Friday, October 13, 2006

Revealing the contents of my Nomad

Thanks to Chica, I also get my turn to reveal the contents of my bag. I have no daily (hand)bag - everytime I go out I only bring my wallet (in my trousers' pocket) and an empty backpack (to be filled with, usually, groceries). So what I show you here is my Nomad backpack, which I bought in 1998 in Eindhoven and is still very much a reliable container for my stuff. Moreover, it has a 'rain hood' underneath, which I can unfold to cover the whole surface and save my books and papers.

As at the moment I have no access to a decent digicam, I poured out and drew all (honest!) my Nomad's contents. Here's the first compartment:

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- A bottle of water is essential; never leave home without it in this dry-aired country. That's a 50cl SPA blue bottle (the non-bubble variation, I just refill it with tap water everytime it's empty).
- A roll of rainpants. In this rainy weather, having no rainpants during cycling in the rain can lead to a great discomfort as your trousers will get soaked wet.
- A tupperware for my lunch yesterday, previously wrapped in a plastic bag. Food at school's canteen can be quite boring so I brought rice and beef in black pepper sauce from home.
- A note book, almost full.
- A guideline of Doctorate Graduation; I took care of the protocolaire stuff yesterday.
- An A5-sized Belgian comics magazine, PARCIFAL.
- A fold of DELTA, weekly newspaper published by TU Delft.
- A new comics magazine, MYX, which is a perfect read in a one-hour train ride.
- A milk-white transparant folder for my important papers.
- My A5-sized sketchbook diary, black hard cover.

The second compartment is unsurprisingly dirty of crumbs. After drawing the contents, I finally threw away the garbage.
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- Paper napkins and pieces of receipts (got thrown rightaway)
- A container of "Heinz barbeque sauce" and a sachet of "Heinz mayonnaise", a coupon for a free soft ice cream at Burger King (still valid until the end of this month) and an empty paper container of McDonald's fries (I keep it to use in my diary, later)
- Two unopened toys (from either McD or BK, which was forgotten by the kids who asked for them)
- A tube of Pritt glue
- Three permanent black markers
- A Nomad pencil case that originally came with the bag, so it has a velcro line at the back side, to be attached to the base of the compartment. Very handy.
- My wallet, bought in 1994 and is still very sturdy.

The third compartment, or the front pocket, is even worse than the second one.
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- Things that got thrown or put somewhere else rightaway: three sachets of sugar, one sachet of mustard, one small plastic spoon and an unopened pack of 'telescopic' chopsticks (they came with a sushi package from Albert Heijn supermarket).
- Two 'strippenkart' (still valid, for bus/tram/metro in the whole Netherlands), another voucher for soft ice cream at Burger King, and a discount voucher for Albert Heijn's wrap-to-go (expired: got thrown, too).
- Two gelpens and two gelpen refills.
- A pack of tissue
- A pack of Aquafresh pastilles
- Keys: my Delft bike keys, my Delft office keys and my Amsterdam (home & bicycle) keys.

So there. You'll have to wait (quite long) for the photos, but at least now you know how messy I am. Are we still friends? :)


  1. wowwww, alangkah kreatifnyaaaaa :D
    tapi ngomong2, apa ga berat ini tas? di bawa semua gitu tiap kali keluar?

  2. KEREN! Digambar bo! Hahahah kalo Nath guardian berjalan, Sintul toko snack berjalan, elo Cafe berjalan, huahahahhaha :)). Komplit neh kalo jalan2 sama kalian bertiga, dijamin aman :)).

  3. Waahhh .. banyak bener isinya Taa ??

  4. believe me. i'm as messy as you claim you are :D

  5. uanjiiiieeerrrr........... kereeennnn... kereennnnnnnn....
    telescopic chopstick? gak kebayang.... tahunya cuman garpu lipatnya cup noodle heuhehehe.....
    kurang sepedah sama lampu jalan aja yang belom masuk tas

  6. modjo: iya ini bawaan standar setiap kali ke delft. yg ganti2 cuma komik2nya aja, buat bacaan di kereta :D kalo setiap hari keluar deket2 sini aja sih biasanya ranselnya cuma diisi botol air, sketchbook-diary sama pulpen

    ven: terpaksa, daripada nunggu kelamaan =))

    ju: yah, tas andalan, nggaboleh ada yg kelupaan!

  7. aaaah aku udah rasa, kamu akhirnya akan pake gambarmu instead of foto :D
    terima kasih sepupu >:D<

  8. telescopic chopstick: a plastic tube, with an extendable wooden stick inside. jadi kalo bagian yg kayu ditarik, jadi deh sumpit ukuran 'normal' :D

    musti beli sepedah lipet dulu kali ya di.. baru muat masuk ransel (ganti ransel Nomad yg 55 liter)

  9. hahahaha "aku udah rasa".. cari cara paling cepat dulu hihihi.. trims jugaww >:D<

  10. bagi voucher soft ice cream-nya dong :D

  11. hmmm ntar deh gua pikir-pikir dulu....
    oke deh, kamu boleh tetep jadi temenku hua ha ha ha

    waah Tita keren euuy... gambarnya kelas, eh itu gantungan kuncinya roket Tintin pergi ke bulan ya??? wah gua suka tuh episode itu..

    telecospic? sumpitnya bisa dipanjang-pendekin gitu? wah wah wah.. asik juga :))

  12. wah keren ta... brapa lama gambarnya? isi tas lo lo keluarin & jejerin baru digambar?

