Thursday, October 18, 2007


Lindri was born on October 19th, 2003, at about 22:00. Her birth went well; three pushes within 15 minutes and she's out. A couple of fragments from the day that I'll remember for the rest of my life are:
1) Dhanu, who almost turned three, tried to feed me apple pieces to ease my contraction pains during labor.
2) When I asked the midwife who handed me a bundle of baby right after its birth, "Is it a boy or a girl?", she replied, "Go ahead and see for yourself".
And here's 'the baby' now, all bold and grown, celebrating her birthday in Indonesia for the first time.

This morning we did the family birthday ritual: singing happy birthday, having four candles on a cake, blowing candles, and opening presents. Afterwards, she right away played with her new set of blocks and sticker books. Her adventure will continue this afternoon, when we go out for a treat. Thanks for all the birthday wishes we received through email and SMS and see you later, with more updates!

So, we've just returned from Istana Plaza, a place we've never been to before but recommended by a friend as might be fun for kids (thanks for the tip!). We left at lunch time, so everybody was quite hungry by the time we got there and we went straight to the food court. Dhanu and Lindri both opted for hot dog and fries from Beef Eaters Burger, Syb had kangkung and beef from Mie Hot Plate Singapore and I Singaporean hotplate from the same place, plus some drinks from Mm Juice. After lunch, we explored all toy shops at all floors. They indeed have so many variations that we ended up going up and down the floors at least thrice. After purchasing toys on behalf of Lindri's oma, and a small one for Dhanu, we stopped by for ice cream at Baskins & Robbins before going home.

That was quite a full day; Lindri fell asleep in angkot but was lively again as soon as we got home, finding a birthday package from Jakarta. She occupied herself with all her presents: singing to the mic and playing the musical instruments (from Jakarta), arranging the interior of a mini wooden house (from oma) and composing colorful plastic pieces to match the available patterns (also from oma). Dhanu, of course, 'helped' once in a while, resulting in screaming, laughing and crying (they fight and collaborate, interchangeably).

Many thanks again to you all for the wishes!

Photos of today can be viewed here


  1. jadi lindri lahirnya 17 apa 19? heehheeheh..... ayo liat MP bojomu... tanggalnya gak kompak euy

  2. hahahaa iya dia salah tulis tanggal! gerutunya, "punya anak dua aja tanggalnya susah semua" =))

  3. hahaha.... salah tanggal.. lucu..
    jadi makan apel itu membantu ngga Ta?

  4. wow....happy birthday lindri. nadya is older only ten days than lindri. too bad i wasnt around on her birthday.

  5. hahahahaha syb ! :))
    nanti pas ultah dhanu dia postingnya tanggal 19 desember :p

    selamat ultah buat lindri, semua yang terbaik dan mbok ya judesnya dikurangin dikit :))

  6. Happy birthday Lindriiiiii, mmwuahhhhh

  7. happy bday Lindri
    jadi anak yg pinter yaa ;)

  8. Met ultah, Lindri...! Mb Tita, home delivery ya? Dhanu jam segitu masih bangun - too excited to sleep maybe? :)

  9. happy birthday Lindri
    selalu bahagia dihati ya sayang...

  10. Met ultah yah Lindriiii. >:D< *pasti juga gak mau dipeluk karena kabur, hahaha!*

    PS: gue liat foto elo, muka elo kena sinar lilin, gue terharu deh... :p

  11. Met ultah yah Lindri, tambah cantik.

    yang di pinggir piring cake nya apa Ta ? lucu bgt warna nya...

