going to be paid by our Industrial Design Lab (not the Faculty of Arts and Design), who sees it as a human resource investment.

In order to make some things clear, I went directly to the human resource department of ITB rectorate office. According to Pak T, a personel who received me, this Prajab will take two full weeks ("the duration will be extended back to two full months starting next year", he added). That means it will end on December 26th. "Really?", I asked, "What about the leave for Idul Adha and Christmas?". He checked a nearby calendar and looked doubtful. "Tell you what", he said, "I'll ask around and get back to you for confirmation".

Whatever they say, if no participant is allowed to leave the camp for the full two weeks, here are things that I will miss:  
  • 14 Dec: A talkshow at Space59 with the theme "The Role of Research in Creative Process" - where I will deliver a presentation about the research process of Rampokan series by Peter van Dongen
  • 15 Dec: A Children Christmas evening at our church, where Lindri will have the role of Mother Mary. It will be her first play and first involvement in a church activity here in Bandung
  • 17 Dec: Dhanu's 7th birthday
  • 19 Dec: Our children's report cards distribution (usually in a form of discussion with parents) and Dhanu's class' final project presentation (this semester's theme is "clothing", so the project is a "fashion show", where every student in the class takes part in both organizing and walking the catwalk)
  • 24 and 25 Dec: Christmas Eve at church and Christmas gathering with family
Not to mention:
  • Project deadlines at the Industrial Design Lab
  • Project progress at the Industrial Design Lab
  • Deadlines for design competitions
  • Deadlines for comics projects, both obligatory and voluntary
Dire consequences:
  • A coincidence that Syb also has deadlines for his journal and publication
  • Lots of preparation for our kids' school projects and plays, which Syb perhaps wouldn't be able to handle himself (with the shopping, arranging, etc.)
See? Prajab only makes me contra-productive. Perhaps they think government employee candidates have no life.

Grumblingly yours,

- half-hearted ambtenaar (who will definitely sneak out on those dates)


  1. wah.. emang prajabna di mana, Tita?

  2. blom tau.. kalo kata orang rektorat sih di buahbatu..

  3. masih bisa pulang atuh..
    eh, nggak boleh ya?

  4. kayaknya di batujajar deh maksudnya. kayak gw tahun lalu. gak peduli mau lebaran, natalan, acara keluarga, pokoknya harus hadir tiap hari. ada teman yang lagi hamil terus harus ke rumah sakit sebelum selesai karena udah waktunya. eh..gak lulus. gw sih kabur hari terakhir setelah ujian. alasannya sih keluarga pindahan, padahal besoknya mau pasar seni hahahahaha. si fifi yang stay terus sampe selesai.

  5. Apa sih gunanya prajab, Ta? Kayaknya kok banyak bener yang kudu dikorbanin....

  6. sinting ih. alasannya manusiawi pun masih nggak dilulusin juga?! temen seangkatanmu yg anak tekstil itu, sampe terpaksa menyapih bayinya yg wkt itu baru berumur bbrp minggu demi ikutan prajab. si bayi terpaksa kehilangan hak ASI-nya dan minum susu formula! gebleg deh.

    yang begini2 ini kan bikin kita skeptis ama negara. asik-asik menuntut pengorbanan begini dari para stafnya.. padahal ngurusin rakyatnya aja belom bener. huh. *grumble*

  7. jadi lieur bacanya.
    gak bisa komentar.

    all the best aja buat Tita.

  8. Ouch.. those events are painful too miss :((. Hope you find a way out :D

  9. thanks ven >:D< ..on the positive side, I might have new materials for my comics :P

  10. masih untung dua minggu, mbak. kita dulu tiga minggu, di cirebon pulak XD

    btw, mending jangan ketahuan kalo dari itb, ntar suka 'dikorbankan' jadi ketua atau entah jabatan 'penting' lainnya.. XD XD

  11. ahhh kalo udah ada tanggungan di rumah sih, nggak ada untung2an! kalo belom ada, mau dikirim 2 bulan ke sulawesi atau pulau2 lain yg jauh juga ta' jabanin, dengan senang hati!

  12. jadi gimana nih, mau diucapin selamat atau gak utk prajab nya? :-)

  13. haha, ntar aja deh.. ikutan prajab macem gini sepertinya bukan utk dibanggakan atau disyukuri :P

  14. ga bisa gitu ikut taun depannya... pokoknya lain hari gitu :P ga bisa ya.... *garuk2 kepala*

  15. mau ikutan yg kapanpun, sama aja aturan mainnya (karantina, penataran dan baris-berbaris, dll). lagian, prajab buatku ini sudah overdue 9 tahun (selama di belanda, mana sempat aku pulang khusus buat prajab!)