  13. halouw tita,

    messy? ah i do not take it as a problem. sometimes my daily bag represents me, the messy side of me, hehehe :P

    we are still friends, dear

    amigos para siempre!

  14. halouw tita,

    messy? ah i do not tak it as a problem. sometimes my daily bag represents me, the messy side of me, hehehe :P

    we are still friends, dear

    amigos para siempre!

  15. yuk yuuk.. sekalian mesen curly fries lagi.. :D

  16. *terharu biru* ..terima kasih herbud, masih menjaga pertemanan kita.. *ihik ihik* :))

    iya itu gantungan kunci roket tintin, gue punya udah sejak 5 tahunan kali..
    mau sumpitnya? lutu kok. ntar deh gue simpenin buat elu ama adi

  17. huaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. keren ta digambar gitu.... ditunggu versi potreknya ya... :D

    gantungan kunci roket tintin masih juwal gak ta ?

  18. trims jenz :D

    nggambarnya barusan ini, setengah jam-an lah. isinya nggak gue jejer, sebab pasti bakal langsung dipurak sama anak2 (lagi pada libur nih *sigh*). tadi nggambarnya cuma sambil ngintip2 ke dalem tasnya aja.

  19. I would see mine as: an organized mess :)

  20. keren niiiih.....
    tapi jangan2 ini backpack Nomad ajaib-nya Dora Emon... koq bisa segitu banyak muat? kalo ditimbang sembari gendong ini bisa2 nambah 17 kilo.. hehe.
    seudah liat punya Tita dan punyanya Venny... ternyata tasku sangat2 kosong..:D

  21. wanda mad, musti cek lagi ke tokonya (belinya di toko tintin di den bosch, dulu harganya sih 1,50 Euro)

  22. makasih mer :) masa sih tasmu kosong, ayo dong jeberin juga *wink wink*
    (kalo ketemu doraemon beneran, yg aku minta bukan kantong ajaibnya tapi "pintu ke mana saja"!)

  23. loh jadi temen, kan bisa lewat dunia maya.
    aku emang belon ketemu tita secara langsung tp dunia maya mendekatkan teman-teman yang jauh, tul, gak, tita?
    *harap-harap cemas*

  24. itu tas kayaknya kecil, tapi isinya.... banyaaaaaaaakkkk :D

  25. tas si mer nggak kosong, tapi ringan... karena semua barang didalamnya dilengkapi dengan baling-baling bambuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.....

  26. gua mah ga usa gantungan kunci nya deh, pasta princess ajah *kukejar sampe di MP juga kyekyekyekye*

  27. tapi kita ga ada trombopop Pen...*uhuk uhuk*

  28. He he he, kayak tas gua juga, isinya malah ada botol aqua kosong terus coklat setengah kemakan dan remah2nya. Saos2 dan garam fast food, kuitansi2 lama dan masih banyak lainnya. Feels good that I'm not the only one. :))

  29. maksud loooooooh ?????? *setrum nat pake raket nyamuk*

  30. hahahaha!
    mirip sama isi tasku, jadi pengen ikutan.

  31. *lari kebirit2 sambil matiin saklar listrik rumah Cika biar ga bisa charge raketnya*

  32. hahaha! dimakan enggak, dibuang sayang.. akhirnya kebawa2 terus.. :P
    (abis bikin jurnal ini, lumayan deh tas jadi agak bersih..)

  33. makanya nih sebenernya perlu dipotret biar perbandingannya ketauan. lebarnya kira2 A4 (folder putih-susu itu muat pas sudut2nya), tebelnya kira2 sejengkal (dari front pocket sampai punggung). pas di punggung! :D

  34. taaa. keren sekali.. pake di gambar..
    dan ga nyangka.. tas loe isinya.... .... ... *gubrak*
    ga papa, gue bangga banget punya temen yang isi tasnya kaya' loe.. hehehe

  35. waah makasiiiy :)
    coba bagian mana yg bikin *gubrak*, nanti gue tambah ke dalem tas.. (lhoh =)))

  36. gilaa tita ... kerennnnnn......
    Tas loe isinya bener2 berbobot berat dan isi ... hihihi ...
    pas foto2 tas, gua baru sadar, gua butuh tas yang banyak kantong, bukan yang tas minimal macam tas gua sekarang ... hehehe

  37. naaaah, ini tita bgt deh, coret2annya lebih mewakili dibanding foto2 dengan lensa secanggih apapun.
    isinya banyak bgt, kalo gue yg bawa, doyong ke belakang kali ya ta, hahahaha

  38. huhuhu :">

    bener el, gue juga pasti perlu yg berkantong2 buat barang2 yg nggak boleh sampe keselip lama2 dan harus bisa cepat diraih (kunci sepeda, pulpen, karcis tram...)

  39. hihi lita aah :">

    isi harus kumplit, sebab kalo ada yg ketinggalan baliknya refots :P

  40. ketoke gantungan kuncine dari dulu rocket yaaaaaa...........
