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Multiply - Copyright Violation
or more of your content items was found to be in violation of
Multiply's terms of service regarding copyrights. We have deleted the
item(s). We suggest you do the same with any other itmes that may
contain copyrighted material. We reserve the right to cancel your
account if we discover another violation. Here is the list of items
which contained copyrighted material:
Thank you for understanding.
Multiply customer service
ada 11 playlists di sini, sekarang jadi 6. Diliat2, ternyata yg
dihilangkan itu yg kumpulan lagu2 Disney, akustik & live version
Duran Duran, lagu2 80s, sama entah apa lagi (lupa.. hehe).
sutra lah, emang udah lama nggak upload lagu2 juga.. dan memang sudah
agak sadar setelah ngobrol ama Motulz si aki serba tahu, waktu gue
masih di Amsterdam dulu :D
kynya mulai ganas ya cs-nya?
ReplyDeletebbrp temen gw juga diapus playlistnya.
hueee...si nina juga pernah digituin tuh...
ReplyDeletemotul si mak segalatahu, bukan aki heheh...
ReplyDeletekalo mau aman, katanya sih diset buat contact doank mbak.. :)
ReplyDeletedho: heh, iya juga ya ;)) emang sih belakangan ini sedang banyak entah siapa tau2 ikutan donlot dari playlists sini
ReplyDeleteThis incident of course got me searching in Google for more information or discussions concerning this subject. One I'm reading right now is at The Dilbert Blog: Is Copyright Violation Stealing? Numerous comments are the most interesting part of that entry :)
hahaha.. iya tuh, si inang-inang bawel..
ReplyDeleteGreat link Ta! Kalo gue analoginya gini:
ReplyDeleteLet’s say your neighbor sneaks into your house while you are gone and borrows your underpants. Unfortunately, these underpants are special, because it's a pair of thongs and only your wife can see them. While wearing your underpants outside his pants ala Superman, you caught this neighbour on the act and yelled at him. The neighbor initially claimed that the underpants were his and he could do all sorts of things with them. When you showed him proof, he took them off and returned them to you. "No harm done", he said "They remain clean, too". He tells himself that he will say good things to people about your business – whatever business that is – so this arrangement is good publicity for you. The next time he sees you, he tells you about the underpants because he figures you’ll thank him for saying nice things about his business. He informs you that it’s a win-win scenario.
You, however, are furious because
a. the neighbour took your underpants without your consent,
b. he used it differently from what you intended
c. the neighbour thought by wearing your thong outside his pants, he promoted your creativity and refused to apologize.
He..he..he..he...maklum, besok libur, gue bosen :p
Bener! Ternyata pandangan orang yang kontra copyright keras juga yah.
ReplyDeleteHehehe senasib saya juga pernah dikirim surat 'sayang' dari multiply :D
ReplyDeletehmmmm belom kena sih.. :D
ReplyDeletekalo metromini copyright gak ya?
ReplyDeleteeh say, gw dikasih tau temen gw. klo mao aplot lagu, dijadiin buat kontak aja. karna salah satu kontaknya dia, diapus smua playlist-nya ama MP.
ReplyDeletegue udah ngubah playlist gue buat contact aja, gara2 baca MPnya Maria http://pinkfluffydinosaurs.multiply.com/
ReplyDeletesetelah itu emang banyak yang minta di-add, kayaknya mau nyari lagu di gue, kalo gak jelas banget, gue reject aja, kejam2 deh :D
This is bad....why do they have a Music section in the first place? Defeats the purpose of downloading the songs and then getting a message like this.
ReplyDeleteAn outrage!
Gua baca ini jadi inget assignment Commercial Law 101. Serius! Hahahaha
ReplyDeletebagus, berarti ada yang merhatiin dan ngingetin nih.. :D
ReplyDeleteduileh..kaget juga baca nya
ReplyDeleteDuh br tau neh ttg ini
ReplyDeletewah beneran tuh????? jadi kaget juga ... walah...
ReplyDeletewah gw baru mo upload music, jd males sekarang, drpd nanti malah jd ikutan dikasih pringatan kayak gitu. thx ya ta sudah share info.
ReplyDeletewah, apa studi kasusnya juga daleman?! =))
ReplyDeletesama lid !
ReplyDeletebanyak yang tiba2 add gue dengan pesen : numpang minta lagu2nya..sementara MP mereka kosong aja gitu..judulnya mau cari untung tapi nggak mau share..
decline ! :p
standardnya apa sih Mply ini. Benernya kan kalo dikasih fasilitas buat music trus ngga diisi apa2 ya jadi aneh aja ngapain dibuat. Tapi kalo ngupload trus di download orang2 ya bukan salah kita dan dia juga asal nggak diperjual belikan (who knows..?). Ato kalo kolom Music masih ada, tapi ngga boleh di download orang lain (sebatas buat koleksi yg ngupload aja) ya itu fasilitas DOWNLOAD nya di LOCK aja...
ReplyDeleteStandard ganda banget sih... sementara kalo lagu2 yg ngga mereka kenal, mereka bolehin tetap eksis... kesian juga musisi lain selain dari kandang sana...
ini mungkin ada hubungannya sama fasilitas Search barunya, yang sekarang berafiliasi dengan google. kalo dulu sih gpp kayaknya, tapi karena skg sama institusi yang lebih besar jadinya MP kalah :D musti nurut
ReplyDeleteSebenernya udah lama nih saya bertanya2.. mau sampai mana fasilitas music ini, karena pasti ada yang complain mengenai hak ciptanya ;)) taunya skg terjawab juga