  12. Selamat ulangtahun Lindri yang cantik!!!!***mmuach***dari tante Isti,onkel Bernhard, Naradi dan Pradani
    Plon, bener deh, elu nggaboleh berhenti bersyukur, dikaruniai anak2 yang cerdas2 dan cakep/cantik, apalagi, ngelahirinnya gampang banget! Gue dengernya sirikkk..hahaha...nggak ding, I'm happy for you! Selamet ya! ***mmuach*** (ini buat ibunya lindri)

  13. Happy Birthday Lindri! Lots of good wishes: tambah cantik, pinter, baek, kreatif, sehat, panjang umur, jago gambar kaya mamanya... hihihii

  14. Semuanya, makasih banyak yaa >:D<

    mer: emang tu bapaknya ketuker2 mulu :P apel? haha.. waktu itu tampangnya si dhanu aja manis imut dan mengharukan, jadi gak tega ngusir jauh2 padahal lagi repot ngejan..

    so: oh yaa? selamat ya buat nadya dan keluarganya juga :D trims!

    chic: iya, tanggalnya mirip :P judes berkurang tp diganti galak nih.. dari tadi perang mulu sama dhanu.. hihi..

    tisu: makasih tanteee.. *muah balik*

    tkmaia: dank u tante, salam buat toby, masih inget lindri nggak yaa

    sisc: trimakasiiih *cup lagi*

    obendon: terimakasih :)

    roel: makasih om, kapan nyaris ketemuan lagi sama ibu? ;))

    yik: suwun, tante! iya home delivery, makanya dhanu sibuk juga, ikut2an ngeluar2in isi kotak mainan dia begitu liat si midwife ngeluarin isi kotak delivery-nya :))

    elbintang: terima kasih atas doanya :)

    mand: trims yaa

    ven: haha iya berkelit melulu! makasih yaa.. *ihiks* :">

    feb: makasih tante febi :D yg di pinggir piring itu slinger kertas, itu lho yg biasa dibentang di langit2.

    makplon: terima kasih para schindlers! *muah becek* hehe iya pastinya terus bersyukur, terutama di kala mereka lagi sakit atau bandel :) *huggsss*

    alex: makasiy tante imut :*

  15. Hahahaaa...kapan yaaaa...

    Kalaupun ketemuan pasti speechless...:faint:


  16. aaa.... met ultah lindri!
    tau gitu pas di bandung kemaren kopdaran ama ibu..
    (bukan ngasiih kado, tapi minta traktir.. hihihi..)

  17. happy bday lindriiii!!! all best wishes from tante yang masih ketinggalan di amsterdam :)

    (k) (k)

  18. Selamat ulangtahun buat Lindri semoga jadi anak yg berbakti buat orangtuanya.

  19. met ulang taun ya lindri....

    makin gede, makin pinter, makin baek, dan bantuin ibu yaaaa....

  20. Met ultah ya lindri, moga jadi anak pintar dan jago gambar kayak mama heheheh kadonya pas tuh

  21. met ultah ya lindri cantik... karin lebih tua 2 bulan, tapi lebih kecil banyak ;))

  22. Met ultah Lindri..baca tulisan ini inget lagi mulesnya melahirkan..he..he..

  23. Happy B'day Lindri...seru banget deh ultahnya....btw mm Juice...ooooh....

  24. happy bday to lindri :))
    ngiler kuenya :D

  25. selamet ya lindriiii, ternyata ngak beda jauh ama anak gw umurnya cuman beda 4 bulan :D

  26. Happy Birthday Lindri, tambah cantik, tambah pinter dan sehat2 terus ya...
    Kado menyusul, ini utang ama ibunya Lindri aja belum dibayar2, hadooooh...

  27. Hari kelahiran anak memang tidak terlupakan yah, hihihihihihi, mungkin krn anak2 kita masih kecil. :)

    Joyeux anniverssaire chère Lindri!

  28. aww trimakasih semuanyaaa.. >:D<

    ten, foto2 lain ada di MP-nya dhanulindri

  29. happy birthday dearest lindriii :-*

  30. gw terharu karena baca komen Venny hihihi...

    Happy Birthday Lindri...

    *tita, ekspresi muka elo di foto itu gimanaaaaaa banget :) -- kombinasi terharu, sumringah, happy, dan puas as a mom*