  16. ah menyebalkan !
    ini yang bikin peraturan aku rasa orang yang nggak punya keluarga, gak punya temen dan yang pasti gak punya perasaan..

  17. ..and surely no life :(
    ("yo wes dilakoni wae", kata ibu :P)

  18. Ta, ibu biso bantu yakke? Terutama dong tanggal-2 kritis, ga popo deh kan ibu biso juga "ngurus" D + L tapi yo mestine asistensi nang kowe (Syb) disik. Pasti mereka gelem lah-"tak ada rotan akar pun jadi". Kashan Syb ben biso ga terlalu terganggu. Ibu juga sisan biso ngasta gawean kan? Gawe paper, dll. Ibu pasti diterke sih tapi yo nang Bdg mengko biso numpak angkot (rutene dikasih tau sik) nek ming jemput anter. Ibu nang Jkt juga wis lumayan sering naik transjkt dan bus biasa, tapi memang luwih suwi-dan ternyata pancen ngirid banget (terutama bensin! sing wis larang banget). Yo wis mengko tak matur bapak, dan bso diatur maneh. Ortu kan tugas e a.l. ngebantu anak + cucu sing pas 'kerepotan' dalam sega hal (nek biso & mampu). Ga popo Ta, enjoy aje kan dadi PNS pancen wajib melu macem-2 mengko durung ono ADUM (biasane ssd pra-jab), SPAMA (jenenge saiki kursus pimpinan tingkat pertama, menegha dan tinggi), SPAMEN (untuk Eselon II), dan SPATI (Eselon I). Biyen malah di antar kuwi ono kursus P-4. Ibu wis menjalankan kuwi kabeh, kecuali SPATI tentunya, isine mirip banget (ttg administrasi/birokrasi kepemerintahan

  19. yang lebih menyebalkan lagi, sampe sekarang gw masih cpns....asyik gak sih hehehehe

  20. gak boleh pulang - tapi kalau gak ketauan, boleh kok :) antique juga dulu begitu....

  21. ikut sedih Ta...kyknya terlalu banyak pengorbanan untuk Prajab-mu.
    Ngga bisa ikutan gelombang berikutnya? Pake alaasan apa kek...:(

  22. titaaa ... aturan tidaaa bergunaaa .... *ikutan sebel*
    muda-mudahan bisa kaburr yaa taaa ...

  23. Haaaa...lutu bangettt! Poto atuh, potoooo!!!!
    Prajab (tadinya, berhubung di sini masih pagi dan belum ngeh, gue kira itu nama orang India! =)) ) itu kayak P4 ato kayak OSPEK? Yah, emang di indo kita kan sudah terbiasa diharuskan melakukan hal2 yang nggakada gunanya, kayak waktu P4 ada teman yang bolos sehari karena nyuci celana putih (celananya cuman satu), akhirnya ngga lulus P4!

  24. ten: haha mariii.. kita lihat nanti lokasi dan seluk beluk camp-nya :)

    tas: memaaang

    mia: aku sudah menunda ini berbelas kali, dalam 9 tahun :P (habis diangkatnya ketika baruuu nyampe belanda, jadi selama itu memang nggak bisa pulang hanya demi prajab).

    cin: kalo gunanya utk ngetes PNS, mestinya ada mekanisme yg lebih manusiawi ya. cara yg ini nyusahin banyak orang. thanks cin :*

    makplon: haha iyaahh.. nitip fotoin babenya deh kalo gue nggabisa kabur. iya bener, prajab itu persis P4 gabung OSPEK, brain-numbing banget! *hugs balik*

  25. ouch... all of those sweet events..... too good to be missed..
    btw, they shouldn't have it on christmas break.... and not on christmas days especially... and not on idul adha...... that's a violation (of human right and of esduren & fam's happiness!!)

  26. agree! they should change the whole system!

  27. seperti jerawat kali ya mbak, menyebalkan, tapi harus dilewati sampai selesai.

  28. jerawat muncul nggak diatur orang, jadi - paling enggak - hanya bisa dicegah. kalo yang ini, ada karena dibuat orang, jadi sebenernya bisa ditiadakan! gitu deh :P eh aku prajabnya bareng calonmu lho :D

  29. Aarrghh... jadi ikut sebel!! *selamat sneaking-out-on-those-dates*

  30. Aduh banyak kejadian penting lagi ya. *pelukTitaajah*
