Thursday, February 15, 2007

24HCD Highlights 2006

Nat Gertler, founder of 24 Hour Comics Day and editor of the 24HCD Highlights 2006, announced to us contributors that he has sent the book off to the printer, but only 700 copies will be made. So, to make sure that you have a copy for yourself, please place an order in better bookshops in your area (Kinokuniya Jakarta, perhaps?). Here are the book's details:

24 Hour Comics Day Highlights 2006

ISBN: 0-9790750-0-9, ISBN-13: 978-0-9790750-0-1

256 page, digest-sized black and white book, $11.99

(please click the tag 24hcd for related entries)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


So, it's been about 3 weeks since I posted my last entry here. I am not able to post drawings for now since I am without any means to do that (most of our stuff are still being shipped and are expected to arrive in 2 weeks). Anyway, here's some brief lines of how we're doing.

1. We arrived on Friday morning, Jan 26th. On the Saturday we went to visit my grandma, and the next day my parents held a big lunch for all our families and friends to meet. We departed to Bandung on Monday, Jan 29th and has been staying in this city ever since.

2. I'm not done taking care of our citizenship, employmentship and all those important stuff. There's a long story concerning this matter, which is tiring and annoying. I've been ping-ponged from one department to another it's not so funny anymore.

3. Most important: Dhanu and Lindri already go to school and they like it! Here are some photos of the school and our house:

So, see you around!

ps. Here's a klipping about 24 Hour Comics Day from Newsrama: Looking Back at 24 Hour Comics Day. The Highlights 2006 is shipped out! Hope I can order it someplace in Indonesia.. hmm.. Kinokuniya Jakarta, perhaps?